

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome newbies!! This is the place to be.

    Mimi, Sorry your son chose to handle his wedding the way he did, but at least they are planning to include the family in the later festivities. Remembering everything I went through with both of my weddings, I can certainly understand why their solution was appealing to them, but I also can understand how you feel.

    Barbie, Take it easy on that knee. Maybe I should reserve us a table at Starbucks for our visit this Friday, and plan to tie you to the chair:noway: so you will give your knee a chance to heal up!!!:bigsmile:

    Hi Everyone,
    Went to the grocery tonight and as I was leaving, I heard barking coming from a VW Bug parked nearby. I looked over and saw one head, and then another pop up above the lower edge of the window. I walked closer, and more heads popped up & more barking. I started counting--six, that's right, I counted twice-SIX little doggies in the car. They all looked like little miniature sheepdogs--that kind of woolly coat in different colors, some tan, some black. They were VERY noisy. No chance that car would get messed with!!:laugh: :laugh: I figured, there was barely room for the driver.:noway:

    As I pulled out of my spot and went around to the end of the row I was parked in, I realized someone was loading groceries into that car, so I looped around to say hello. The female driver AND her husband were in the car, surrounded by fur balls. Two of the dogs were the parents of the other four. She said she couldn't bear to part with :heart: any :heart: of them, so they kept ALL of them.:noway: She quickly agreed with my assessment that they must have a very interesting household!!:laugh: :laugh: We both laughed at the prospect of her six getting together with my little piggies.

    I came home and found myself under close "sniff-spection." (That's inspection "by nose.":bigsmile: ) Have a good Monday, all.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I think I'm just about caught up with all the postings after being away in York for the weekend. I'm sorry I can't reply to you all, but please know that I care and that I am thinking of each of you.

    Well, I had a lovely weekend, celebrating the 80th birthday of DH's aunt. The whole of that side of the family are all so talented and artistic! It was good to see some of Sally's new work (mainly bronzes) and we also visited her late husband's grave. She had made a gorgeous sculpture of a lamb which sits on top of a stone base as his headstone. As Mick (her husband) was also an artist, it is a very fitting tribute to him.

    Despite not getting any structured exercise in, I did ok - especially on the eating front. I was pleased when I stepped on the scales this morning to see another two pounds gone! I am desperate to lose the next two pounds as that will take me out of an obese bmi and into merely overweight! It would be grand to achieve this before the end of July, but we'll just have to wait and see.

    My cousin's wedding is at the end of August and the dress I was going to wear is not going to do at all. It's too big!! DD#2 has also lost weight recently and DD#1 has gained (she's the one who is expecting twins, so it's to be hoped that she IS gaining weight!) We have agreed that we will go shopping together a few days before the wedding and buy something that actually fits. Girly shopping day out - yay! I don't get to do that very often these days - at least, not with both my gorgeous girls.

    I've got to go and pick my dad up now, then I'm off to visit mum-in-law (who, incidentally is one of the best mils ever, in spite of her deteriorating health and mental state these days).

    Have a fulfilling and healthy day everyone.

    Amanda x
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Morning all ...

    :laugh: I'm posting this while I "earwig" as the social worker and CPN talk to mum ...assessing her mental capacity and likelihood of her falling from her chair if she has no seat belt!!....who said we can't multi task!!!

    :noway: The scales need their head testing this morning!! How on earth can I have gained 2.5lbs last night!!!
    Maybe I need more "User friendly" scales !!! I've not upped the weight log in ...yet!
    So ....fruit for breakfast, an evening meal and no picking at "stuff" today ...may well get me back on track.Zumba tonight too, so I'm ever hopeful.

    The SW and CPN have left now ...:smile: mum is not EMI so it'll be easier to find a place for her. As for the lap belt they can see why we need it as mum was quite adament that she could walk still, had no idea she had broken her hip etc. That is still under question but as we said the home doesn't have to use it.

    :frown: I'm off in a minute to have physio on my shoulder ....boy was my hand and forearm aching last night. I can't think of doing anything yesterday to make it worse ...normal care and hoisting etc, tucking mum in bed maybe?

    :flowerforyou: So ....I hope you all have a good start to the week .....take care everyone
    :heart: Jackie
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    OK, I've got a computer for a bit here. The weights the same, which I'm very grateful for, as the food is really flying around here. Had a minor case of hurt feelings last night though. Our friend cooked his famous breaded pork and made some without breading especially for me and got kind of pouty when I declined dinner. I just couldn't eat as I was absolutely stuffed from a salad his wife and I and a couple other friends had for a late lunch when out shopping. When it came time for the birthday cake he said he was just too full to eat. So I smiled and said I understood and he could have some later when he wanted it. :bigsmile: I got a couple digs earlier that had a sharper point but he got over it.

    I read a little of what I've missed this past week. I'm so sorry to read about the family upsets here, especially SusieQ and Linda. But it was great to hear that your son called SusieQ!! My DH has a brother that hasn't talked to him in 20 years. His family really knows how to hold a grudge. Thank goodness very little of that spitefulness rubbed off on DH. Families can be such a blessing and also our greatest burdens sometimes.

    Well everyone is getting up and it's my turn to do breakfast, so hope you all have a great day!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Welcome Nancy and dgroulx!:flowerforyou: This is a wonderful group of women!:heart:

    I've had a busy weekend and have finally caught up on the posts but can't possibly reply to all!:ohwell:

    I have laughed and cried with you all, though, and are wishing all of us a good week.

    I was SO good on Saturday--lots of water, exercise and veggies. Then I totally blew it on Sunday! I think it was because I didn't sleep well the night before. My own theory is that sleep affects our weight by making us less likely to make good choices when we are tired!:yawn: At least that's how it works for me.

    My son is talking about getting the Kinect that is coming out in November for the xbox. It does look pretty cool and has some really interesting fitness games. There's a camera that scans you and so YOU are your avatar and it lets you know if you are doing a move wrong or right by turning the parts of your avatar's body red or green. I may learn tai chi after all! We've watched the demo on the xbox live and It looks like something I would use a lot.

    Well, another gray day here in this part of Western Washington. (We've not been getting sun until later in the afternoon--around 3 or 4.) I really need to get moving so I'll wish you all a wonderful day.
  • nancyggg
    nancyggg Posts: 96 Member
    Good Morning,

    I overslept so am missing my workout this morning but will do it when I get home tonight. I did good on my food yesterday. this tracking program helps doens;t it?

    Have a good day everyone and dont forget to drink all your water.

  • caminogirl
    caminogirl Posts: 56 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm back from holidays, company and just a general feeling of lethargy! Our trip around the States was great, 8 states in 12 days and a visit to the in-laws at the end. Then we had some company which was nice, then a week of feeling yucky...I haven't tracked my eating for a long time now, haven't logged on at all to see what you've all been up to :embarassed: I haven't even weighed myself except for the day after I got back (depressing :frown: ). I guess I've had the post-trip blues but I woke up this morning realizing that I was much happier when I did sit-up and pay attention - to my food, to my MFP friends :flowerforyou: and to the world around me - so here I am, I'll give it a go and get back on track. :smile:

    I haven't caught up on all the posts but I will.
    Cheers for now,
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member

    I really haven't died, just fallen off the wagon.

    Gained a few pounds but nothing too back.

    Saving my place for later.

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member

    I really haven't died, just fallen off the wagon.

    Gained a few pounds but nothing too back.

    Saving my place for later.

  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    I really have a hard time keeping my calories in line over the weekends. We usually eat out more. I admit it...I'm lazier on Saturdays and Sundays!
  • RedHairedChiliPepper
    I have been catching up on the posts. I rarely get to a computer on the weekends.
    Those of you chatting about the in-laws~my MIL didn't want her son to marry me because she thought I was going to take him away from her. She had not had a good experience with his first wife. My philosophy when I married him was that his sons and parents were part of the deal. She and pop (fil) moved in with us in 1993. Not saying we didn't have difficult times and hurtful times, but before she unexpectedly died this past January, she was bragging about what a good dil I had been to her. Some times I had to bite my tongue at times thru the years~she obviously loved us. I pray that the inlaw situation for many of you eases both up a generation or down a generation. Blending personalities can be so hard sometimes and sometimes impossible. You have to stay true to yourself and sometimes ~ others just have to deal with it.
    Bless you all.
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Good Monday morning:smile:

    Welcome to newcomers! You'll find this site a positive experience:bigsmile:

    Michele....I don't believe I could ever get tired of chocolate. Once upon a time, I would buy a box of chocolates and eat the whole box in one evening.It was sooo good:devil:

    Suzyq.....How great that your son called you. What a difference someone can make in our life just by picking up a phone and getting in touch:happy:

    Jeannie....."Encouraging" is exhausting....like being a "chore"cheerleader:bigsmile:

    Hey Kackie....Your new picture is such a happy one:flowerforyou: How exciting that you get to visit in Chicago on your way to MT.

    Robin....Bodi sounds so funny...Not that your DH getting hurt is funny, but I can imagine Bodi galloping around all happy and carefree and knocking poor DH for a loop.:sad:

    Barbie...Try to be careful with that knee.:flowerforyou:

    Mimi, my friend....I had to read the paragraphs about your son's Tahoe wedding a few times to make sure I got it right. No wonder you are discombobulated. Would have been nice to at least get a heads up beforehand, then it wouldn't have been such a shock. I'm sorry it happend that way:flowerforyou: Let's hope the second, family inclusive, ceremony happens before the idea gets shelved and doesn't happen. Here's a big hug, Mimi:heart:

    Jackie....geez, I found an extra pound on my scale this morning too:noway: Actually, I got on the scale because I've been really good, and thought I;d have lost a tad. Oh well:grumble: So glad SW and CPN saw the need for the lap band. You take care of yourself, too:flowerforyou:

    Kathy(pmjs)....I find when I don't get enough sleep I have no energy for exercise and crave food......anything to eat but preferably sweet stuff. And I'm grumpy:angry:

    Cathy(Caminogirl....Welcome home:smile:

    I know I've probably missed people, but I'm thinking about all of you and hope everyone has a safe, healthy, happy day:flowerforyou:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy Monday to all and welcome to all the newcomers.

    Just got an offer to go for a walk with a co-worker, so this will be my shortest post ever.


  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Good evening .....Me again. I'm posting to prevent me nibbling!

    :frown: I got to physio this afternoon ...he said my arm and shoulder would be sore ...boy was he right!! In general he's pleased with the progress and I'll go again in 2 weeks ....I've promised to do all of the exercises (I'll try at least)

    :ohwell: Zumba ...was exhausting tonight .It's very humid and I seemed to have no energy at all. I think I'll wait to eat after the session next week ...I ended up being wracked with a pain in my side towards the end and sitting out ....IBS flares up every now and then ...stress or excitement ...who knows!

    :ohwell: I wish we could get a good thunder storm to clear the air a bit ...and to clear the splitting head!!

    :sad: Wow! ...what a moaner I am tonight!
    It's 9 pm, the carer's been and gone. Mum's tucked up with her teddies and I'm off to bed!! ....I changed all the beds today ...inbetween all the other things! ...and I just love that fresh sheet smell and feeling! It's calling to me now ...better than just stewing in front of the telly ...what do you think!

    :yawn: So ...sweet dreams tonight for all of you
    :heart: Jackie
  • robstella
    robstella Posts: 6
    I have been trying to get in a zumba class also. Hope to start the new class in September the class was too full when i wanted to join. I want to loose my weight so bad.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Evening everyone:

    I looked back to my post this morning and saw that my entry posted twice :devil: Now that is being away for too long when you can't even post correctly.

    I had told you that my daughter was going to the Mercy Ships. She just got back yesterday after serving for 3 weeks. They did lots of cataracts, hernia repair, thyroid and removed a 40 lb fibroid tumor for one patient. She brought home some pretty impressive pictures. There was one of a kid who had 8 or 9 toes. I asked her why that was something life threatening to be fixed? She said when people over there have a deformity they think the person is demon possessed and will not have anything to do with them.

    Also some of the cataract surgeries were on children. I didn't know that babies could be born with cataracts but evidently it is something common, it just gets fixed right away here.

    She said there are flies everywhere and everybody just urinates in the streets.

    She was glad to be home and take a good shower and sleep in a wonderful bed last night.

    Now that she is back and my son's girlfriend goes home at the end of this week I am hoping things will settle down and I can get back into my regular routine.

    Tomorrow my son's girlfriend & family are coming for lunch. The parents go back to Puerto Rico Wednesday and the girlfriend goes home on Friday. My son won't be happy about that.

    Well, off to my regular job of taking care of Granny.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I would have posted sooner but I had to laugh all day at the vision of Barb belting me into my chair at Starbucks on Friday.

    :flowerforyou: this is day 2 of sitting still and I've done well.....I took the dogs out a few times and went to the grocery store but otherwise stayed put.......my knee is feeling better as a result of my good behavior

    :flowerforyou: tomorrow we're going to visit our friends who have more than a dozen poodles----something like the VW filled with little furry dogs that Barb encountered at the grocery store----we're bringing popcorn and our air popper----we know how much our dogs like popcorn so this should be a real party.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, when I was a teenager my father was always telling me that when I decided to get married he'd give me $75.00 to elope but I think he would have been devastated if I'd taken him up on it just like you were when your son decided to get married at Tahoe telling you and without you being there....I'm sorry that it happened
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Jackie....geez, I found an extra pound on my scale this morning too Actually, I got on the scale because I've been really good, and thought I;d have lost a tad. Oh well So glad SW and CPN saw the need for the lap band. You take care of yourself, too

    Me too!! :sad: But to be expected after the killer week of eating out somewhere every day of the week!! Vowing to do much better this week. At least I'm not starting off the week on an emotional downer, so if nothing else changed it would still be better than last week! I have only two restaurant/away from home meals on the radar this week, as well, so things will be much better on that front also. I vow to exercise a minimum of 5 days this week on the treadmill and to really log and count all my meals and snacks this week. No cheating because I just don't feel like doing the work!

    Mimi, sorry about the elopement for DS and DIL. It's nice they intend to have a family "wedding" as well.

    Welcome new posters! Hope everyone has a great evening!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I would have posted sooner but I had to laugh all day at the vision of Barb belting me into my chair at Starbucks on Friday.

    :flowerforyou: this is day 2 of sitting still and I've done well.....I took the dogs out a few times and went to the grocery store but otherwise stayed put.......my knee is feeling better as a result of my good behavior

    :flowerforyou: tomorrow we're going to visit our friends who have more than a dozen poodles----something like the VW filled with little furry dogs that Barb encountered at the grocery store----we're bringing popcorn and our air popper----we know how much our dogs like popcorn so this should be a real party....

    Until I read your "belting in" statement, I didn't flash on the idea of a belt securing you in the chair, the same as Jackie's mum. Guess I am a little slow.:ohwell: In my mind, I was thinking more of a ball and chain :noway: :noway: so you couldn't leave to go walking!!!:bigsmile:

    Dreyfus, my late ever great Shih tzu LOVED popcorn. Since it turned out he was allergic to corn, this posed a problem--so I had to be careful not to leave any available for him to sneak, or I ended up with an itchy, scratchy little boy. Have fun with your canine popcorn party.

    Today when I came home from being out, I didn't get the usually noisy three ring circus-type welcome when I opened the door. Knew immediately that Bradley was missing!! Not to worry, as he wasn't very far away. He likes to sit on the patio and soak up the sun, and that is where I found him--thanks to the doggie door, he can go out whenever he pleases and there he was--taking a sunbath. As soon as he realized "momma" was home, he flew through the door and I got just as noisy and enthusiastic a greeting as I would have at the door. Got a few bonus :heart: "kisses":heart: as well, when I sat down!!

    I am trying to decide what to have for dinner. It is such a nice evening, I think I am going to grill myself a hamburger on the patio.

    Welcome to any newbie that I haven't already addressed. I know there is more than one, but Nancyggg is the only one I can think of right now.

    Everyone have a good night.

  • chicletgirl
    chicletgirl Posts: 113
    :flowerforyou: Hello everyone!

    Well my son has officially moved into his girlfriends parent's home to be with the baby. He says it will only be for about 3 weeks, but I seriously doubt that. Her mother has wanted him to move in there with them since last years prom. I know this because she told me so on prom night! That woman has sabotaged everything I tried to have my son do or not do. Like college for instance. Not happening now, hopefully he wil in the future though. I always made the point of making sure he and his girlfriend didn't have access to my house to find a way to have sex too. I mean I'm not stupid, I know if they wanted to, they would find a way, but I wasn't going to invite them to my home to do it! I remember I went on vacation for a couple of weeks and I called her and told her I would be out of town so she would know not to drop her daughter off at my house. (His girlfriend has always lied to them, I have caught her in a few big ones that she was keeping from them) I didn't want her to tell them I was home when I wasn't. But she just laughed and said, "If they want to do it, they are going to, we can't stop them!" To which I answered, "Yes I know that, but I am not going to make it easy for them by letting them have use of the house." Whenever she did come over when they were dating in school they were never allowed to have the bedroom door closed and in the beginning of dating wasn't even allowed in his bedroom! Incidentally, my son told me that when they "conceived" it had been at his MIL's house, because she allowed the door to be closed and trusted them. Oh well, I did the best I could. :ohwell:

    Actually the one that is having the hard time with him being away is his dog.
    She doesn't feel safe and now barks at everything while even in the house. She also mopes around or whines for attention. Her classic pose of lying on her back to get attention is in use now more than ever. As a matter of fact she is doing it right now!:brokenheart: Poor thing I feel bad for her, because she has no idea what has happened to him. In her eyes he's just gone.:noway: Wish I could talk doggie talk to her. I try to comfort her, let her sleep with me and such, but a lot of the time I find her under his bed sleeping. :cry:

    Which comes to this....last night at around 2 am she woke up barking because she heard something. It was another dog. But it took me like a half hour to calm her down and get her to stop barking. Of course because I was wide awake now I was hungry!:grumble:. AND so was she! So Boo (the dog) and I attacked the peanut butter. The whole time I was eating it, I was so angry with myself:angry:. I mean, I knew I shouldn't have been eating it or her either, but I was starving. So I ate about 3 or 4 teaspoons of it before I was satisfied. Boo had 2. I wasn't going to put it on my diary for today, kind of out of sight out of mind thing and maybe it didn't happen, but I couldn't do it. So its there. But even with my "pig out" I managed to stay under my calorie limit thank goodness. Can't say the same for Boo though.:smile:

    Well she's on her back wanting attention as I said, so I am going to get off now and take her for a walk.

    Good night to you all. Hope you all did well today.