Zumba "Before and After" pics...want to share?



  • Lacey_Cakes
    Lacey_Cakes Posts: 223 Member
    Hey there! Anyone have any Zumba "Before and After" pics?? I need to get some motivation to do Zumba! :)

    can we bump this? I just started Zumba and would love to get some pics for motivation
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    I started doing Zumba in October and joined MFP on January 3, 2011. Zumba is my main form of exercise, I go to classes 3-4 times a week and I absolutely love it! I've lost 47 lbs since I joined MFP! Here's a few pics...



    I'm still about 70 lbs away from my goal but I know I'll get there!!! Oh and the first pics were taken during my engagement photo shoot in november 2010 and the after shots were taken on my honeymoon in June 2011!

    Omg. You are sooo inspirational, you look amazing. :)
  • canraccox
    canraccox Posts: 12 Member
    Ditto!!! Bump bump bump!
    Did my first "class" on YouTube today and I loved it!
  • tallgirlshelley
    tallgirlshelley Posts: 108 Member
    I love love love Zumba. I've been an instructor since January 2011. I'm working on all new songs right now for my next session and my arms and abs are so sore I can barely breathe or bring in the groceries from the car! Zumba rocks!
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I have been doing Zumba pretty regularly for almost two years. LOVE IT. But, it isn't all I do. I love the cardio and benefits, but I've added some strength training and my body is tightening up in ways Zumba didn't provide.

    I do Zumba twice a week now, and other stuff the rest of the days. My goal is to get bikini ready by June.
  • sherimacquarrie
    sherimacquarrie Posts: 69 Member
    My profile pic! I have been doing zumba at least 2 days a week since June. Down just over 50 pounds!! I LOVE Zumba!!!
  • baninamina
    baninamina Posts: 2 Member
    Wow!! You look incredible!! :)
  • I just started zumba and I love it! It is so hard to find a workout that's fun and still gives you time to have a life. I'm a working mother of 2, a 6 & 4 year old. My girls like to do it with me, so it's cool I get to work out and hang out with my kids at the same time!! I love this!
  • krbates84
    krbates84 Posts: 96 Member
    I'm planning on attending my first class this Thursday. I want to add it in to my weekly work out routine. I'm so excited!
  • eowynmn
    eowynmn Posts: 165 Member
    I've only been doing it since Jan 7th, I've lost 18 lbs, 2+ inches in waist, 3.5 i hips, 1.5 in bust. I don't have a great before pic, but there's something in my profile, and zumba is definitely changing my physique and energy level.
  • berries06
    berries06 Posts: 1 Member
    All together I've lost 25.1 pounds doing Just Dance 3 and I recently started Zumba for Wii which i've lost 3.1 lbs in two weeks of using it.
  • I recently got Zumba for Wii, I was wondering how long you do it daily???? Is the Full 60 Minutes too much for beginners????