when to stop

ok i started on mfp at 290lbs and a size 44 pants. i'm now down to 198 and a size 36 pants. actually put on a pair of size 34 shorts the other day but not sure if the pants fit the same. lately all i keep hearing is how i dont need to lose anymore because i look to skinny. i'm about 6'2" and bmi which i know isn't the best to follow has me about 195 for the top end of where i should be. any thoughts on where to stop? should i ask my doctor or just stop whenever. lately i've been tired of the diet for the fact i'm not unhappy with my weight anymore but at the same time don't want to give up. my original goal was 200 which i met. help me where to go now


  • Etienne54
    Etienne54 Posts: 88 Member
    What are you long-term goals? Just losing weight or are you going to look forward building muscle and reach a certain BF%?
  • wood8282
    wood8282 Posts: 9
    i'm not overly concerned about building muscle. my biggest concern was to get my blood pressure down. my main goal was 200 and i've done both those.
  • Etienne54
    Etienne54 Posts: 88 Member
    Then congratulation! Since you don't have any more goals other than that, it's time to maintain that weight.

    Eat well and live long!
  • TimeForMe99
    TimeForMe99 Posts: 309
    Since you've achieved your goals why not stay at maintenance for a few months, see how you like it? If you then feel you'd like to reduce a bit more then drop your calories.