15 LB by June 23rd!

I have been thinking of a way to get motivated and maybe motivate someone else too and what better way then to create a realistic challenge. I will be 39 on June 23rd and would love to be 15 lb lighter by then! That would put me below 170lbs. I haven't weighed less then that in over 6 years, since I had my 2nd child. I'm determined to be a happier healthier me and this is the way to do it! I hope I can get some others to join me. Just check in here once a day or even once a week to let me know how you are doing and I will do the same! Good luck to all who join me in my weight loss journey as it is the same journey you are taking! Why not take it together!!!


  • jo69
    jo69 Posts: 78 Member
    I would like to join you on your weightloss pursuit!:smile:
  • BiggyFuzz
    BiggyFuzz Posts: 511 Member
    i'm down...add me :)
  • rezn8
    rezn8 Posts: 263 Member
    I've got a Facebook group started to help with weightloss and fitness if you or anyone is interested. Most of us are doing Insanity or P90x as a workout, but anything is excepted. It definitely helps with accountability. I know I don't want to be the one who post a reason why I skipped a workout so my goal is to stay on the path and make sure I don't miss. 15lbs in 2 months is not out of reach.
  • add me...Im motivated!!!
    YLAIRD Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to join add me :)
  • Hey, that's my birthday too. I'm in!
  • Sherriediva1
    Sherriediva1 Posts: 345 Member
    Yea! My birthday also!! I'll be 40..I'm in!
  • Add me, I'm in! That will almost put me to my goal weight.
  • udamom
    udamom Posts: 65 Member
    Add me. I will hit the big 5-0 July 14th and that was what motivated me to come join MFP.
    would really like to lose 15 or even 20 before then!
  • tonrob38
    tonrob38 Posts: 11 Member
    I will be 39 on june 26th, so I am in also! keep posting on your progress and what your doing as far as eating and workouts!!!!
  • karimyatt
    karimyatt Posts: 25 Member
    Very glad to have you all! I am so excited for the support! We can do this. Oatmeal & coffee for breakfast this morning for me!
  • tundebo
    tundebo Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Add me, I am in. Tha is my goal as well :)
  • lisiloulah
    lisiloulah Posts: 125 Member
    Add me, I'm in! :smile:

    Lisa x
  • JFMelody
    JFMelody Posts: 4 Member
    Hey, thsi is just what I need....count me in as well.
    Kashi go lean crunch cereal with .5 c of 1% milk, .5 c of blueberries, half banana and a coffe.
  • I am in!! :)
  • PuckettGirl09
    PuckettGirl09 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in! Feel free to add me everyone!! :)
  • RIH123
    RIH123 Posts: 1
    im in add me, i need some help to get started!!
  • Cincypsych
    Cincypsych Posts: 116 Member
    I would love to join, but at my current 1/2 pound a week, I may not make it!
    I will be thrilled with 10 pounds!
  • karimyatt
    karimyatt Posts: 25 Member
    Great day today! Ate good and got in all of my water. Rained all day so no walking for me. Will try to get some in tomorrow! Have a great day everyone. See you on the flip side! Day 1 down, 55 more today. No matter your goal for the next 2 months, keep up the good work everyone & if you joined my thread, please add me as a friend! The more motivation I have the better!
  • samschnell4
    samschnell4 Posts: 2 Member
    Add me! I'm in as well. I would love to support you on this journey. I would love to see 15 lbs come off for myself as well by then!