Anyone turn their passion for fitness into a career ?


Anyone turn their interest in fitness into a career?

I'm keen now to become a personal trainer. I wasnt sure where to study as there are so many organisations offering fitness courses so I asked a few people and I've been recommended to do the cert 3 and 4 with AIF here in Perth. I dont think i want to work full time though, but just casually on the weekend and or night. I am really keen to help motivate and inspire others to lose weight.

Even if I dont work in the field it will be a great for personal development and learning.

I'm quite excited !

Also anyone else in Perth looking to do the cert 3 in fitness soon ?



  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    One day, perhaps in 10-15 years, Id like to be a Judo instructor. That's about it.
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    yes.... i'm a yoga instructor (certified). i'm also a nutritionist (M.S. in Nutrition).
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Not yet.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,619 Member
    Yep. And I don't conform to a lot of the fitness industry's BS and broscience. I rely on actual peer reviewed research and studies.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    I'd like to become a certified yoga instructor, and maybe a personal trainer, but i'm happy in my career, so if I did it would just be for fun, and maybe to stay motivated... I blame that choice the first time on why I got fat the second time... I "won" the gym, so I was looking for what's next... I should have gotten my trainers certificate, but instead I went looking for the next big thing, and found myself in bikram yoga... I lost a ton of muscle mass, and then got sick... next thing I know, up 50 lbs.

    It's a competitive market out there... you may just find yourself working at a chain gym for just over minimum wage... but that said, if it keeps you going on a path you love, by all means do it!
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    I'm super interested in hearing about this. It's a fantasy of mine... one day. :wink:
  • Shen191
    Shen191 Posts: 86 Member
    Am already a certified Les Mills instructor for Body Pump and was half way through the RPM training also when I stopped as got pregnant.

    Definately interested in doing Cert 3 & 4 online and also nutrition post grad at uni to team all together and use in the future. Lots of the companies for cert 3 & 4 are looked down upon in the industry for being mass cookie cutter type course that just pass people too easily. Totally agree - hard to find a good one.

    Am busy focusing on my first Sports Figure Comp this year...then will look into it further next year!

    Good luck :-)
  • fluffychicken7
    fluffychicken7 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm a licensed zumba instructor. (B-1, B-2, Aqua Zumba and Toning) by the end of the summer. I'm also thinking about getting Zumba Gold (for seniors) license in the event I may want to find employment on a cruise ship to travel the world again if I so incline. But it's really my hobby although I love to teach and choreograph. I'm studying for my AFAA this summer and would like to instruct more regularly if my primary job allows it. For now it's a side gig, which is the reason I'm here (if I'm going to get people fit, I must lead by example.) I also teach other things which are mostly hobbies. But for what it is, I like what I do for the here and now.
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member

    Anyone turn their interest in fitness into a career?

    I'm keen now to become a personal trainer. I wasnt sure where to study as there are so many organisations offering fitness courses so I asked a few people and I've been recommended to do the cert 3 and 4 with AIF here in Perth. I dont think i want to work full time though, but just casually on the weekend and or night. I am really keen to help motivate and inspire others to lose weight.

    Even if I dont work in the field it will be a great for personal development and learning.

    I'm quite excited !

    Also anyone else in Perth looking to do the cert 3 in fitness soon ?


    I know a few other people around Perth who've done this - and they're all working other jobs or ended up going to UWA to do a full sports & exercise science degree. If you want to do it, I'm not going to discourage you...But be aware of the lack of work at the end of it. The training organisations lie through their teeth to get you to enrol, but at the end of the day...No work. Just be prepared for that eventuality is all I'm saying :)
  • Riverofbeauty
    Riverofbeauty Posts: 205 Member
    So inspiring how many people go into the industry after getting healthy and fit themselves!

    Ive launched my own online nutrition coaching website.
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    I've made it a passion in my apt complex and I'm helping 4 other ladies meet there goals
  • bnjones23
    bnjones23 Posts: 86 Member
    Yes! I am studying to become a certified personal trainer through NASM and plan to become a certified Turbo Kick and Insanity instructor as well!! Soon after that, I also plan to become a fitness nutrition specialist.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member

    I'm not sure at this stage if I'll be looking to get work in this field. Number 1 reason I'm going to do it is for my personal education. I guess I'll see if I want it to go somewhere career wise later on. I don't want to work full time in the industry though as the money isn't that good plus i like the benefits and security of working in the pulic service. It would be as a hobby on the side maybe a couple of shifts a week as an instructor & then work as a casual personal trainer as I get more experienced.

    I'm hearing good things about tafe online but when I search google people don't seem to like AIF

    I'm hoping tafe has a part time course I can do here in Perth
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Am already a certified Les Mills instructor for Body Pump and was half way through the RPM training also when I stopped as got pregnant.

    Definately interested in doing Cert 3 & 4 online and also nutrition post grad at uni to team all together and use in the future. Lots of the companies for cert 3 & 4 are looked down upon in the industry for being mass cookie cutter type course that just pass people too easily. Totally agree - hard to find a good one.

    Am busy focusing on my first Sports Figure Comp this year...then will look into it further next year!

    Good luck :-)

    I was thinking of doing the cert 3 online but I think I'll get more out of it face to face.

    I'm interested in sports nutrition. I'm looking forward to my exercise & sports nutrition course I'm doing with sda soon :)
  • fluffychicken7
    fluffychicken7 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi Kim, if you are planning to do this as a hobby, then you should really focus on exactly what you want to teach because getting licensed or certified is only part of it. Paying dues, continuing education courses and license renewal fees can add up if you are all across the board with licenses and your not using them. I'm not wanting to discourage you or anything, but start with your favorite and work you way from there.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Thanks something else to think about ta, which hadn't crossed my mind
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Am already a certified Les Mills instructor for Body Pump and was half way through the RPM training also when I stopped as got pregnant.

    Definately interested in doing Cert 3 & 4 online and also nutrition post grad at uni to team all together and use in the future. Lots of the companies for cert 3 & 4 are looked down upon in the industry for being mass cookie cutter type course that just pass people too easily. Totally agree - hard to find a good one.

    Am busy focusing on my first Sports Figure Comp this year...then will look into it further next year!

    Good luck :-)

    Hi Shen

    From what I've heard and read it looks like TAFE is the best option. Actually a guy I spoke to who did the cert 3/4 said tafe is the best but then recommended aif if I'm just looking to study for personal interest/education. Lots of people on google say tafe. I have a gym reappraisal Wednesday night with the most experienced pt who works there. 14 years experience & I'll chat to him about it all.

    I left a message with central Tafe and waiting to hear back from them. I have lots of questions i want to ask. Their online course started yesterday and goes for 20 weeks so I think the next course starts September which is ideal for me as its my offseason. I think even though it is online you can also join in offline at tafe too which is important for practical experience. I'm not sure though how often you can join in with the offline classes. I'm actually hoping I can do it there part time at night but online could be good option too. I'll find out more and let you know.

    Here is a link Flyer Online.docx

    Well I'm off to go clothes shopping now! :). I have the day off cya
  • Shen191
    Shen191 Posts: 86 Member
    thanks Kim...sorry only just got back to this.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    That's ok, no probs