Dating in your 40's?



  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 379 Member
    I'm 56 and have been divorced since I was 31. I haven't dated anyone for more than two dates since the divorce. Raised two children virtually on my own and put myself through college with them in tow. Now have my MSN and am satisfied with work. Would I like someone to be with me into old age? Definitely. The problem is that most men around my age only want sex. It is not that I am not interested in sex, but at my age, I know what I want in a partner and will not settle for less. Two dates does not give me enough time to decide if the person has the characteristics that I want in a partner and I don't spread my legs easily. Too many diseases out there! I get tired of men not wanting to use a condom, too.

    Oh, not all women that are divorced and older are jaded. I've put the past behind me and am looking toward the future while living in the present. I realize that both my spouse and I made mistakes. I don't blame anyone and I learned from the experience; especially about who I am and what I am capable of. I do a lot of things by myself or with my friends, so I don't really feel the need to have a partner. I also feel very comfortable going to parties with couples by myself.

    Sorry I can't give you any tips on how to get a guy. I haven't been successful at doing that. :ohwell:
  • weevil66
    weevil66 Posts: 600 Member
    At the risk of offending GuitarJerry....

    Did you zombify your profile pic?
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    You mean someone will date us ?

    According to the other gentleman, BANG

    you know because wanting to be BANGed makes us jaded women swoon

    That's not what makes you jaded.

    What makes me jaded? I think men are wonderful.

    You said, "wanting to be BANGed makes us jaded women", which put you in the category. I'm sorry if I jumped to that conclusion.

    I love women too. I just don't want a relationship. I was simply giving my experience with dating. I'm out now, just raising my kids. I'm quite happy as things are. It would have to be someone super special to enter into my world at this stage.

    I'm guessing I'll die alone, at this point. But, nothing is guaranteed.

    ahhh...*wishes there was a sarcasm font*

    I said, "wanting to be BANGed makes us jaded women swoooooooon" trying to say that it does anything but...I should have left out the word jaded.

    Either way it kind of made me cringe.

    But hey, if it works for you.:smile:
  • NoraisTreble
    NoraisTreble Posts: 25 Member
    I was divorced after 26 years of marriage. I 'got involved' with someone I was friends with - big mistake. After that relationship ended (lost a good friend :-( ) I joined eHarmony - yeah right?? No luck there. A friend "set me up" with a guy who turned out to be the love of my life! We went on 1 date, and it hasn't ended yet (it started in June 23, 2008). We will celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary this July 4th. The only downside is that he is a major reason that I am on this site. Of course - it isn't his fault, but mine. Since I have been with him, I have gained more than 40 pounds. I have come to recognize that in my first marriage, my husband was so critical - if I gained an ounce, he would be out with the scale and tape measure (I was 110-115 lbs) and telling me how wide I was getting. My current spouse just tells me what a beautiful and loving person I am. "I" decided that it was time to lose the weight I have gained - and he is very supportive and is now asking me to monitor his eating habits!!
  • Shoppingkay
    Sabbyct that is awesome!! Nice to hear a success story! Gives me hope...
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    You mean someone will date us ?

    According to the other gentleman, BANG

    you know because wanting to be BANGed makes us jaded women swoon

    oh hell I've been single so long I'd settle for Bang. :blushing:
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Well, it's different than it was. That's for sure. From a guys point of view, 40+ women are so jaded that its ridiculous. The nice ones are probably there somewhere. On the good side, everyone knows what they want and they don't fukc around. So, in a way, it's easier. But, the problem is, I've lost faith in love, so mainly, I just want to bang. I don't care about he relationship BS. most women want to bang too, but want to be respectful of it, and are hopeful that in turns into something more. No change on that front.

    Basically, dating is stupid and it sucks. I quit. I just focus on my kids. Try to bang here and there. Maybe one day, it will all come together. It doesn't matter either way. It's a lot cheaper not having a woman around, so I'm good.

    I've dated a lot. I've come to the conclusion that it's better not to date and just maybe someone will walk in. When you're out looking, you might miss what's right in front of you. Just live and don't worry about it.

    What have 40+ women done or said that makes you think they are jaded?
    I'm not arguing, just curious as to your perspective.
    You know me, always picking someone's brain...
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Well, it's different than it was. That's for sure. From a guys point of view, 40+ women are so jaded that its ridiculous. The nice ones are probably there somewhere. On the good side, everyone knows what they want and they don't fukc around. So, in a way, it's easier. But, the problem is, I've lost faith in love, so mainly, I just want to bang. I don't care about he relationship BS. most women want to bang too, but want to be respectful of it, and are hopeful that in turns into something more. No change on that front.

    Basically, dating is stupid and it sucks. I quit. I just focus on my kids. Try to bang here and there. Maybe one day, it will all come together. It doesn't matter either way. It's a lot cheaper not having a woman around, so I'm good.

    I've dated a lot. I've come to the conclusion that it's better not to date and just maybe someone will walk in. When you're out looking, you might miss what's right in front of you. Just live and don't worry about it.

    Ladies, I can only offer one word of advice.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,375 Member
    I was divorced at 44. did some dating with work colleagues, then through newspaper sites. A couple lasted a while.
    Then after a break up I felt really low and had to have a hysterectomy so I didn't date for 31/2 years. Put on weight, then managed to get a bit of it off. Went back on to on line dating and after one false start I met my husband who I have now been happy with for nearly 10 years. I was 53 when I met him and he was 57. We are so happy together. Don't give up hope.
    PS I am now lighter than when I met him.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I was divorced at 44. did some dating with work colleagues, then through newspaper sites. A couple lasted a while.
    Then after a break up I felt really low and had to have a hysterectomy so I didn't date for 31/2 years. Put on weight, then managed to get a bit of it off. Went back on to on line dating and after one false start I met my husband who I have now been happy with for nearly 10 years. I was 53 when I met him and he was 57. We are so happy together. Don't give up hope.
    PS I am now lighter than when I met him.

  • lilunsure
    lilunsure Posts: 120 Member
    My experience has not been the best. I find that I know what I want and what I can and can't live with in someone and once I see something I can't live with in a person I have no further interest. I'm okay on my own but I miss the companionship of a mate.

    I have plenty of friends both male and female and get out and socialize in both one on one and group settings. I was on a volleyball team and I'm active in a divorce/separation group.

    Right now I am concentrating on me. I hope that one day I find the right person but for now I'm not out looking for someone.
  • Shoppingkay
    * Lilunsure * You sound a lot like me! ; ) The problem is, that even though I'm a decent looking lady and go out with friends often, men rarely approach me. I don't know if they are just afraid or since I'm 5'2 with brown hair and don't look like a barbie doll they simply aren't interested. I'm working to slim down though and will just let God do the rest! 2013 is a year for working on ME. I have a daughter graduating in 3 weeks and am buying a home this summer.... time for a new chapter!

    Thanks to you all for your input. It's been fun, funny and interesting! : )
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Dye your hair
    jk :wink:

    You're a lovely lady and some smart, handsome guy will see that :heart:
  • bluefish49
    bluefish49 Posts: 102 Member
    Interesting thread. I am a bit older, 54, but many people guess that I'm in my 40's. I was married 30 years and never cheated. Divorced two years, I have tried online dating twice - two different sites. Injecting a bit of humor here, but there's always a bit of truth in humor, otherwise it wouldn't be funny. Its interesting that women think the only thing I am looking for is a Barbie or sex.

    Most women are looking one of several types:

    1. Athletic and toned, makes $100,000+, lives within walking distance of the beach for long nightly walks there.

    2. Puts the ring on his finger, has a stable, good-paying job, does all the housework and yardwork, must like dogs (or cats), NEVER pesters her for sex.

    3. A Cowboy.

    I did find one person who I clicked with very well. Unfortunately, her son was living with her, and he had such a personality/attitude difference when she wasn't present that it made staying un-tolerable.

    So I know they are out there. Patience. I need to remember patience.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Interesting thread. I am a bit older, 54, but many people guess that I'm in my 40's. I was married 30 years and never cheated. Divorced two years, I have tried online dating twice - two different sites. Injecting a bit of humor here, but there's always a bit of truth in humor, otherwise it wouldn't be funny. Its interesting that women think the only thing I am looking for is a Barbie or sex.

    Most women are looking one of several types:

    1. Athletic and toned, makes $100,000+, lives within walking distance of the beach for long nightly walks there.

    2. Puts the ring on his finger, has a stable, good-paying job, does all the housework and yardwork, must like dogs (or cats), NEVER pesters her for sex.

    3. A Cowboy.

    I did find one person who I clicked with very well. Unfortunately, her son was living with her, and he had such a personality/attitude difference when she wasn't present that it made staying un-tolerable.

    So I know they are out there. Patience. I need to remember patience.

    There's a #2? :wink:
  • abheshek
    abheshek Posts: 525 Member
    i don't know why threads like this is making me depressed! hehe
  • bluefish49
    bluefish49 Posts: 102 Member

    There's a #2? :wink:

    I rest my case.:laugh:
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    i don't know why threads like this is making me depressed! hehe

    It might be the cynicism of some people. Pay it no mind. There are wonderful people out there in every age group.