Exercise ideas

The fitness club go to isn't working for three days next week so since i have never been without a training for a long time i was wondering if anyone has any ideas what kind of training can i do instead of my regular ones? I know it is a stupid question but i have never done anything outside of the fitness club so i don't have any ideas.


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    30 DS on youtube
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    go for a jog/walk in the evening after dinner

    do some core work and body weight exercises.

    i would assume you dont have any equipment at home or your wouldnt be asking this question.

    what i usually do when my gym is closed is go to another gym and get a guest pass and use that. sometimes its free and some times it cost like 10 bucks a day if you really want to work out its worth it
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Depending on your current state of fitness and health...
    * Walk.
    * March in place (while watching TV, brushing your teeth, cooking).
    * Use bottles of water or canned food - one for each hand, like light weights.
    * Put on some music and dance.
    * Do some jumping jacks.
    * Hold a plank postion. Repeat.
    * Touch your knee to your opposite side elbow. Alternate. Keep going.
    * Do some sit-ups. (If you don't know good form for your back, don't do this on your own yet.)
    * Do some push-ups.
    * Do some pull-ups.
    * Jog or run, in place or around the neighborhood.
    * Go for a hike.
    * Look on line for stretches and weight bearing positions you can do on your own.
    Ask at the gym or your trainer. You should always have some exercises you can do on your own to supplement what you do there or to fill in days when you can't use the gym.
  • jezama77
    jezama77 Posts: 138 Member
    See if you can do any of the exercises that you normally do in the gym at home. Unless everything that your trainer has you do required equipment...and if that is the case, then next time you train have him/her show you some stuff you can try at home. Good for vacations and times when the gym is closed. Also, try fitness blender and be fit channels on youtube! :)
  • jc1961AA
    jc1961AA Posts: 283 Member
    Some rope work... (meant skipping rope)
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Go swimming at the local pool.
    Leslie Sansone walk at home - You can find them for free on YouTube.
    Bike ride
    run up and down some stairs
    assorted calisthenics
    go skating
    Play tennis, Frisbee, or catch with someone.
    run, walk, or jog
    go to the batting cages & hit balls (edit> or the golf driving range