Is soy milk bad for you?



  • RitaSantoss
    RitaSantoss Posts: 986 Member
    Well I really hope not, because I just drank it today with my coffee.
  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    The taste is really a personal thing: for me, soya milk tastes like watery cardboard, although I don't mind it *too* much in coffee.

    For alternatives, try rice milk for porridge (delicious!) and almond milk is lovely as well. Yesterday I discovered chocolate coconut milk (brand: Koko) which also works well as a hot chocolate and it is divine!
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    Soy products in general increase your chances of breast cancer, it depends on consumption, it reduces testoren in your body which can really affect your libido, in fact soy beans/products were originally used to help men/women to abstain from sex. Also straight up raw soy beans can't be digested by your body at all, I just can't imaging soy products being good for anyone. Soy has always been praised as some healthy thing when it really isn't. Some studies say that soy can be quite detrimental to your health, and that the isoflavones can interfere with your endocrine system and hormone balance. This can possibly reduce fertility in women, contribute to premature puberty, and has even been linked to certain cancers and conditions like gyecomastia (male breast development) when consumed in large amounts.

    I would opt for almond milk or rice milk instead.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I read online that any soy milk product that has an expiration date months away means it is bad for you since they are apparently filled with hormones, which can mess up your body/health.
    Almond milk is ok, I don't particularly like the flavor.

    Regarding soy milk, generally when I have had it in the past about 45 minutes to an hour later I start getting really bad muscle cramps all over. Soy milk is just not compatible with my awesomeness.