Post-Baby Body - Dealing with the changes

I am almost five months post baby, and I have only been truly motivated to get back in shape over the past couple weeks. Today, I weighed in at 268 pounds. I know this is too much, but if I am being honest, it is basically my pre-pregnancy weight. However, I really want to make a change, and I am working toward that.

However, I am now facing the reality that while my weight may be the same, my body is completely different. There is no tone to my stomach, I have to face the manner in which the c-section effected the muscles in my lower belly, and I have stretch marks everywhere. Before, when I was at least in solid shape, I seemed to have more motivation because the changes were so clear. But now, I feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle I may never be able to fix.

Does anyone have any advice or motivation for dealing with these post-pregnancy anxieties and working toward a better healthier me (for me and for my son)?


  • HudaSaman
    HudaSaman Posts: 46
    Actually being a mom motivates so much to work hard in losing weight. I sometimes just think about running with my kids at the park without feeling embarrassed that I'm not slim or fit ! This little simple thing motivates me sometimes. Being a good example for healthy food in front of my kids, making exercising and healthy food a habit for them ...

    I had three c-sections and I felt so disappointed after the third one, But the fact that my body has changed just pushed me to start working to get back in shape.

    Just start and keep inspiring your self with success stories, track your calories and exercise and you will do it just like everyone is doing it :)
  • daradistel
    Surrounding myself with positive, healthy, like-minded ppl was huge for me. Just having that support/accountability daily really helped get me back into the groove. I gained a lot of weight and then had to have a c-section at the very end that devastated me but through consistency of doing a little bit each day, I was able to lose weight and gain my confidence :)
    are you working out now?
  • I was 240 pounds at my heaviest after having my daughter. I lost down to 150 in less than a year. Recently I put on 20lbs and I refuse to put on anymore. I started a Facebook page to help motivate others and I give updates there and post motivational pics and other people's success stories. I'm going to blog my workouts, pictures, weigh ins, etc.
  • drink_me
    drink_me Posts: 46 Member
    My daughter is 18 months old and a couple months ago I realized I was only 7 lbs less then when I was 9 months pregnant... And my daughter was 8.3 lbs when she was born.... Sooo yea I was obviously not happy with myself and I also felt terrible physically. What keeps me going more than the physical changes is the way that I'm feeling since I started working out. I have so much more energy. My back doesn't constantly hurt. I'm less anxious and more happy in general and I don't want those feelings to go away. The weightloss is coming along and so will yours. Try to stay focused on the changes that are already happening.
  • keriberi9
    keriberi9 Posts: 159 Member
    Hi there! I understand where you're coming from! My daughter is 10 months old, and I also had a C-section with her. Keep focusing on making a change for your son and for yourself! Healthier you= happier you and baby! I have lost about 67 lbs since my daughter was born (52 since starting mfp). I needed to make that change and I feel SO much better than I did before mfp. You can do it!!
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    I was so NOT ready when my daughter was 5 month old..I had a c-section too (and I'm 37, so that's hard) and my body just felt broken. But, I started right before she turned two and I'm down 30 lbs now. Clearly you are younger, so you should heal faster than I did, but my best advice is to be gentle with yourself. And your body will always be different, but not necessarily worse. i have a pudgier bottom to my belly (still working on it) but I have a smaller waist and bigger hips, which for me is actually a good thing, since I was shaped like a rectangle before.....

    Just be gentle and slow and it will happen, but don't push yourself too hard, you have a little person to take care of and that little person will sap you for a while to come yet....
  • JamiElaine05
    JamiElaine05 Posts: 9 Member
    I really am just to the point of taking it one day at a time. I started using MFP regularly about two weeks ago. I've done a pretty great job of recording everything accurately (although some dinners out for work have required me to guess). But, I know I still have a LONG way to go (two weeks isn't that long). I just haven't found the time to make it to the gym yet.

    Are any of you single mothers? And if so, how did you adapt to not being able to go to the gym? That is the only way I have ever successfully been able to work out. And I live in a small town where they don't have day cares in the gym.
  • Wrenbot87
    Wrenbot87 Posts: 100 Member
    My son is 8 months old. I had him by c-section. When he was about 4 months old I was ready to try and lose some weight. I had lost 60 pounds when I got pregnant. I only put on 25 during my pregnancy, but the stress of being a single mom and having a newborn, I put on another 45. I'm a recovering emotional/stress eater. I say recovering because I truly believe that food can be used like drugs and you have to have a mental awareness of that, which I do now and that's how I keep it in check. I've lost almost 50 pounds at this point. I can't always go to the gym, and some days I can't work out. I make something happen at least 4 times a week. I'm using the C25K program now, and signed up for my first 5K in June. You can do this! It isn't easy, and sometimes you deal with guilt when you work out and leave your baby, but tell yourself that you have to do this for them and yourself. My son is crawling now, and I'm so glad I'm so much more active because I am always chasing him when he's awake! If you you really want it, you will make it happen!! You've already done one of the hardest and most amazing things anyone can do with their life; you've had a baby! If you can do that, you can do anything! Don't be afraid to ask someone to help you. I usually find most people don't mind sitting at your house when the baby is already asleep so you can go walking for 30 minutes! Also, get some home DVD's. I highly suggestion Jillian Michaels.
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    I had my last baby a month ago..also by csection and am SO anxious to get my body back. I have to keep reminding myself to slow down so I don't rip my incision open. I had lost about 25 pounds prior to becoming pregnant, and am still up 10 or so from then. After working so hard before it's hard to be patient now.

    Right now I'm trying to clean up my diet and then in 4 weeks I'll be ready to hit the gym again. It's discouraging some days to look in the mirror and see the flab and the stretch marks, but when I look at the little man I know it was worth it!!!

    I know I lost the weight last year, so I know I can do it again :)
  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    First of all congratulations on your new bundle of joy! I had my 2nd son in June last year, and he was also my 2nd c-section. With my first son I gained 50 pounds, and topped off at 220 pounds (I'm only 5'3 so that was .... way way to much) I'm struggling with the lower part of my stomach and hips as well, the c-section has made things more difficult but not impossible. I'm seeing some very good results from jogging/walking/running and a workout routine I have made for myself. I'm not sure if our stomachs will ever look like they did before kids, but i'm getting close and it has been down right hard at times. I don't go to the gym for many reasons but mainly money, I cant afford it. Just find something that works for you (Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is amazing, and she will kick your *kitten*) and stick with it! This is a long, difficult road but its definitely worth walking! (Or running lol) Good luck doll!!
  • ericalayon
    ericalayon Posts: 2 Member
    I have a 7 month old, and while I'm not a single mom having my hubby watch the kiddo for me to exercise just isn't going to happen. I've been (trying to) do 10 minute trainer videos when the little guy is down for a nap. And now that the weather is nice, we are walking around more on our errands with me carrying the little guy in a sling. He's light (14 lbs last appt) but I sure notice the difference in my muscles from carrying him. Try to think of what you can do with your little one, or working around nap times.

    I'm only 10 days in to MFP but I'm finding that tracking what I eat and what I do is helping me be better accountable to myself and to make better choices. I'm pretty laid back about a lot of things, but I'm serious about shifting my life to a life of better health and fitness while eating real foods. If I sound like someone you want to walk down this path with, friend me.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    I understand how you feel. Lifting weights and walking made me feel stronger and tighter in the midsection.
  • Alafia22
    Alafia22 Posts: 112
    I am coping with the same issues, but I refuse to let what I see in front of me define what I CAN be if I work hard. I have a 10 week old baby and I just started working out last week. I weigh 215 pounds but my pre-baby weight wasn't too much lower (195). Now, I can't wait to be 195 (the irony, lol) Thank you for creating this post!

    If there is a group for moms, I'd love to join so we can encourage each other.

  • oliviabog
    oliviabog Posts: 101
    I had two 13 months apart and i gained a lot of weight. Lost it now apart from one stone. I would say to do a lot of walking and eat sensibly. I also bought myself a stepper and did an hour or more on that everyday when my kids were asleep. My diet was essentially porridge in the morning. Soup art lunch and a home cooked dinner. I sweated it out big time and did allow myself treats and the odd takeaway as you need to treat yourself too :)
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    It takes time. Eating clean and working out will help. It takes awhile to bounce back from a c/s. I have a pic of my stomach three years after my 2nd c/s on my profile. It is not pretty-baby but much better. It has actually progressed since the picture (I started strength training a few months ago).

    Don't get discouraged. It will happen with time if you stick with it.