Bob Harper's Jumpstart to Skinny. Any experience?

I MUST lose another 20 pounds asap to get into a dress. I know others who claim they have followed his program and have indeed lost the promised nearly 20 pounds in 3 weeks (with no rebound weight gain, no illness). Granted the program must be followed exactly, which is easier said than done. I just started and it is going OK so far.

Has anyone else tried his program? Thank you!


  • par57
    par57 Posts: 74
  • layfieldbe
    I am on this diet now and have lost 8 pounds in 7 days. It is an intense diet! How much weight have you lost on this diet so far and how long have you been on it? Thanks.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    I thin 90% of the people here will tell you not to do it. It is an extremely unhealthy way of losing weight.
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    I'm going to bump this. I would be interested to hear. I have not heard about this diet.
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
  • SGSmallman
    SGSmallman Posts: 193 Member
    If you're goal is to lose weight fast then go for it-

    Just remember weight is a culmination of fat, water, muscle and bone

    If you want to lose fat then avoid this altogether

    The slower you lose those excess lbs the better or you run the risk of having lose skin, and health issues.

    please read for good advice.
  • melmonroe
    melmonroe Posts: 111
    Of course, anything that works fast MUST be bad for a person right? Wrong!

    But the REAL deal is this:

    It took a whole lot of IMBALANCE to get unhealthy and it will take an EQUAL or GREATER amount of IMBALANCE to get healthy again. If you want to go low calorie and heavy work outs and fast weight loss, do the plan you want but get a doctor to sign it for you and tell people you have doctors supervision. That shuts up 95% of the 90% people immediately. Anyone still yacking is simply a busybody.

    I'm on the "fastdiet" and I get initial bullcrap about my 2-3 fast days per week (500 calories per day.) But, the truth is, my doctor has no trouble with that at all. He does have trouble with my "overexercise" when the bulk of my exercise has been over 155 bpm and into 185bpm. That, with my weight, my friends, is something that can kill you.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Of course, anything that works fast MUST be bad for a person right? Wrong!

    But the REAL deal is this:

    It took a whole lot of IMBALANCE to get unhealthy and it will take an EQUAL or GREATER amount of IMBALANCE to get healthy again. If you want to go low calorie and heavy work outs and fast weight loss, do the plan you want but get a doctor to sign it for you and tell people you have doctors supervision. That shuts up 95% of the 90% people immediately. Anyone still yacking is simply a busybody.

    I'm on the "fastdiet" and I get initial bullcrap about my 2-3 fast days per week (500 calories per day.) But, the truth is, my doctor has no trouble with that at all. He does have trouble with my "overexercise" when the bulk of my exercise has been over 155 bpm and into 185bpm. That, with my weight, my friends, is something that can kill you.

    Oh yeah, cuz we have seen on this forum (and in real life) that doctors are always right ;) Especially when it comes to diet and exercise.
  • melmonroe
    melmonroe Posts: 111
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    Of course, anything that works fast MUST be bad for a person right? Wrong!

    But the REAL deal is this:

    It took a whole lot of IMBALANCE to get unhealthy and it will take an EQUAL or GREATER amount of IMBALANCE to get healthy again. If you want to go low calorie and heavy work outs and fast weight loss, do the plan you want but get a doctor to sign it for you and tell people you have doctors supervision. That shuts up 95% of the 90% people immediately. Anyone still yacking is simply a busybody.

    I'm on the "fastdiet" and I get initial bullcrap about my 2-3 fast days per week (500 calories per day.) But, the truth is, my doctor has no trouble with that at all. He does have trouble with my "overexercise" when the bulk of my exercise has been over 155 bpm and into 185bpm. That, with my weight, my friends, is something that can kill you.

    Oh yeah, cuz we have seen on this forum (and in real life) that doctors are always right ;) Especially when it comes to diet and exercise.

    There is some truth to your comment about "doctors are always right" but in my opinion, I trust doctors more than I would a regular person like you and me..... Just saying...
  • mariarose88
    I just started today, but I'd love to hear about other people's experiences. The recipes are super tasty so far although getting down the 5 egg whites was pretty tough. I boiled them instead of scrambling because I don't have a ton of time in the mornings to cook.
  • JacquiMarie70
    JacquiMarie70 Posts: 62 Member
    I just started this yesterday. It seems like a lot of work, but I think it will be well worth it in the end. The egg white part for me is tough for sure, i couldn't finish all of them this morning.
    I know people think its unsafe to do this, but as he states in his book that it is temporary and do not continue to do this for more than 3 weeks. Which makes sense.
    In order to lose weight besides diet and exercise we have to constantly continue to shock our bodies with different routines, food, cardio and much more. This seems like a perfect way for me at least to jumpstart my diet.
    Ive gained 40 ponds in 4 years and lost 7 pounds so far, but have been stuck here maintaining for the last month. So my plan is to do this for only 3 weeks and then continue to eat whole foods and just healthy while working out. Once the weight comes off it will seem a lot easier to continue along a positive note!! Although this has a lot of cooking, thats for sure lol.
    Have you lost any weight yet?
  • JacquiMarie70
    JacquiMarie70 Posts: 62 Member
    I started yesterday, so none yet, but i do have a question. The veggies and fruit we are allowed to eat as snacks in between....i think i may have missed that part in the book. I wrote down the list of veggies, but the fruits that say he eats all the time like blackberries and blueberries....can we eat those too throughout the day?
  • mightaswelldoit
    mightaswelldoit Posts: 5 Member
    I am on day 2 of the program, so far so good
  • mightaswelldoit
    mightaswelldoit Posts: 5 Member
    from what I remember, he suggest berries, and also mentions he likes to snack on apples, and that the 3rd week no fruit allowed
  • mightaswelldoit
    mightaswelldoit Posts: 5 Member
    it is alot of egg whites, I am using eggbeaters
  • ichefmastersgirl
    ichefmastersgirl Posts: 4 Member
    I believe it stated to munch on all the veggies you like...but just veggies!!! I dont believe you can fruit.

    I am really enjoying the diet I am not hungry at all and sometimes it is to much food. So I tend to break up breakfast a little. Will have like the oatmeal in the morning then the eggs a couple hours later. I only do it with breakfast because it tends to be a lot.

    I have been doing it now for 7 days not feeling groggy I am more energized sleeping better and love to put the new meals together. Trying things I have never ate before and enjoying them. So glad I bought this book.

    And so for all the Dr and Scientist out there they all do all kinds of studies. There are a crap ton out there that say to not go under a certain calorie limit and then in the book he list just as many crap ton of studies that say it works and it does not harm you or does not make you lose muscle. Well they can all take their studies and cram them....hey works for me then I am not going to complain. But not all diets are for all people. We all have to find our own sweet spot :)
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Interesting. I hope you make it and keep us updated on how it goes. Make sure that you are doing some type of resistant exercisesto maintain your muscles. Also, does bob harper mention any supplements to go along with the diet? I know that the UCLA recommends a potassium supplement to go along with a very low calorie diet. You might want to take one just in case.
  • mocarranza2000
    mocarranza2000 Posts: 4 Member
    My husband and I are on day 2 of this, and so far so good. People are freaking out about the "low" calories, but in reality the 800 calories is not counting vegetables. This is just his sneaky way to make you eat your vegetables since you can "binge" on them. If you snack on them all day (and write them down) you will see you are actually eating well over 800 calories a day. The part I'm struggling with is the fish oil pills...I think they are upsetting my stomach. I'm going to try them for a bit more, but may have to cut back on them if I still feel nausous.

    You do have to do crossfit-type workouts 5 days a week, and 30-45 mintues of light cardio a day, so you are definately getting a work out in. I did the "Ball Buster" one yesterday and can barely walk today. Oh, and he does say to drink an electrolyte replacement drink (non-sugar) so that should help with any missing minerals. Hopefully I can stay on the wagon, but so far it's really not THAT different than I eat normally...just smaller portions, and no complex carbs after breakfast.

    Good luck to everyone else trying it!
  • mariarose88
    I'm Day 2 as well and I really love it. I consistently have trouble getting enough veg and protein so the meal plans are really working for me! I feel like it's going to give me a head start not only to weight loss, but improving my diet in the long run since there are so many different options. What kind of electrolyte-replacer are you all using? I couldn't find a good one without a ton of sugar. Also I'm pretty sure you're just supposed to snack on veggies. I've been having raw green beans and they're super tasty!!