

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    NIce Robin. Very nice. Your DH just won a good guy award from me.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: Congratulations!:heart:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Hello ladies - popping in to say *hello* to each and everyone! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    It's warm and sunny here in Des Moines just in time for the Drake Relays. :glasses:

    I've been working on my house today---try to defeat some mildew that's growing on my vinyl siding (on the side of the house which doesn't get much sunlight). Ack. :sick: Than back in the house, clothes in the washer, me in the shower! Then on to my activity for the day. Just finished and now the afternoon is gone. :laugh: :laugh:

    Tomorrow I may actually get my deck furniture out. I really think spring is here. :glasses: :glasses:

    My dear friends, wishing you well this weekend and always. :heart: :heart:

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Happy weekend for those of you who have it off!!!! To those of you who are retired, every day is a weekend day I guess :wink:

    I hope everyone is blessed with great weather and good times with friends/family, time in the garden or just “me time”, whatever brings you joy and rejuvenation :flowerforyou:

    :smile: I’ve got a telephone interview scheduled for Tuesday morning for a position that would be a great fit for my skills and experience. Fingers-toes crossed/ positive thoughts/prayers/candles lit for a positive outcome would be appreciated. It’s only the first step in the process, but I’ve not had a call-back of any sort in forever, soooo :smile:

    Meg – I hope the coffee wasn’t too hot :tongue: So why can’t you be a singing pole dancer? What would you sing?

    Rudie0618 – Welcome! Wow, two knees at the same time – impressive. Glad the surgery worked well for you, your exercise routine sounds great. You’ll find logging to be instructional and motivational. Join us here often for fun and support.

    Robin – Awwwww! :love: :smooched: :heart: :love: :smooched:

    Linda S. – thanks for the WebMD link :happy:

    Katla – Hope you’re not too sore still, how nice to cross that chore (and your pique at DH) off your list. So glad for you that Mother Nature provided such a warm and lovely day :flowerforyou:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.” = = Dr. Seuss
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I thank everyone for helping me try to learn to cook at age 63. I think a big part of it is the confidence.

    Meg, some of the things we like the most is spaghetti, pizza, meatloaf. All those things are easy to make. Well the pizza we get form Pizza Hut. But it is easy to make salsbury steak, meatloaf and spaghetti. In the winter we love our chili and ham and beans. We don't use sour cream in anything, not to say that we couldn't. My husband puts it on a baked potato but I don't like the taste of it that much. I do put it in a corn casserole that I make for our holiday meals. That recipe is going to have to go out the door or be adjusted some way. I also make sweet potatoes and marshmellows on holiday meals. I think the web site that Brooke sent me to was skinnytaste.com or something like that. She ahs a recipe for sweet potaoes that would be good but we like it with lots of marshmellows. I just take canned sweet potatoes, mix them up like zi would mash potatoes, add a little vanilla , put in in a baking dish and then my grand daughter does her job of putting as many marshmellows as she can get on it! It's a tradition!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    I have to repent~ Forgive me Father for I have sinned :embarassed:
    I had 3 mini biscotti.. then 3 more, then 4 more and now I have a tummy ache... dont know why I binged like that but I did:blushing:
    As Scarlett O' Hara said tomorrow is another day...
    will just eat real real minimal tomorrow OY..
  • Lauri524
    Lauri524 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi all. It's so nice to see a board for 50+ women. I'm 52 and I've been struggling with my weight since the day I was born! I lost 42 pounds on Weight Watchers last year and gained some back but decided I didn't want to have to "pay" to lose weight anymore, which is why I joined FP. Only problem is, I've been at this for almost 2 months now and I've only lost around 3-4 pounds. I'm looking forward to reading future posts from women in my age group and maybe get some tips, hear success stories, hurdles, etc. for motivation!
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    I thank everyone for helping me try to learn to cook at age 63. I think a big part of it is the confidence.

    Meg, some of the things we like the most is spaghetti, pizza, meatloaf. All those things are easy to make. Well the pizza we get form Pizza Hut. But it is easy to make salsbury steak, meatloaf and spaghetti. In the winter we love our chili and ham and beans.

    Ingredients Calories
    Costco - Ground Beef (90/10), 16 oz
    Carrots - Raw, 1 small (5-1/2" long)
    Onions - Raw, 0.5 cup, chopped
    Mushrooms - Raw, 4 small
    Garlic, 2 Cloves (I.E. 6 g) - Raw, 2 tsp (
    Catsup (Ketchup), 0.5 cup
    Kc Masterpiece - Original Bbq Sauce, 1 tbsp
    Lea & Perrins - Worchestershire Sauce (Original), 2 tsp (5ml)
    Total: 1,072
    Per Serving: 268

    Pulse together all the veggies in a food processor until the size of breadcrumbs (surprise!!). Combine last 3 ingredients, add 1 Tablespoon to veggies, add burger and mix well with your hands. Make a loaf and top with remainder of sauce (last 3 ingredients combined). Bake 375 40 minutes. (freeze half before you bake for 2 servings)


    Fat Free Milk
    Light Sour Cream
    Butter Buds

    Heinz jar gravy is only 60 cals/serving DO THIS! ( I have a meat & potatoes man too, he doesn't notice!!)
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers, they are much appreciated. I pray everyone has a safe and restful weekend, Rose
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Hope everyone has had a fabulous Friday....

    It has been great to try :flowerforyou: to catch up with all the posts.... although I am not sure I have done that yet! :laugh:

    It snowed here two days ago, unbelievable to us too! :sad: Today it is almost spring, with sun, and a bit of warmth,,,,:happy:
    twenty two years ago is was over 85 degrees, and stayed that way for two weeks.....yes, I think global warming has changed our weather patterns......:noway:

    Have a great weekend!

    BJ, SwOnt
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Today was a special birthday luncheon for one of the ladies I started doing water aerobics with 16 years ago. We call our little group, Water Babes. We should have made a calendar way back then but not it's too late! We could photo shop out bodies and use our real faces.:love:
    Barbie - i was surprised to see how many of us split meat and potatoes with DH's. Just don't seem to need as much food as we use to.
    LindaS - Sure hope the treatment plan works and the school does their part. One of my DGD's had trouble making friends but she is doing well now (Soph in college). You are wise to learn all you can to help your daughter.
    Grandmalle - Get the boot! Trust me, it will take a few weeks maybe a month, but if you keep it on EVERY Night and keep your foot in a prone position when you are sitting in a recliner, it will help. I've had it, several ladies in my Sunday School class and several I worked with also had it. Some had shots, casts, crutches and even surgery. But the best treatment was the boot. DO This! I hate for you to have so much pain and I admire your trying to work through it.
    Jo - your post brought a smile to my face as I recalled the thatched roofs and pubs around our house in England.
    Michele - speaking of brussel sprouts, I swore when I left England I wouldn't eat them again. That was about the only veggie we could get.
    Luvbuton - Wow - congratulations on your loss. Keep up the good work.
    Teri - What an adorable baby boy. He looks like a TEXAN!
    Rudie - take the weekend just as you did the first 5 days. One meal at a time. You can do this.
    Robin - AWWWW how sweet of your DH. Glad you didn't have to leave unsettled. Safe Travels
    Brooke - everything is crossed. Hoping for good results from your interview.
    Lauri -welcome. I'm also an ex WW Lifetimer. Gained some back also. Everything then changed the program it seemed it was less helpful for me. Also hated to pay someone to tell me things I already knew. Now we are in control and we make the choices. I've learned so much on this thread about eating clean food and not junk.
    OK, that's it for now. Have a wonderful weekend.
    Sue in TX
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Just wanted to share with you lovely ladies an NSV yesterday evening.
    I was sitting watching the TV and decided I wanted to do some body resistance exercises on the floor as I hadn't had a chance to get to my dumbells that day.
    I got down on the floor after a bit of warming up and thought I'd try the half press ups (from the knees) that I saw on 30DS. I managed five! I have never in my life before been able to do even one! :laugh:
    I was so excited I decided to try a plank; I have never been able to get off the ground before at yoga. I managed to stay up for 10 seconds - twice.
    I can hardly believe this, to think I have gained so much strength - at 63.:bigsmile: I don't think I even believed it was possible, certainly this time last year I was barely moving and could not even get in the car without a struggle, or even tie my shoelaces.
    So, for anyone who is finding it hard to believe in themselves - if I can do it, anyone can. :love:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Quick update. My husband decided to leave work early. (he just didn't feel like working and he has the time to burn) He gets in a 5 so he was going to leave at 9. I didn't have time to get over to see him so I was a little sad. But he surprised me by coming over to my building. He had picked a little purple flower on the way and snuck up on me at my desk and put it on my keyboard. I walked him back out and had an opportunity to kiss him goodbye and to know that we were happy and on good terms. :love:

    Awww....I love this; and Robin...I love you. What a wonderful example of truly caring. So happy for you. Your DH is a keeper.

    I have to repent~ Forgive me Father for I have sinned : embarrassed:
    I had 3 mini biscotti.. then 3 more, then 4 more and now I have a tummy ache... dont know why I binged like that but I did:blushing:
    As Scarlett O' Hara said tomorrow is another day...
    will just eat real real minimal tomorrow OY..

    :flowerforyou: No idea why you need repenting and forgiveness. Heck, all of us have been there. Tomorrow has been proven to be another day, over and over and over again. You're good.

    Sunday is 10K day. Weather is predicted to be not that good, but that does not matter.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: Line dance class today was fun…..I am really enjoying teaching. It appears that the teacher won’t be ready to teach again for awhile and I’ve assured her that her class will be covered as long as she needs the time off….after lunch and walking the dogs I worked in the yard for an hour.

    :bigsmile: Jake made lunch today
    salads with spinach, tomato, sweet onion, and red pepper and salmon patties made from some of the salmon he caught a few months ago.

    :flowerforyou: About cheat days……the more I learn about healthy eating, the more focused I am on eating healthy all the time…..when I do stray from the path, it’s to overeat something like raisins or walnuts or peanut butter.

    :flowerforyou: I’ve set my weight training aside recently---first because of this cold I’ve been fighting and then today because I wanted to use the time to work in the yard---since part of my yard work was carrying heavy rocks from one part of the yard to another, it seemed a bit like weight training.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    :bigsmile: “The only real freedom a human being can ever know is doing what you ought to do because you want to do it.”
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Brooke that recipe sounds delicious. Any suggestions how I can get the veggies to that consitency without a food processor?:brokenheart: Husband loves the jarred gravies. I'm not to hep on them because I was used to my Mom's home made gravies. My sister makes them just as good, the few times I have tried to make it mine is terrible. So I just use the cream of mushroom soup in my meats and use it cause ti tastes so good.

    I know as a wife I can do some things for my husband, just goes with the job. When it comes to healthcare my husband has always thrown everything in my lap. With his heart attack I know that he needs to take ownership of his health. He turns 65 in July so he has to pick out his insurance plan. Since I am on disability I have been on Medicare for quite a while. So today he finally signed up for his plan!!!!!! Yeah, my husband is on an insurance when he turns 65 that is A LOT cheaper than his private plan he has been on since he retired at 62. I will like the amount of money back in our budget with his new premium which is $0!!!!! Yes, it is $0. His previous was $425 and he didn't ahve any health care needs until his heart attack last month so he never used it these past 2 1/2 years.:drinker: So now I guess I will go back to the person he gives all medical bills and issues to. At least I got him to make an appointment, talk to a guy and make a decision. Baby steps Joyce. Baby steps.

    Joyce in dry southern Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Liz - good luck on the walk!

    Linda - that's just amazing that you were able to conference with your daughter's doctor. Isn't technology great (sometimes). You can't sit still long enough for a TV show, and when I sit down to watch TV, I usually wind up falling asleep!

    Viv - glad you're feeling better

    Amanda - I hear ya about wanting the house cleaned up while guests are here. I'm the same way.

    Did an hour of a spinning workout today. Tomorrow is yoga, then Jess and I will take her two cats and Loki to the vet

    Jo - you should be proud of your daughter, I know I am. Tell her congrats. Happy birthday to your gd. Good for you staying away from that nasty cake!

    Cindy - how wonderful to see your smiling face!

    mommahice - welcome to the family!

    katla - glad you stretched out. It really does help and you've certainly confirmed it.

    vicki - have fun at your retreat

    luvbuttons - congrats on your great loss

    texasgal - gs is so adorble. Thanks for sharing. How old is he in this pic? What's his name?

    Robin - how sweet, you and hubby. What a sweet story!

    Lin - what do you use on the mildew on your siding? We have mildew growing on the railing on our deck, the deck is in full sunlight most of the day but mildew still grows. I wish there was a way that I could somehow clean it and put something on it and the mildew would never grow again.

    brooke - everything crossed for you

    Lauri - welcome! So you've only lost 3-4 pounds in 2 months -- at least you didn't gain it!!!! Slow and steady wins the race. Keep coming back for lots of encouragement.

    bj - SNOW???? Please keep it....lol

    cityjane - woohoo on the NSVs. You're awesome!

    Joyce - that's wonderful that your husband will be on insurance. Can't beat that premium, that's for sure

    Well, here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: Joyce, it takes awhile to get used to healthier eating so make your changes a little at a time......canned soups taste great but the sodium content is much too high for good health....but if you've been used to that taste, lower sodium foods will taste odd at first......just make your changes slowly, be patient and don't give up....you are so right about baby steps.

    :flowerforyou: now that I have been eating healthier for awhile, high sodium foods don't taste good to me

    :heart: Barbie
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I've been a good old lady and have been poring over recipes on the net. WOW, there are a lot of them. But so many of them say the serving is x amount of grams. How do I convert that to cups, tbsp, etc??? My little kitchen jsut isn't going to handle a food procesor, scales etc especially since my husband says we don't need any of that.

    Confused Joyce in southern Indiana
  • nanasorchid52
    Morning beautiful ladies!

    Sunny skies and a two lawns that need cutting bring some opportunities to get some exercise!

    :flowerforyou: sue thanks for the link to fabulous web site! Have bookmarked for later - or moments when I need a bit of a boost!

    Welcome lauri524 and any new posters!

    Sue in Texas :sad: you could only get brussel sprouts in England for vegetables - it must of been a very small shop! Lol

    Cityjanelondo :flowerforyou: well done on the sit ups! You can also do them by leaning on the wall - takes the strain off your knees! But I found doing the 30D shred I improved by one or two each day. Well done for your determination!

    RebelRenny :heart: just feeling the love! You were both so right not to part with bad feeling!

    Barbiecat:smile: your classes must be so much fun - if only I wasn't so far away .....

    I always feel so guilty if I do not reply to all . But I think I might be better setting my goals smaller and at least replying to a few!!

    I am thinking about you all. Remember when you are finding the weekends hard - If you always do what you always did, then you will always get what you always got! It's Saturday let's make it a good one!!

    Keep smiling

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies. Cold here in London, but the skies have now gone from grey to blue with fluffy clouds.

    I was speaking to the grandtwins on the phone last night. Poor little Molly has chicken pox. No sign of them on Teddy as yet, but I'm sure he will develop them just as Molly is on the mend. I have never had chicken pox, even when my three children got them, I was obviously naturally immune. Strange as I had absolutely everything else! I even had measles and scarlet fever at the same time - I actually went blind for a couple of weeks when I had that. For some reason that always reminds me of the Sound of Music! My family all went off to see it and I missed out as I was in hospital. Poor me!!

    I'm at the gallery today, but really not feeling like work. To be honest I'm feeling a little depressed today - definitely needing a holiday.

    Work to be done and only me to do it, so I'd better get started.

    Good weekend to you my vit fs.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    I seem to be hogging this thread a bit, so apologies to everyone, but I don't have many people I can share victories with, as . . . . well you know how it is.
    Today I have hit the 3 stone lost mark. I can hardly believe it. 42 lbs So that is an SV!
    Thanks to all of you, my enthusiasm definitely increased when I found this thread and all of you. :heart:

    jnkmomm -- a pair of small digital scales are inexpensive and are not much bigger than a book. I keep mine in a kitchen drawer and just get them out when needed. They do grams, lbs and oz, fluid oz and millilitres, just by pressing a button. You can look up conversions by googling " how to convert millilitres to cups" or whatever combination of measurements you want. A tablespoon is 15 ml, teaspoon 5ml.

    Well done for giving it a go. Anything you try for the first time is difficult and confusing. You will be surprised how soon you will get one or two favourite recipes under your belt and then you will be away! :flowerforyou: