
This is probably going to sound absolutely mental but never mind, here goes...
I’m getting pretty close to my goal weight but the thing is, I’m scared of reaching it, not in the sense that I will finally happy with my weight I’m not that mad! However, the idea of having to change my diet to maintain the weight is a scary thing. I can see myself, as I become more confident and relaxed, dropping back into my old habits and putting the weight back on or still losing and I don’t really want to be losing much more (I like my curves :) )
So, does anyone have any words of advice or experience with this?


  • mrsw510
    mrsw510 Posts: 169
    I am extremely jealous that you are almost to maintance. Anyway, obviously this isn't from personal experiance but I have heard then in maintance mode, you should weigh yourself everyday. Obviously you are going to falucuated a little but that way if you start noticing an upward trend for a few days in a row you can crack down before you gain your weight back.
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    I can see where your mind is at. It's easy to think "I'm here...done....don't need to do those things anymore"

    I think if you set small fitness goals for yourself now, instead of weight loss goals, it will help you keep on track. Also, remember that this new way of eating not only helped you lose weight, it helped you become healthier. Just always keep healthy foods on hand and keep your body moving and I'm sure maintenance will be a cinch. :) Congratulations!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I've basically been on maintenance for 5 years. I don't weigh everyday, I weigh once a week to keep on track. And yes, your weight will fluctuate to some degree...for me it is +/- 3 pounds (depending on the time of year, my workout schedule, etc.). It takes adjustment for sure. Sometimes it is almost easier to be in "diet" mode, because you have a clear cut plan - now you are on your own, so to speak.

    What happened to me, and what you should strive for, is realizing that eating healthy and working out are parts of your life, not tools to get you somewhere. I love eating healthy and working out 5x a week, so I don't look at it like a chore and something I have to do, it is just a normal part of life like brushing my teeth. And of course I have indulgences, like weekend BBQs with friends and vacations, but since I am eating healthy 95% of the time and working out 5x a week, these are mere blips in my life and they don't affect me negatively...I'm living my life. However I still track calories (loosely and not every day) because I like to, I like to keep on track and I like to make sure I am still on the right track. I also change up my workouts quite frequently, so I need to make sure I am eating enough to support it, or I'll start losing weight and get too skinny and I'm afraid of losing the muscle I have built up.

    So, good luck, change your goals slightly and live your life!
  • lauraparkerrr
    lauraparkerrr Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks guys :)
    I can't actually weigh myself everyday, we don't have any scales :S my mum won't buy any ( she doesn't see the point) and I can't afford any at the moment so i have to rely on weighing myself at my boyfriends (not good i know).
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    I agree with kdiamond, you have to look at everything you've done and everything you're doing as a permanent change. I've been on maintenance for the last 3 months, tracking calories and still have my levels as if I'm looking to lose a little (1/2 lb) every week. I do this because I too am allowing extra room to be able to maintain (weekend bbq, etc). I was on maintenance before and let myself slip by ignoring everything I did to get there the first time, and came within 20 lbs of where I was when I started. Annoying, I know, but I worked myself back to where I am, and yeah there are things that can and can't change in order to stay where I am. My overall diet is still healthy (fruits, veggies, oatmeal), but I do allow room for other foods that I would otherwise "cheat" to have. It's all about finding the right balance once you get there, and yes it is more difficult to maintain than lose the weight when you don't know how.....that's why I still log calories and am here every day, so I don't forget or slip again. Also, I do weigh myself every other day....and know that my weight will fluctuate 3-5 lbs, but anything beyond that means serious adjustment. Anyway, congrats on getting so far :-)
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    What I did was continue to log my food (under maintenance) for 2 weeks after I reached my goal weight. Then I kind of knew what I could eat to maintain it. If that doesn't work for you, you can keep coming on here and logging your maintenance calories. I do love the options here. You can lose, maintain, or even gain weight by setting your goals properly and following the guidelines.
  • lauraparkerrr
    lauraparkerrr Posts: 86 Member
    I'm definitely going to stop around and keep tracking my calories especially when i'm in Spain, i'm going for 3 weeks so there is definite danger of gaining there!!