10 Day Fruit And Veggie Cleanse

Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
So I am starting a 10 day fruit and veggie cleanse tomorrow! I just wanted to see if anyone else has tried this, and if so...how did you feel about it? I was really looking just to clean out my system and give my weight loss a little boost. A client of mine suggested it to me and said it greatly helped her energy level and metabolism.


  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    I have done this twice with the Standard Process supplements. I think I lost 14 pounds on my first cleanse. After that, my body refused to be fooled by cleansing and I lost only nominal weight. However, I did feel healthier. I also found that I was really able to appreciate the taste of food more when I was on the cleanse. Good luck.
  • funnygrrl
    funnygrrl Posts: 170 Member
    what is the 10 day fruit and veggie cleanse? i'm interested in this...

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  • gettinfitmama
    gettinfitmama Posts: 164 Member
    I'm interested in doing a cleanse too (now that we are back from vacation and all of the horrible temptations LOL)
    Can you tell me more about the cleanse?
  • Cyd525
    Cyd525 Posts: 1
    Never heard about that!
  • lberard
    lberard Posts: 13 Member
    Never heard of it, but would love to try also. Please let me know as well.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Cleanse is the wrong word. Yes, it'll probably help boost your weight loss, but it will do nothing what-so-ever to "cleanse" you. Your body is NOT full of toxins. No. And, if it were, you've already got the most effect detoxification system available anyways. It's called your liver. When you go on "diets" like this, you're potentially screwing up your body's natural functions and interfering with your organs' jobs.
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    I haven't tried that one, I did a cleanse called Recleanse, it is a supplement regimen with a suggested diet of fresh foods with a balance of carbs-fats-proteins in each meal and also no sugar, I found it very helpful as a kickstart to healthy habits.
  • Blondebookworm
    Blondebookworm Posts: 6 Member
    I'd like to try this :) It seems interesting.
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    wait i love veggies and fruit!! how do u not GAIN from all the sugar tho?! and what about protein???
    i wanna do this if its safe. itll be my go at a raw lifestyle for a while. i went veggie (but with fish&no eggs) from october to june and loved it.

    id love to try this! -- not as a cleanse but sounds delicious to me lol the only thing that stops me from fruit binges is sugar. so i probably will never try it. tho im a fruit and veg L_O_V_E_R.
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Someone on our thread suggested Dr. Colbert's Toxic Relief...I am reading it now. I am also recovering from surgery and gained 9lbs. due to water weight...I had not eaten anything for three days while in the hospital...a fruit cleanse is recommended over just water. It is true that your liver cleanses your system...a cleanse can help jump start good eating habits...if you don't stick with good habits you are negating the effects of any cleansing. If it gives you motivation to eat healthier, why not?
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Right now I'm at Banana Island - only bananas for me!! I have about 20-30 bananas per day. When not doing this I only eat raw fruit, some veggies, and a very tiny amount of overt fats. I have never felt better!! Weight is dropping off, muscle is building up & I don't think about the things I need to do in the day - I just do them. Also I haven't gotten sick in 5 months which is a record. Not only does your body cleanse & detox but it heals as well. A friend of mine just did 4 days of bananas lost 4lbs, his constipation is fixed, and he has tons of energy. In all the right conditions your liver would be able to keep up with the occasional toxin however this world is filthy from the water, air, disease, sickness, and even the food is crap. The normal person has a buildup of toxins because your liver can't possibly keep up with everything all the time as your loading in more & more. You can see this in people who have no energy, their skin is dull, they get breakouts, they are depressed...this is all from build up of toxins.

    Good luck with your cleanse!!
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    id literally be the happiest raw fruit and veg eater. it is literally the only thing i CRAVE!
    but what about protein????????

    mindelicious... isnt 30 bananas too many sugars????? isnt the gna turn into fat????
    im so confused! how r u building muscles?
    can u eat beans?!

    i need some1 to break this down for me. it sounds too good to be true!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Cleanse is the wrong word. Yes, it'll probably help boost your weight loss, but it will do nothing what-so-ever to "cleanse" you. Your body is NOT full of toxins. No. And, if it were, you've already got the most effect detoxification system available anyways. It's called your liver. When you go on "diets" like this, you're potentially screwing up your body's natural functions and interfering with your organs' jobs.

    Well it actually does satisfy the qualifications of a cleanse...and I wouldn't call it a diet for the purposes of weight loss. It is actually a regimen that many bariatric surgeons have suggested to friends of mine. But for those that are interested:

    It is very simple: 4 (1-2cups) servings of fruit throughout the day! And vegetable filled salads for lunches and dinners. Plenty of water obviously and sticking with your normal exercise regimen. The whole thing is really to boost the metabolism, and energy level.

    And I am honestly trying to wean myself off of eating a lot of beef and pork in my diet. But the only adjustment I am going to make is I will be adding beans in the plan.
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    id literally be the happiest raw fruit and veg eater. it is literally the only thing i CRAVE!
    but what about protein????????

    mindelicious... isnt 30 bananas too many sugars????? isnt the gna turn into fat????
    im so confused! how r u building muscles?
    can u eat beans?!

    i need some1 to break this down for me. it sounds too good to be true!

    WOW lots of questions!! Have you checked out the raw challenge thread? Lots of info there. I have a section all about protein & other links you can follow up on. I am building muscle because I am fueling my body and there is actually protein in fruit & veggies & its much easier to use because it comes in perfect amino acid proportions. I don't eat beans because I don't need them and they are really hard to digest - this is why so many people get gas when they eat them - that's a sign your body is struggling. I personally don't think 30bananas is too much sugar and I'm sure no one at 30bananasaday.com thinks so either. Fruit sugars actually don't raise your blood sugar level...check out the raw thread - there is a section on this as well. I only consume 10% fat or less because I want my body to be at 10% fat eventually. If I eat 30% fat then eventually my body will be 30% fat - difference between a skinny fat person & an overweight fit person.

    Here's the link:
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    ok... every time i say im going to read this thread i tell myself its unrealistic and i kinda just exit but i will now!
  • funnygrrl
    funnygrrl Posts: 170 Member
    Cleanse is the wrong word. Yes, it'll probably help boost your weight loss, but it will do nothing what-so-ever to "cleanse" you. Your body is NOT full of toxins. No. And, if it were, you've already got the most effect detoxification system available anyways. It's called your liver. When you go on "diets" like this, you're potentially screwing up your body's natural functions and interfering with your organs' jobs.

    Well it actually does satisfy the qualifications of a cleanse...and I wouldn't call it a diet for the purposes of weight loss. It is actually a regimen that many bariatric surgeons have suggested to friends of mine. But for those that are interested:

    It is very simple: 4 (1-2cups) servings of fruit throughout the day! And vegetable filled salads for lunches and dinners. Plenty of water obviously and sticking with your normal exercise regimen. The whole thing is really to boost the metabolism, and energy level.

    And I am honestly trying to wean myself off of eating a lot of beef and pork in my diet. But the only adjustment I am going to make is I will be adding beans in the plan.

    so absolutely no meat at all? no yogurt and no grains neither? strictly fruit and veggies?
  • vartanfan71
    vartanfan71 Posts: 62 Member
    I just started the standard process cleanse with my mom. I am going to try and do it for 10 days although you only take pills before the meals for the first 7 days. So if I am understanding correctly...you continue the fruits and veggies and protein shakes for 3 more days! I can that! It is twice as many veges as fruits though! Love eating healthy!