SD Matrix anyone??

a few people at the gym have been suggesting this product to me but im not so sure.. anyone who has used it or knows about it would be helpful. thank, Dean


  • M______
    M______ Posts: 288 Member
    I have a firm opinion on these kind of things. To be honest they couldn't pay me to try it. I think its going for a certain market, when your slogan is about how you have the highest possible steroid count you can legally have, that's an immediate decline from me. A quick google search brings up lots of people suffering from nausea and sickness from taking this. There are plenty of other reported side effects on top of that.

    It's just not worth it. Stay well clear in my opinion and stick to the healthy side of things as that's the reason you are here!
  • i heard it was a steriod but then other people tell me its not. thanks for the sound advise pal. al be steering well clear in that case!