Is this a blessing or a bad thing? Diet help

Okay, so this may be a stupid question.

So my diet has been really healthy for the past month or so. Now, I get sick to my stomach whenever I eat something Im not used to eating. Ive been eating a lot of fruit, salad, protein, and milk and eggs. Basically anything I made myself. Staying as far away from processed foods as possible.

Now whenever I try and eat anything different, I get really sick. Should I start branching out of my diet and try and get used to other foods again, or is this healthy diet a good thing.
I just cant tell if this is my body saying "This isnt health" or it saying "Im not used to this anymore."

Any help, greatly appreciated!!


  • lovemitch125
    lovemitch125 Posts: 257 Member
    Oh my god. I know exactly what you mean! I used to eat a burrito and chips & queso every day when I worked in a mexican restaurant and I always felt fine. Now if I just get a kids meal portion I feel tired, lazy and don't want to do a thing. I found the same thing with pasta as well. If I try to eat the amount of pasta I used to eat EVERYDAY (because it was cheap and i'm in college) I get very tired and usually nap for hours. I'm not sure if it's my body telling me it's unhealthy for me, or just that I'm not used to it anymore either? I'd love to hear other's opinions on this.

    The only good thing about it is it keeps me on track really :wink:
  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member
    It's unhealthy and you should just avoid it. I went all through basic training.... went to Church's Chicken on family day. I felt sick the entire next day. I'm the same way now. If I eat a fat greasy burger I feel sick the rest of the day. Your body is telling you the food isn't healthy so you might as well listen. I just can't tolerate excessively greasy foods anymore that I eat healthy.
  • singmyheartout4you
    What if its not fast food though?
    I cant even eat things like tamales, or a different type of pasta, or different soups
  • LoveDreamSmile
    I'm the same way..if I eat anything that I usually don't eat..) I always eat healthy).. I get sick and very bloated. I think it's a great thing least for me. I don't crave the stuff but there has been the times where I had it because it was offered. Don't even accept it anymore though and I'm happy about that. And wow let me just say tamales are very unhealthy. So it's not just fast food that is bad..anything with high bad fats..cholesterol..grease..sodium..etc is not I am in the same situation. I'm not sure what is up with the pasta and soup thing though.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    What if its not fast food though?
    I cant even eat things like tamales, or a different type of pasta, or different soups

    Don't EVER give up tamales.
  • teeebro
    teeebro Posts: 4
    I've been eating healthy since April 9th. I eat Lots of vegetables and fruits. For example, I make a 64 oz green smoothie almost every weekday and split it with my wife. For lunch I have a big spinach salad (2-3 cups) with tomato, mushrooms, cucumber, and onion. I top it with 4-6 oz. of salmon or chicken. I no longer have an appetite for fast food ... which I used to eat almost every day for lunch. I ate a sandwich at Tropical Smoothie last night and felt bloated ... it just didn't feel right. I hope this feeling (or bad feeling) sticks because it motivates me to make my own meals and eat healthy.