Looking for motivated, active buddies

I'm back on track and want to stay that way! I'm looking for buddies to share challenges and motivation with.
I am a runner and would love to stay connected with some like-minded people. I'm new to MFP but not new to
weight loss and all the challenges it brings !

Not that interested in people that add friends just for the sake of having them (you know, like some people do on Facebook),
so if you are active on MFP and serious about getting fit - add me!


  • mgoblue64
    mgoblue64 Posts: 23
    I'm also looking for some new friends. Sign me up. I've been doing well, but it's time to really start hitting the gym, or the road. I had to quit running last summer when my back took a sudden turn for the worst. Ended up in surgery in December. Replaced a disc, fused a couple vertebrae, and cleaned up around the nerves a bit. Feeling much better and ready to put some miles on my shoes again. I'm looking for some motivation along the way and will do what I can for you too.
  • Juliste
    Juliste Posts: 298 Member
    Welcome, feel free to add me. I also found it very helpful to join different groups at MFP.
  • pamayoung
    pamayoung Posts: 2 Member
    I am very particular who I add as friends on Facebook also. I don't just accept any friend request. I'm doing My Fitness Pal because I know it works. I don't run, but I walk daily. I plug in around 3-4 miles daily..sometimes up to 5. I stay around 1200-1300 calories a day, and I am serious about weight loss. I live in Raleigh, NC and there is nature trails everywhere around me. Add me if you'd like to. I log in every day and my food diary is available to view.
  • Rhayahana
    Rhayahana Posts: 57 Member
    Hiya, welcome, I'm a runner too, on the last stage of recovery from a tendon injury at the moment (which wasn't even running-related, go figure) and will start again in a week, from scratch, but I ran 5k before.
    Feel free to add me, always nice to have more people to keep each other motivated and on track. My diary is viewable to my friends, I log in every day (ok, I practically live on here, yeah...)