Tracking - net negative calories

I am tracking my food and intersted in seeing what other people do i view other ppls i need to be friends? if so how do i get friends? lastley is net negative calories ok or what should i want to see as my net calories each day?

Thanks to any posters.

- Training for Tough mudder!!


  • liz111006
    liz111006 Posts: 26
    It depends on the person's setting if you can see their diary, you can add anyone by clicking on their name. the general consensus is your net calories should be at least 1200. negatives aren't good.
  • Sarahnade42x
    Sarahnade42x Posts: 308 Member
    You want to have a POSITIVE net calorie intake of about 1200cals or more (MFP can give you a more specific "goal"). If you're wondering how it's possible to lose weight with a positive net calorie intake, it's because your body burns a certain number of calories daily just to stay alive (you can calculate that number using the Harris Benedict equation here: To lose weight, your calorie goal should be less than you burn but enough to keep you going.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    You want to net your goal, assuming that your calorie burn estimates are accurate. The way MFP is set up you are meant to eat back the calories you "earn" from exercise. A lot of people find the estimate MFP gives to be off so they eat back 1/2 to 3/4.

    As for viewing other diaries it depends on the settings they have. Mine is set to be viewable by friends only. Some are public. Some are completely private.
  • ashley11scott
    ashley11scott Posts: 63 Member
    Ic ic thanks for posting the info! so net of 1200 is good then thats what I should aim for in ideal world?

    I dont want to lose weight just trying to eat better and lose body fat.

    so I need to add friends and if there setting is veiwable i can see their food logs...they have to be friends? Just want to see how others eat.

    Thanks again :)
  • lrobrn
    lrobrn Posts: 17
    I'm glad you asked about net negative calories, I was wondering the same thing. Now that I'm counting calories and making better choices that sometimes it's hard to eat that much. Thanks, to the people who responded, for the info.
  • kalea_kane
    Ic ic thanks for posting the info! so net of 1200 is good then thats what I should aim for in ideal world?

    I dont want to lose weight just trying to eat better and lose body fat.

    so I need to add friends and if there setting is veiwable i can see their food logs...they have to be friends? Just want to see how others eat.

    Thanks again :)

    I would look at the Goals section and have MFP help you figure yours out. It takes a lot into account. Being as we all have different kinds of jobs, weights, and heights you don't want to just say definitely 1200. You should have at least that. Someone who is very active at work will have that considered into their goals. Because my job keeps me pretty sedentary I need less calories to keep me going than someone who is on their feet all day and moving around like a waitress. The best thing to do is see what will work for you specifically. The goals section will help you with t hat. :)
  • jbehring
    jbehring Posts: 6 Member
    Will the MFP android app calculate negative net calories with out getting confused?