Cheat days??!!

Hey everyone! Just wondering if anyone has a 'cheat day' at all? Or if you used to? Im wondering if this will effect weight loss much..


  • punkisdead83
    punkisdead83 Posts: 69 Member
    I cheat once a week. Doesn't really effect me except for water retention, but that passes a day or two later. You need it for sanity sake haha.
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    I don't do cheat days. I will do a cheat meal from time to time or allow myself a treat. Mostly I try to plan the rest of the day around it and try not to go more than a couple hundred calories over my daily goal (often minimized by exercise), but I don't worry about it if I go over once every couple weeks or so.
  • sklarbodds
    sklarbodds Posts: 608 Member
    Hey everyone! Just wondering if anyone has a 'cheat day' at all? Or if you used to? Im wondering if this will effect weight loss much..

    I don't, but I do.

    I don't plan on one because I'll abuse it. I do occasionally cheat based on something significant going on (kids birthday, friend promotion, happy hour, etc).
  • pestopoli
    pestopoli Posts: 111 Member
    Hi! Here is a great resource on the use of cheat meals:

    Note on that: cheat meals are really best used as a pressure valve when you're on a strict nutrition diet. If you're just counting calories, and loosely keeping an eye on fat/protein/carbs, you shouldn't really need a specific cheat meal during the week. If you want to eat something and can fit it into your calorie budget, go for it!

    That said, I am some where between "Strict Nutrition" and simple calorie budgeting, and I use e a cheat meal to help myself regulate some binge eating habits. I have one meal a week where I eat food from a restaurant (or, food that I didn't cook myself), and I allow myself to have a sugary soda or a beer at that time. This helps direct my focus throughout the week.
  • pestopoli
    pestopoli Posts: 111 Member
    I don't plan on one because I'll abuse it. I do occasionally cheat based on something significant going on (kids birthday, friend promotion, happy hour, etc).

    Question here! What do you mean by abuse it?
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    I have one or two maintenance days a week. Helps keep me on track and then I know I'm still losing.
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I'm having a cheat day on Monday. I seem to schedule one every month and a half-ish, more to get out and do something different than because I feel like I need it.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I dont really do like a cheat day but I will let myself have cheat meals (like going out to dinner for example). If I never did this i'd probably have jumped off a bridge a long time ago.
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    Hi! Here is a great resource on the use of cheat meals:

    Note on that: cheat meals are really best used as a pressure valve when you're on a strict nutrition diet. If you're just counting calories, and loosely keeping an eye on fat/protein/carbs, you shouldn't really need a specific cheat meal during the week. If you want to eat something and can fit it into your calorie budget, go for it!

    That said, I am some where between "Strict Nutrition" and simple calorie budgeting, and I use e a cheat meal to help myself regulate some binge eating habits. I have one meal a week where I eat food from a restaurant (or, food that I didn't cook myself), and I allow myself to have a sugary soda or a beer at that time. This helps direct my focus throughout the week.


    Some people are firm believers that you can eat anything as long as it fits your macros, others focus solely on calories. I personally think it depends on what your goals are, if you looking to cut and shed fat for a bodybuilding competition, than your calorie intake AND macros are important, same if you're trying to build muscle. If you're simply trying to lose weight, that's when you can play with the numbers a little more. Really, it's all in what works for you.
  • JasmineRose14
    JasmineRose14 Posts: 34 Member
    I cheat once a week. Doesn't really effect me except for water retention, but that passes a day or two later. You need it for sanity sake haha.

    My thoughts exactly!
  • BOOMaggedon
    BOOMaggedon Posts: 244 Member
    I have and actually today is one of those days.

    My take - everytime I "dieted" in the past I would have a bad day and it would turn into a bad week and then I just figured I failed. Now my "bad days" are so few and far between it is an event. And I use these rules:

    - No guilt
    - No eating til exploding or being miserable
    - No eating crap...if you're going to cheat - go upscale
    - No doing it two days in a row
    - Move on after doing it

    I also force myself to write a note down the next day logging to myself how I feel physically and mentally. And I do re-read these notes from time to time.

    This is a life style lived in real life. And real life sometimes involves bad days and bad choices. Own it and move on.

  • gp72dpr
    gp72dpr Posts: 16 Member
    I do...sometimes I will have a snack after I have logged my meals. As long as you don't go crazy and eat a bunch of junk, you should be ok.
  • k____
    k____ Posts: 4
    I don't do cheat days. I will do a cheat meal from time to time or allow myself a treat. Mostly I try to plan the rest of the day around it and try not to go more than a couple hundred calories over my daily goal (often minimized by exercise), but I don't worry about it if I go over once every couple weeks or so.

    THIS. I imagine that if I told myself that I "can't" have something that I would tear it up Cookie Monster style once I gave myself the opportunity to indulge haha
  • pestopoli
    pestopoli Posts: 111 Member
    I have and actually today is one of those days.

    My take - everytime I "dieted" in the past I would have a bad day and it would turn into a bad week and then I just figured I failed. Now my "bad days" are so few and far between it is an event. And I use these rules:

    - No guilt
    - No eating til exploding or being miserable
    - No eating crap...if you're going to cheat - go upscale
    - No doing it two days in a row
    - Move on after doing it

    I also force myself to write a note down the next day logging to myself how I feel physically and mentally. And I do re-read these notes from time to time.

    This is a life style lived in real life. And real life sometimes involves bad days and bad choices. Own it and move on.


    This x 1000. No guilt is crucial. Cheating has a healthy function, don't let is be a tool working against you.
  • BarbellApprentice
    BarbellApprentice Posts: 486 Member
    As long as your calories balance out for the week, what you want. Long term diet restriction MIGHT, technically, be more healthy but who wants to live like that?
  • Ashshell
    Ashshell Posts: 185
    I don't have cheat days, but I am okay with a cheat meal. I never plan it, but if I am really in the mood for something and feel like splurging, I do it. It typically happens once a week and it doesn't have an affect on my weight-loss if I don't go overboard. If I am extreme (like last Friday when I ate a Chick-fil-a combo all and drank a bottle and a half of wine), will take a few days for my weight to go back down due to water retention. But...even though I did that on Friday, I was still down 2.6lbs today.
  • ObjectInMotion
    I can't have a cheat day or it will turn into a cheat week, month or year. Once I've reached my goal though I intend to plan my "cheat meal" in advance so it isn't an impulsive, spur of the moment decision.
  • denisetatum
    I don't have cheat days, this time around I am not restricting myself from anything. But everything in moderation. I fit it into my calories for the day. But hey if I am over a little every once in a while so what. Don't beat yourself up for it. I am still losing the weight. Just making healthier choices, more veggies and fruits.
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    I don't, I plan my 'treats' into my daily allowance.
  • sjoaquin
    sjoaquin Posts: 63
    I just started my diet 2 weeks ago, i decided sat will be the day i would cheat and that turned into sunday i was felt so bad because i really wanted to try so this week i started back at it and i dont think ill be doing that again. Not until i learn self control
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