Hi from Mesa, AZ

duribe56 Posts: 10 Member
I started MFP about a month abo, lost 7 lbs for far and want to take off another 13 making my weight 180, I thinnk I can maintain that. Best of luck to all of you!


  • Crysta1976
    Crysta1976 Posts: 184 Member
    Welcome! I just moved from Mesa to Michigan about a year ago... I miss AZ a little, but not this time of year! =) Good luck with your weightloss...
  • verbifyvenus
    verbifyvenus Posts: 175 Member
    Good luck to you too! :happy:
  • jnsangel33
    jnsangel33 Posts: 49
    Hi! Welcome! Good job with the 7 pounds so far! If you need a buddy..feel free to add me anytime. I have only been back on track for 3 weeks. I haven't lost but 3 lbs and I have been working out and counting calories daily!! I have a mini goal of 185 right now with a complete goal of at the very least 155. I weight I have not seen in probably over 10 years..... We can do this!!! It is just going to take a little effort..... :)