HELP! Just Started

Hi Guys!

I've only just found this site on here! I want to know what you all think to how easy or hard it is to count your calories. I've always been a yo-yo dieter and have tried most things, but calorie counting is a first for me!

Do you find it succesful?!?!

Any support and tips would be much appreciated!!!

Ashli :)


  • sue123456
    sue123456 Posts: 3
    I am finding that everything I add is in its database. This makes it very handy, I don't have to research or guess.:smile:
  • kdolce15
    kdolce15 Posts: 7 Member
    It is really helping with motivation, portion sizing, and really knowing what and how much I eat. It helps me make sure I eat low calorie but high impact foods to keep me full and satisfied!
  • monkeyfood
    monkeyfood Posts: 106
    So far I have found it successful :)
    It's really nice to have support, and getting on here I am easily motivated.
    Good luck with your goals.
    Feel free to add me. We will support each other.
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    It's the best thing ever. Sometimes it can be confusing (eating exercise calories, how much should I eat, is this a good food choice?), but in the long run, it's really the only tihng that works. It holds you accountable for EVERY single thing you eat. And when you see the number go down on the scale, it's an even better feeling knowing that you WORKED for it.
  • nancyggg
    nancyggg Posts: 96 Member
    This is the easiest site I have tried. All the food I have entered has already been there. I think tracking your calories is the only way to get your weight under control.

    Welcome to the site! I hope to hear about your success!

  • asteppaway
    asteppaway Posts: 54 Member
    This site makes it a lot easier to do than only takes a few minutes a day. I personally think counting calories is the right way to go when trying to lose doesn't have super fast results like some diets, but I find the results can be more permanent than commercial diets....I have seen way to many people do stuff like South Pacific or 6 week body makeover, lose a lot, but then gain it all right back when they get sick of the diet. Add exercising to that agenda and you have a winning team! Oh and this site, which is AWESOME, just make tons of people your friends and they will be right there to encourage!
  • Skinnyme87
    Skinnyme87 Posts: 42
    I am fairly new here as well. I have been using the site for a few weeks and it has been wonderful! :) I find that recording my calories has really helped me stay in check with myself. If you are honest with yourself expect to see a difference! Good luck!
  • Ashli333
    Ashli333 Posts: 16
    Thank you so much everyone! It seems that everyone has something positive to say! I look forward to reaching my goal with ease now!

    Good Luck to you all!!! I look forward to hearing your success stories!!!