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  • Rbacchiega
    Rbacchiega Posts: 52 Member
    I just finished day 3 level 2 earlier today. It's kicking my *kitten*, but I keep doing it. I only took one day off as there was a family emergency, but I keep going. I'd like to say it gets easier, but it doesn't...well...in a way they do, but I think it's a good thing they don't get too easy...it keeps it a challenge. This morning when I woke up my arms were killing me, but it didn't stop me. Keep at it and push it! I think I'll probably be doing level 2 for a while, I want to get through a day without having to take a break...but you can do it! Keep going!
  • nytefalle
    nytefalle Posts: 63
    Has any beginners have a hard time with push ups? That's my weakest part of my body I have never been able to do one. Is there any other type of modifications you do besides "girl push ups"

    Try doing push ups against a wall, counter top, or stairs so that you're gradually getting lower & supporting more & more of your own weight. The further you put your feet from the wall or counter, the harder it is.

    The other suggestion is to do box push ups until you're strong enough for knee push ups. Start out on all fours (hands and knees) with your arms & legs perpendicular to the floor and your back flat. Bend your elbows and get your upper body as low to the floor as you can while keeping your back straight and ONLY USING YOUR ARMS, push back up.

    You WILL feel it in your arms and shoulders after enough repetitions. Start doing as many of the hardest (regular or knee) push ups you're capable of doing and drop to an easier version when you can't do another repetition with good form. The important thing is to keep going. A modified push up is always better than nothing at all.
  • Quest529
    Quest529 Posts: 103 Member
    I'm planning on adding it to my workouts. Right now I'm doing C25k and the 30 Min w/o at Planet Fitness.
  • Kreider86
    Kreider86 Posts: 105 Member
    Has any beginners have a hard time with push ups? That's my weakest part of my body I have never been able to do one. Is there any other type of modifications you do besides "girl push ups"

    Try doing push ups against a wall, counter top, or stairs so that you're gradually getting lower & supporting more & more of your own weight. The further you put your feet from the wall or counter, the harder it is.

    The other suggestion is to do box push ups until you're strong enough for knee push ups. Start out on all fours (hands and knees) with your arms & legs perpendicular to the floor and your back flat. Bend your elbows and get your upper body as low to the floor as you can while keeping your back straight and ONLY USING YOUR ARMS, push back up.

    You WILL feel it in your arms and shoulders after enough repetitions. Start doing as many of the hardest (regular or knee) push ups you're capable of doing and drop to an easier version when you can't do another repetition with good form. The important thing is to keep going. A modified push up is always better than nothing at all.

    ^Thank you! I will definitely try the box pushup!
  • babinaba
    babinaba Posts: 9
    by day 4-5 you will feel better. i did the 30 ds without taking a break and now im redoing it with more intensity hoping for the same if not better results. the first 30 days i lost 8.4 lbs and a total of 17 inches. just give it everything you got! add me if you would like!

    wow that's a great inch loss! well done. :)
  • Maewhet0126
    Maewhet0126 Posts: 21 Member
    Has any beginners have a hard time with push ups? That's my weakest part of my body I have never been able to do one. Is there any other type of modifications you do besides "girl push ups"

    Try doing push ups against a wall, counter top, or stairs so that you're gradually getting lower & supporting more & more of your own weight. The further you put your feet from the wall or counter, the harder it is.

    The other suggestion is to do box push ups until you're strong enough for knee push ups. Start out on all fours (hands and knees) with your arms & legs perpendicular to the floor and your back flat. Bend your elbows and get your upper body as low to the floor as you can while keeping your back straight and ONLY USING YOUR ARMS, push back up.

    You WILL feel it in your arms and shoulders after enough repetitions. Start doing as many of the hardest (regular or knee) push ups you're capable of doing and drop to an easier version when you can't do another repetition with good form. The important thing is to keep going. A modified push up is always better than nothing at all.

    ^Thank you! I will definitely try the box pushup!

    thanks (: will try them out(:
  • Maewhet0126
    Maewhet0126 Posts: 21 Member
    Today was my fifth day and although the strength training still gets me I'm noticing in cardio I'm doing a lot better (: and it's nice getting feed back and motivation everyone(:
  • tsdaughe
    tsdaughe Posts: 88
    I just finished day 2 of level 1. I am a little sore but not too bad. The cardio isn't too hard for me but I was a runner up until hurting my knee about 6-8 weeks ago. The strength trianing is the hardest for me. I can do some push ups normal then the girl kind. I am excited to see the end results. I have lost about 10 lbs and alot of inches prior to this and am going slow with my weight loss cause I like to eat! I am getting married in june and have a beach house for a whole week and am excited to see what I can look like by then.