The worst meal I ever had was...



  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    One Thanksgiving, I got home late from work. My family had already had dinner and there wasnt anything left over.

    All we had in the fridge was mayonnaise and some bread. I was so hungry after having worked all day, I wound up making a bread sandwich.

    mmm, another thing I love ~ toast with mayonaise ;) I used to eat waaayy too much of that! My husband calls it a "wish sandwich" ~ wish I had some meat LOL
  • snerd2123
    snerd2123 Posts: 10
    blended brisket...a new deli in town had this spread that had brisket in it-I wouldnt even feed it to a dog--any meat in a
    hamburger with raw onions....turns out after several years and many medical tests later... ..allergic to onions
    and the worst ever a bing cherry sundae back in 1979 that came up for days, I can no longer eat cherry anything, not even cough drops or nyquil.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    My dad used to make something he called "*kitten* on a Shingle."

    Toast smothered in ground beef fried in a pan with flour and you don't drain the fat.


    Real SOS is actually pretty good.... but it's made with chipped beef, which is a salted beef. My mom made it a lot because Dad liked it from when he was in the service. It was a good, cheap dinner.

    YES! This is the way we used to have it, and it was good.
    But a bad cook can ruin anything I guess.
  • Absterdam
    Absterdam Posts: 50
    I had horse in Japan. It actually tasted amazing. But finding out what it was afterwards made me feel queasy.
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    gonnamakeanewaccount Posts: 642 Member
    The worst meal I ever had was my mother-in-law's version of baked ziti. Under-cooked pasta, frozen turkey meatballs, green olives, and cheese. Just, bleh. :sick:
  • lcoelho84
    lcoelho84 Posts: 16 Member
    havent had those but i realy like ketchup chips! and pickle chips :)