How often do you cheat on your diet?

I just want to know when is ok to cheat on my diet, once a week? twice a month?:drinker:


  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Why do you want to cheat yourself?
    Some people decide to have "free" or eat anything days or meals.
    Personally, I prefer to learn how to eat properly for long-term health. Occasionally, for a special occasion, I allow myself to eat extra. By occasional, I mean less than once a month, and they still aren't "eat anything", but maybe 500-1,000 extra calories for the day.
  • skinnydreams19
    skinnydreams19 Posts: 282 Member
    However often you can keep it in control. I haven't been able to keep my eating under control at all this week and have cheated every day (including right now, bringing today to 3400 calories :(((( )
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    I don't consider myself on a diet, so I don't consider it cheating. Everything in moderation, really. I just calculated what my TDEE is, and since I'm at a deficit. On the rare day I feel like eating more, I just go up to my TDEE and eat at maintenance. Yes, it slows down progress, but it keeps my sanity without gaining a lot of weight.
  • KathyPBiles
    KathyPBiles Posts: 292 Member
    I don't believe in "cheating". My lifestyle is "everything in moderation". If I want something extra, I burn extra calories for it. If I feel deprived with my lifestyle change, I will not continue it. I will quit. This way, I never feel deprived. Just my two cents.
  • majasmi
    majasmi Posts: 133 Member
    Some people add a cheat day per week. I don't add cheat days though.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    every day:) every day of the year!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Its not a diet, so I cheat every day. :)
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    As I'm not married to my diet, I don't have to "cheat" on it....Oh, wait, I'm not on a diet.....:bigsmile:
    It's a lifestyle - I have enough calories that I can have a nice meal without counting and a few glasses of red wine once a week, and I have something yummy everyday......
    If something comes up (wedding, birthday or whatever) I eat sensible and enjoy it.....
  • alsoagood1
    alsoagood1 Posts: 79 Member
    I don't "cheat" anything I eat I track - if I want to eat something I do as long as I can fit it into my calories for the day.
  • flywithabowtie
    flywithabowtie Posts: 71 Member
    I am trying to focus on 1500 cal/day per my TDEE calculations. I know that if I work out, I will have the room to go over, but i try to never go over my daily goal by more than 150. If i get the urge for something, most of the time I cut out the carbs from my evening meal to allow me the room for something sweet.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I don't believe in "cheating". My lifestyle is "everything in moderation". If I want something extra, I burn extra calories for it. If I feel deprived with my lifestyle change, I will not continue it. I will quit. This way, I never feel deprived. Just my two cents.


    I never cheat - because I eat what I want as long as it fits in my caloric goal for the week.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Whatever you want to do. I don't do it at all, don't want to undermine my hard work, but some people feel they are less restricted if they take a day off once in a while.
  • dorthymcconnel
    dorthymcconnel Posts: 237 Member
    I don't consider any food off limits, but I do choose to try and stick with my calorie guidelines most days. Now and again I realize I will go over my calorie allotment for the day, but I don't beat myself up over it. I guess that could be considered a cheat. Whatever you feel comfortable with is what you will stick with most likely. The main idea is to learn to eat healthy and learn that its okay to splurge a little now and then.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Not on a diet. I allow myself treats if I'm in the mood for it. Restriction and deprivation lead to failure IMO.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I'm not dieting, so for me there is no such thing as "cheating." I'm just eating smaller portions of what I enjoy. Like another poster said, " everything in moderation." :drinker:
  • QuHeCTiC24
    QuHeCTiC24 Posts: 32 Member
    I give myself one day per week to eat over my given calories. Sometimes I will only go over by a few, sometimes by like 1000. It is not a cheat day unless you are in a caloric surplus. The key to doing this and not failing is to not give in after the cheat meal or day is over which is not easy.
  • Viva81Diva
    Viva81Diva Posts: 148
    As long as you eat healthy and base your time on getting a surplus of nutrients, you should be able to eat something you crave whenever you choose to. Smaller portions, healthier alternatives to recipes, or reduced/fat free are options instead. Also, try not to look at nutrition as a diet. Nutrition should be rounded, balanced and tasty. Hunt down healthy recipes for your favorite dishes/desserts, and eating will become more interesting and not seem like a chore.

    Personally, I probably cheat most days of the week. I have this thing with sugar, and I will eat it regardless of the time or whatever else I plan to eat. I just work it into my calories for the day, and sometimes I go over some. I am also very active, so I still burn the calories off. I just have to watch my sodium intake because I retain water with sodium. I eat clean (and I mean organic/whole foods with a balanced diet) 80-90% of the time.

    Some people have specific days or meal times they cheat. While other's might do the same as me. It's up to you. If you have trigger foods and tend to be an emotional eater, then you might want to work with what you can so you don't fall off the wagon for too long. Good luck! :)
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Depends on what you mean by cheating.
    If you mean having something "bad" like a chocolate bar, nearly everyday.
    If you mean over your calorie limit for the day, every weekend.
    If you mean going over my weekly calorie goal, occasionally.

    I fit in 'bad' foods in moderation into my 'diet' so I never feel deprived of anything at all.
    I eat less during the week so I 'save' calories for the weekend so I can eat 'over' my daily goals on the weekend and still stay in my weekly goals.
    And sometimes, I just eat what I want to eat, on rare occasion, and go back to eating within calories the next day.
    I making it so that I can eat how I want to be able to eat for the rest of my life.
  • jbeasley8292
    If you splurge one day a week then that still is a huge change. Most of us use to splurge every day of the week so if you try to eat healthy and track for 5-6 days of the week then and that is what it takes for you to NOT feel deprived and keep on going, then so be it.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Never. No need. IIFYM.