I can't stop drinking Diet Coke!



  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I had a serious love/hate relationship with coke zero. Just not buying it anymore and getting preggo helped me. I occasionally have one, but it's when I am out.

    Weirdly enough I craved coke zero when I was pregnant with my son! I don't usually drink fizzy drinks either.

    Could you just slowly cut down? Maybe buy sparkling water then at least you still get something fizzy?
  • lowerh22
    lowerh22 Posts: 20 Member
    its def not easy to go cold turkey. i was completely addicted to diet coke (when i say addicted, i mean 30 cans in a weekend :/ ) but im down to two cans a day now just by filling up on water or juice instead.
    diet coke is a diuretic, which makes you eat when youre actually thirsty! Good luck
  • SR77FIT
    SR77FIT Posts: 3
    I was a diet coke ADDICT! I used to drink diet coke from morning until night at least 6 to 8 cans.

    I went cold turkey 2 months ago it was sooo hard and the cravings were unbearable! It is just a case of will power :)

    Now I can't stand the taste its disgusting.

    I just drink 2 cups of coffee a day and about 6 cups of green tea. If I go out I drink sparkling water :)

    You can do it :D
  • I've heard nothing but bad about sodas,. I gave them up in Jan and I think it has really helped my loss. I don't even crave them now.
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    not sure this is the same one, however it still might be intersting

  • Peni_Davidson
    Peni_Davidson Posts: 54 Member
    Studies show that artificial sugar stimulates the same hormonal and metabolic responses of real sugar.
    As you eat fake sweetener, receptors in your brain and gut anticipate getting calories from sugar; in response, your body releases the fat-storage hormone insulin.
    You want to cut out diet soda out completely, but if you’re a three-cans-a-day gal and don’t want to quit cold turkey, start by cutting back to one can and always consume diet drinks with a meal. That way your body gets the calories it’s expecting, so there’s less of an insulin response.

  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Stop torturing yourself by trying to quit. Just drink the diet coke. There are worse things lol

    unless you;re drinking ridiculous quantities of it or it's making you ill, then this.

    I'm intolerant to aspartame, if I'm going to drink pepsi or coke, it'll be the full sugar version. I just usually consider it to be a waste of calories and carbs... i'd rather drink water and have something extra to eat. But you don't have that problem with diet drinks as they don't have many calories. Too much of pretty much anything is bad for you, but the odd can of diet coke here and there won't harm you. You already said you're drinking other things as well, so you can't really be drinking that much of it any more. Everything in moderation....
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Cold turkey. You CAN do it. I did. Almost killed me. I drank nothing but coke 24/7 for 10 years. 4 x 2ltr bottles every day. I'd go to bed with the bottle & glass beside the bed, I'd drink it ALL the time. I'd go without food to afford to drink it.

    Cold turkey. Only way to beat any addiction.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,139 Member
    Studies show that artificial sugar stimulates the same hormonal and metabolic responses of real sugar.
    As you eat fake sweetener, receptors in your brain and gut anticipate getting calories from sugar; in response, your body releases the fat-storage hormone insulin.
    You want to cut out diet soda out completely, but if you’re a three-cans-a-day gal and don’t want to quit cold turkey, start by cutting back to one can and always consume diet drinks with a meal. That way your body gets the calories it’s expecting, so there’s less of an insulin response.

    The body needs calories for insulin to be released.
  • spekkio12345
    spekkio12345 Posts: 18 Member
    There is nothing wrong with Diet Coke. As long as you aren't drinking a 12 pack a day or whatnot.
  • i haven't quite quit, but i've seriously cut down! the trick is, i reckon, to just find the most appealing beverage substitute possible.

    i mainly drink tea now, but for a while i was buying diet cordial and mixing it with soda water - it was far far cheaper, and i would take a bottle full of cordial out with me and add it to water all day whenever i had a diet coke craving.

    it's not great for you either, but it helps you resist the diet coke cravings until they die down, and then i found i didn't want to keep drinking the cordial anymore :)
  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    Easier to quit when I looked at the cost to the planet compared to drinking water. I get less exercise now, though, since I don't need to empty the blue box as often.
  • JayKay60
    JayKay60 Posts: 15 Member
    So true! I've gone cold turkey too. I was addicted lol. Then I realised it actually never tasted as good as I thought it would. And it made me crave sweet stuff, so buh-bye!
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Diet coke is addictive as hell, and you need to just quit it cold turkey. If you can hold out for a month, you won't crave the stuff anymore, I promise. I drink a Synergy Kombucha juice or a beer if I am reeeeally craving the carbonation, since I still love me some carbonated beverages.

    I don't care if someone justifies it, I personally think it's pretty terrible and I found out that my frequent headaches stopped when I quit swilling the stuff.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    once again, addiction. :grumble:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Drink it and be happy. There's no reason in the world to quit it unless it's actually causing you some sort of harm.
  • AnJulNZ
    AnJulNZ Posts: 186 Member
    The one thing that may not add to my weight but I just wish I could give up is diet coke. I've tried half heartedly to drink more coffee, etc. but I still come back to it. I know tea is great and would like to drink that but there is something about the taste of diet coke that I keep coming back to. Any suggestions???
    If you really want to give up diet coke, then just do it. If you don't, then keep drinking it.
    Trying halfheartedly isn't doing the job.
    It shouldn't just be about the weight. It should be about the whole health of your body.
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    I also quit pop cold turkey in December, and surprisingly I don't miss it. Hubby is a mello yellow fiend, but fortunately I was never a fan. I now drink water, crystal light, and green tea.