Hard to Eat Rich Foods After Eating Healthy

I used to eat lots of rich food regularly without thinking twice about it, but then I switched to vegetarian several days a week, plus almond milk for everything but coffee (gotta have some cream). A while after that, I joined up here and have been following my calorie plan, plus daily exercise.

I was at a media event the past couple of days, with rich, decadent food. I ate two heavy meals with lots of creamy sauces and rich desserts, and while they tasted wonderful, it wasn't as fulfilling as it used to be in the old days. I felt weighted down afterward, and while my stomach wasn't queasy, there was definitely a difference. Also, the sugary stuff didn't bring me as much pleasure as it used to.

I didn't realize that my body would adjust to healthy eating and not even really want the indulgence. I guess it's learned to like healthier fuel. That makes me happy because I do events once or twice a month for work, and I was worried that might trigger me off my plan. Now I see there's no danger. It's actually more likely to keep me on it.


  • maulop
    maulop Posts: 15 Member
    Last weekend i ate a big mac with fries, and i felt almost poisoned by the food.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    Perspective I guess, I eat what would be described as a healthy diet and some of that food is rich, which I enjoy on occation......as a matter of fact I couldn't imagine removing those foods from my diet, but then again I don't associate calories with health.
  • laele75
    laele75 Posts: 283 Member
    My last 'cheat meal' will probably be the last time I eat McDonald's if I can help it. Six piece nugget and french fries with no salt. Felt lousy the rest of the day. Couldn't bring myself to eat much the rest of the day either. The next day, I made a nice low calorie, lower salt patty melt and it was fantastic. I'm just going to give up junk food.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Fast food thankfully doesn't hold any appeal for me anymore. I used to eat a lot of it for convenience, but cut all that out. Unfortunately, I was still going to a lot of restaurants.

    The food I had this past weekend did taste good to me, and I'm not going to cut it out completely, but it just didn't give me the satisfaction that it used to. It's sort of hard to explain because it's still an enjoyable thing to me, but not something I crave on a regular basis like I used to. I've also gotten much better at stopping when I'm full overall, although I did eat a bit too much on one of the meals, which is probably why I was kind of bleh afterwards. Maybe I'm doing a little subconscious Pavlovian conditioning.
  • glamroxjax
    glamroxjax Posts: 87 Member
    I am to the point where my "fun day meals" are still healthy! I eat even a crispy chicken sandwich and I feel so badly! Yay for healthy eating!
  • TehNoms
    TehNoms Posts: 86 Member
    I had an odd experience with fast food. I am eating healthier now, mostly for my stomach (I have some medical problems that limit my diet a bit) but also to lose some weight so I dont have further problems. Well I completely cut out fast food. All of it. Well I was on my way home one day and had a MASSIVE craving for McDonalds chicken nuggets, so I stopped and got some. I ordered a 10 piece, and got through 4. They just didnt taste good at all. I ended up throwing the remaining away. Another time I stopped and got a few tacos from Taco Bell, and it was the same thing. Just didnt taste good. All I could taste was the salt. Made me kinda sad because that used to be some of my favorite eats, but I guess with getting rid of that, I have found other super good eats that my stomach can tolerate.