What made you say ENOUGH! ?

What happened that you said this is just enough? Im tired of being fat, my life needs to change NOW! ?

For me hitting 200 lbs made me fall into a depression and just felt sorry for myself.

Then came the day I stood on the scale and it said 220lbs. WHAT!? Thats only 80 pounds away from 300 pounds!

I thought to myself if I started trying to lose weight at 200 lbs instead of 220 lbs, I could have lost 20 lbs by now.

I know itll take a while and lots of hard work but praying that if I keep going, by this time next year I could be wearing jeans and a GIRLS top ( I wear my husbands) and feel comfortable without wearing a hoody!


  • LetsGetFitMama
    For me, it was not being able to wear my nice clothes anymore and most importantly ... it really hit me hard when my son asked me to play with him and go down the slide and I was just too big, I mean I went down it but kept getting caught **embarrassed**

    I am like you, I wear my b/f's shirts and I am sure he would love for me to stop wearing his things and wear more womanly clothes, as would I!.

    I know you can do it! It takes time and effort and it isn't something to be rushed but I know we both have the power to get to where we want to be!
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    I was at my largest at 183 and was pushing to the next size in my pants, was depressed and tired all the time.....my self esteem was in the toilet......I decided I was going to get back into some of my old clothing and wasn't going up another size...so I started doing P90X with my daughter. I saw results and was hooked....I am now down into some of my old pants, look forward to getting in some exercise and improving my health.
  • oX_Vanessa_Xo
    For me, it was not being able to wear my nice clothes anymore and most importantly ... it really hit me hard when my son asked me to play with him and go down the slide and I was just too big, I mean I went down it but kept getting caught **embarrassed**

    I am like you, I wear my b/f's shirts and I am sure he would love for me to stop wearing his things and wear more womanly clothes, as would I!.

    I know you can do it! It takes time and effort and it isn't something to be rushed but I know we both have the power to get to where we want to be!

    Ya he hates when I wear his shirts lol. I lounge all day in jammy pants 2 times too big. Now that its been a month working out and eating right... im currently wearing a pair of jeans, one of MY shirts.....with a hoody. So because I'm already feeling more confident with in a month, I have high hopes for 6 months from now!
  • RileyBond
    RileyBond Posts: 1 Member
    For me it happened the other day when I couldn't fit into any of my clothes and ended up wearing my husband's shirts. It's spring and I don't want to be wearing men's t-shirts all summer!
  • ktdeangelis
    ktdeangelis Posts: 19 Member
    This is SUPER embarassing, but I remember my "Oh god," moment was when I was traveling, and was *barely* able to squeeze into my seat on the airplane. The entire ride, the arm rests were either digging into my thighs, or, they wouldn't stay down because there was not room (ie, my thighs were huge).

    So after that, I said, this is enough. I lost about 50 pounds on WW, and now, I'm hoping to lose about 60 more using MFP.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I was at my largest at 183 and was pushing to the next size in my pants, was depressed and tired all the time.....my self esteem was in the toilet......I decided I was going to get back into some of my old clothing and wasn't going up another size...so I started doing P90X with my daughter. I saw results and was hooked....I am now down into some of my old pants, look forward to getting in some exercise and improving my health.

    Same here. I was at 185 and my clothes were getting too tight. I decided I need to change now, rather than later.
  • pagermain
    pagermain Posts: 33 Member
    I had just gone through a terrible 2-year divorce fight after a 20+ year marriage and was sad and depressed. I didn't want to feel that anymore.
    I was at the highest weight I have ever been in my life -191 lbs (considered obese for my height) - and had a closetful of clothes that didn't fit anymore. I had to wear the same 3 outfits everyday to work since they were the only things that fit me.
    My stomach was so big that I couldn't see my toes when I looked down.
    I had high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
    My dad had died of a massive coronary at an age that I was very close to. I knew I was unhealthy and on the same path as him, and I realized I wanted to live a long healthy life.
    I wanted to be sure that I would be around for my daughter as she grows into a lovely young woman.
    I wanted to be strong enough to do all the chores and house maintenance that needs to be done without having to hire someone else to do them for me.
    I had a lot of reasons telling me that I needed to lose weight.... and luckily, I finally listened to them!!!!!!
    And I'm now well on my way on my path to health!! And I'm happy!!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • kahyee
    kahyee Posts: 63
    Seeing the tags on a dress I bought three years ago that every summer since I have said I would get into. Add that to not being able to fit into anything in my closet without looking like a stuffed pig was enough for me. I refuse to buy any more clothes as my closet is probably worth a few thousand dollars. Just can't throw my entire wardrobe and money down the drain.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    I started to worry that my roommates were going to start rolling me in front of the door to keep the draft out.
  • TehNoms
    TehNoms Posts: 86 Member
    Having to go get a bridesmaid dress for my only brothers wedding and being so embarrassed that I was squeezing into a size 24 dress. I remember crying when I saw the pictures because I swore I looked like a big red blimp, and the pictures had already been posted and passed around. A month later I had to go see a doctor for some severe stomach pains, and when I stepped on the scale it read 315. On top of that, my weight was causing me some nasty problems with my stomach. I broke, and in January I started MFP.
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    Mine was when I went wedding dress shopping and I hated everything - then I realized, I don't dislike the dresses I dislike my body
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    Mine was when i was 198 lbs and in ALOT of pain. Test after test came up negative. I even had scans for different types of cancer....all clear. I had a surgury on my side ( kidney) when i was 13 and have a large scar so my doctor said i think its due to your weight and the scar tissue. I bet if you lost weight it would go away. I didnt want to exercise and stop eating all the crap...i enjoyed it. I gave it a shot thu and i am now 74 lbs down in 11 months and once i started losing weight and not eating so much of the garbage ( bags of chips, cupcakes daily etc) the pain has gone away. Every now and then it twinges but i will NEVER go back to that size again. I was miserable in my own body.
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    I saw a photo of myself and thought, "Holy *kitten*."

    Joined MFP within that week.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    my mother asked me if i would consider some kind of bariatric surgery, and i thought... oh hell no, I'll do this *kitten* myself!!!!
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I hit and surpassed 200 pounds. Oh. Hell. No.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    Like you, I thought hitting 200 was bad enough. However I somehow totally ignored myself for another year and ballooned up to my heaviest at 242!!!!!

    It was soo very scary. Besides the way I looked, I was starting to experience increased depression/anxiety, numbness to my hands and fingers, always sick (chest congestion), achy joints, pain with just walking, insomnia. I can go on, but it was the final straw!

    I'm now down 43 lbs and counting. It was worth every sweat, worth every time turning away cakes & cookies, worth getting up early just to workout. I love my new life and would never want to be where I was.


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • curvymomo3
    curvymomo3 Posts: 253 Member
    seeing the lbs creep back on after losing as well as my pants becoming tighter! I have lots of circumstances in my life that are crippling to me emotionally, and eating and being in denial about it is not doing me any favors! tomorrow I start fresh!
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    When I was 252 lbs I knew I needed to change, but I tried(and failed) at everything. But it was a Christmas Photo taken in 2011 that changed it all for me. Something just...clicked. I just started exercising, watching my portions,etc. I couldn't believe how easily it was coming to me. I didn't have to starve myself or deprive myself. Small adjustments and substitutions made me successful. That Christmas photo changed my life, and I still have it pinned up on my Visual Board to show me how far I have come!
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    mine was hurting so much after a day at work that I could hardly move. I was too young to retire and quit nursing so something had to change. I hate what I had become and set out to change things. Year and a half later I'm in a total different space. Liking myself, loving my job again.
  • laele75
    laele75 Posts: 283 Member
    At 316 pounds, I went into my doctor because my knees were killing me all the time. Even on medication, my blood pressure was too high. The stress of my life was piling up with no end in sight.

    My doctor told me I needed to lose weight. She told me to walk an hour every day. I looked at her like she was insane, since I have to walk around normally with a cane.

    I went home and started brainstorming how to do this in a sane way. Called my mother and got her old stationary bike from her. Started looking for free calorie counting sites. I decided if I was going to do this, I was doing it right.

    Eight weeks later, I've dropped over 20 lbs, eat healthier and feel better than I have in years.