Just binged :/ disappointed



  • Leesel66
    Leesel66 Posts: 67 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about what's been done, we've all been in that position ourselves, start a fresh tomorrow, log everything to help you get back on track. You can do it, you just need to get your head back into the right frame of mind.

    Good luck :smile:
  • Opsys
    Opsys Posts: 3
    Quittings never crossed my mind I'm guess I'm just bummed that I'm dealing with the same weakness popping up. To my friends and family I'm mr willpower who supposedly has fitness figured out. I'm afraid if they knew that I lose control with this emotional eating **** they'd lose motivation

    I don't starve myself which is why this is so surprising to me my deficit at this point is -300. Just venting cuz I was caught off guard. Sorry for bothering you guys but I really appreciate the responses. Always crazy support on this site. Keep doing what you're doing folks you're all awesome
  • Bria0410
    Bria0410 Posts: 1
    Been there too! Don't stress. Go for a walk and burn some of it off. You will be back on track tomorrow. Try to determine when and why you binge and come up with a strategy to get around it. this whole weight loss thing can be beat, just stay positive and anytime you get off track, counteract it with some exercise of some sort. You Can Do It ! We all Can !!!
  • kelmoseley
    kelmoseley Posts: 22 Member
    Just binged too, but i know tomorrow ill be stronger, you will be too!
  • tjbear6145
    I also binged today. But I figure out my calories and I will make something low in calories but filling tonight. White egg and Morningstar Sausage --I worked a lot of overtime and then went to gym and I was really tired today. I wasn't hungry --I am never hungry when I binge.
  • tjbear6145
    I also binged today.. I check my calories and will make something low calorie tonight. I am never hungry when I binge. I did work a lot of overtime and went to gym everynight. So I was tried and the scale isn't moving. But a binge isn't going to help
    has anyone tried Green Coffee Bean supplement
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Quittings never crossed my mind I'm guess I'm just bummed that I'm dealing with the same weakness popping up. To my friends and family I'm mr willpower who supposedly has fitness figured out. I'm afraid if they knew that I lose control with this emotional eating **** they'd lose motivation

    I don't starve myself which is why this is so surprising to me my deficit at this point is -300. Just venting cuz I was caught off guard. Sorry for bothering you guys but I really appreciate the responses. Always crazy support on this site. Keep doing what you're doing folks you're all awesome

    A good friend of mine told me that the easy part is the physical, the hard part is mental. The 370 pound guy is still inside me, I know it, if i gave him the chance he would be back with a vengance. It is a everyday battle and one that you will have to fight for a very long time. You can win and venting helps. MFP has a great support system and your friends will be there for you. Use them and let them use you. We all win this way.
  • Smile72
    Smile72 Posts: 104 Member
    Been there done that. Accept accountability and keep it moving. Every day may not always be a stellar day, but... how you deal with it is key. Don't let the guilt get the better of you.
  • crosstraindylan
    crosstraindylan Posts: 124 Member
    If you feel like you ate too much, try going for a run/walk/swim/bike ride. Make it a goal to cut that down a bit and you'll feel better and have some exercise for the day.
  • tjbear6145
    I also binged today. But I figure out my calories and I will make something low in calories but filling tonight. White egg and Mornings...
  • tjbear6145
    Sorry about all the post, is was my first time using it. I did have a light dinner and today is a new day and a new start. Being able to write things down helps. Hope everyone feels better today.
  • Arosebloom1
    Arosebloom1 Posts: 16 Member
    If you go off track one day do not be to hard on your self. Just pick your self up and start over the next day.
  • jackiestanich3
    I love the comment above, log it own it, and move on! I am guilty of this "binging". Suffer from depression and I am a stress eater.
  • PosterPens
    PosterPens Posts: 172 Member
    oh i binged last night too. TOM is coming and i feel its rage, its so hard to resist munchies and i couldnt! but thanks to my bodymedia, i read i still came out with a 6 calorie deficit! THANK YOU GOD! hahaha
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Hang in there. We've all done it, but don't beat yourself up. Get over it and move on. You can do this and stay on track.
  • quicklabs
    quicklabs Posts: 254 Member
    What a great way to think about it!
    How low are your calories? If you are feeling the need to binge, it may be a sign that you have your cals too low and your body is responding by making you binge to replenish the stores it has been missing.

    I have experience many binges in the past, and I have always found (even though I am certainly an emotional eater as well) that if it comes out of no where, then it is coz your cals are too low.
    I think of it like this, when we go on diets, it's like trying to get from Paris to the borders of China. Now, what you should do is buy an economy ticket and slowly but surely make your way to your goal on the reliable train, but most of us get in the ferrari, we career down the roads and get really far really fast, and then realise we left our purse at home and the gas has run out in Germany. And we have to walk all the way back to paris to get our purse (binging)
    In other words, better to get where you wanna be eventually, than to get a portion of the way there fast :)
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    motivation: everyday is new. everyone is one step away from binging. today you took that step.

    you will get through this. there is a tomorrow. eat to fuel your body, don't eat to fill voids. distrat yourself. instead of opening up that box of cookies or whatever, call a friend, even if you have nothing to say other than 'what's up'

    you will get through this:flowerforyou:

    question for you to reflect on:
    how did you get through the time when you weren't binging? a few weeks, that is a long time, and you should totally feel proud of yourself.
  • Lisa38__
    Lisa38__ Posts: 72 Member
    The main thing is to get right back on the horse. Don't pull what I used to and say "well ruined my week! I'll start again Monday!" No, start again right now. Heck, if I lost control and binged at lunch, that means I'm back on my diet for dinner. Get right back up. If you make this a habit it will benefit you in the long run. You do not lose the race when you fall, you lose when you do not get back up.

    This is the best advice for anyone that binges.

    I used to do exactly the same thing and it took a long time for the penny to drop to acknowledge it and carry on straight away/the next day.
  • oX_Vanessa_Xo
    Just to let you know.., yesterday I had 4 or 5 iced melon bars... they are like popsicle. SOOOO GOOD.
    I used to eat a box of 8 in one day... this boxes is lasting me a week.

    Well I stepped on the scale this morning and was a pound less than I was yesterday morning.

    You can't deprive yourself of eating your fave foods. Having a little extra can be good for you mentally!

    Don't think that you will gain back 5 lbs in one day!
  • Rarity2013
    Rarity2013 Posts: 196 Member
    How low are your calories? If you are feeling the need to binge, it may be a sign that you have your cals too low and your body is responding by making you binge to replenish the stores it has been missing.

    This is very true. I've found in the past that a single, one-off binge, especially when I'm particularly hungry and not just being greedy, has little to no affect on my weight. Sometimes your body just wants and needs more. I've even been known to lose weight on a binge.

    Either way, these things happen. Continue with your regime as normal and you'll be absolutely fine. Perhaps even that sense of disappointment will help to motivate you now and in the future.

    My weekends are always atrocious. I'm whittling away at them slowly :)