Calorie burn needed to loose at least 3lbs per week???

I'm in a fitness challenge at work. My goal is to loose at least 3 lbs per week. I'm down 7 lbs in 3 weeks. However, I need to loose at least 35 lbs by the time the challenge ends on June 28th. I'm on a 1200 calorie diet plan & work out 6 days a week. Any suggestions on how many calories I need to burn each day?


  • Ravenesque_
    Ravenesque_ Posts: 257 Member
    3lbs a week *unless you are very very very seriously obese* is too fast weight loss to be healthy. I'm not sure its possible.You end up eating too few calories to fuel your workouts. is your long term health worth the risk?

    If its a fitness challenge, than fitness isn't the same as losing the most weight. Take a step back girl, assess what you want. Its what you want that's important, not your work colleagues. Have you tried setting yourself a personal goal and smashing that? How about taking up lifting, or running?

    Hell, be proud. I wish i could lose 7lbs in 3 weeks.

    if you're serious about your question - I'd see a doctor before doing so. Either way, good luck ^^
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    are you eating back your exercise calories? at this point you'd probably lose more if you ate more. but as ravenesque said, 3 lbs/week is not healthy or sustainable unless you are morbidly obese and under a doctor's supervision.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Definitely the Master Cleanse. Just don't eat, drink lemon juice with cayenne pepper and maple syrup every day and then crap like a monster with a 1L salt water flush each day.

    It's SUPER! :drinker: </sarcasm>
  • SexyCool13
    SexyCool13 Posts: 11 Member
    If you're down 7 pounds in three weeks, it sounds like you're right where it is said you should be for healthy weight loss. One of the things I had to remind myself recently was that my weigh-ins are not going to look like an episode of The Biggest Loser or Celebrity Fit Camp.

    Slow and steady wins the race.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Well MFP already has you at a 7,000 calorie deficit to lose what I'm assuming you set as two pounds a week.

    To burn another pound, you'd have to burn 500 something calories per workout... which is going to be harder as you get thinner.

    You also don't need to lose 3 pounds or 35 pounds by June.. You want to. WIth a mindset like that, you are going to crash and burn eventually.. which isn't good.

    I'd personally shoot for a pound a week and if more happens to fall off, well then that's awesome.
  • medic2038
    medic2038 Posts: 434 Member
    I'm in a fitness challenge at work. My goal is to loose at least 3 lbs per week. I'm down 7 lbs in 3 weeks. However, I need to loose at least 35 lbs by the time the challenge ends on June 28th. I'm on a 1200 calorie diet plan & work out 6 days a week. Any suggestions on how many calories I need to burn each day?

    Unfortunately I don't think your goal is realistic. Fat loss is typically non-linear, what I mean is it's not quite as simply as putting your numbers in and you lose that exact amount every week. To drop 35lbs in 9 weeks is almost 4lbs per week, it's just not going to happen unless you're morbidly obese or get surgery.
  • msproducer
    msproducer Posts: 101 Member
    I'm eating clean for the most part and not depriving myself in order to loose weight. This is a lifestyle change, so I want to do it the right way. As SexyCool stated, slow and steady, wins the race. Sometimes, I have to remind myself not to over do it with the workouts or be too hard on myself when I do go over my calorie goal for the day.

    Currently, I'm in 4th place with pounds lost and 3rd for body fat percentage loss, so I'm doing something right. :smile:

    Thank you all for your feedback and best wishes in your weight loss journey!