feeling sick from upping my calories, help :(



  • KayteeB07
    KayteeB07 Posts: 341
    thankyou hun
    yes i am allowing myself one treat a day so i dont get the urge to start binging again but 90% of my calories are coming from meals which are mainly dairy, meat and veg x
  • KayteeB07
    KayteeB07 Posts: 341
    thankyou x
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    You don't feel well because you have been starving yourself and your stomach isn't accustomed to getting enough food. It's going to take time to get yourself healthy. Accept that, but don't let that deter you from working hard to get well.

    See a doctor, get help, work hard, get well.
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    Its in your head hun. I would say when you start to feel sick drink some ice cold water which will help ease it. We both know that VLC is not the way to go and you are working to fix that. You are so used to eating the wrong way that you are programmed to panic at anything else. YOU CAN DO THIS so don't give up!!

  • KilikiMom
    KilikiMom Posts: 237 Member
    honestly like everyone has said you need more help than MFP....you are going in the right direction and you know you have an eating disorder....but you should talk to someone....a dietitian, an psychiatrist (really not trying to bash you or anything...it would be beneficial to you because you'll never get your disorder under control until you really face it...and they will help you)
  • baja572
    baja572 Posts: 94
    thanks for sharing your story.you have the strenght to do this and
    freaking out" is not uncommon.. I do everytime the scales move upward. I suggest seeing a Dr. to everyone starting a weight control lifestyle. no matter where they are ....please friend me if you like..
  • cainie19
    cainie19 Posts: 126
    ah im sorry people freaked out at you. your plan of a slow increase in calories sounds good.
    please be sure that your weight is the root cause of your unhappiness though, as it sounds much deeper seated than your size. i think its about time maybe that you got some professional help if your own personal plan of incremental increase in calories does not work. i really think that maybe food is not the problem, but your state of mind in general could have an affect on how you perceive your size, or that you feel food is the only way to control your life.
    try really chewing your food until its absolute pulp, eating slower and drinking some water to ease the sickly feeling. i promise it won't last though and starving or binging definitely is the wrong way to go, as you know.
    please be healthy and happy. keep strong you're doing so well xx
  • KayteeB07
    KayteeB07 Posts: 341
    thankyou everyone whose being nice lol
    yes i am going to book to see a doctor once im back from my holidays and im feeling much more better in myself, more in control of my eating as such.
  • KayteeB07
    KayteeB07 Posts: 341
    ah no it is all in the eating where my depression was
    i was perfectly happy untill i started a VLCD and starving myself which was to get slim for a holiday
    im feeling loads better in myself now, now that im starting to up my calories
    was starving myself on 3-500 calories a day and then going on huge binges which made me sick. My stomach exploded outwards under all the stress and i was seriously depressed. Crying and being extremely low all the time which was doing me no good as it made me want to starve/binge more.

    I fell into this trap by forcing myself to live on just meat, fruit and veg for 31 days in order to lose weight which was so stupid, i know! As soon as i upped my calories from 500 - 1200 i freaked out. I gained weight rapidly, i had insatiable cravings which made binge and binge and binge untill i was crying with shame

    On Saturday after another day of starving myself i had a sudden breakthrough. I was more miserable now than when i was fat, which is not normal lol. So ive created a more sensible eating plan which is slowly going to up my calories, it includes a portion of carbs in the morning and one treat a day so i can get out of the habit of binging. Im starting at 700 calories a day (which i know is still stupidly low but its a push in the right direction) and every week im going to add 200 calories. This way i can get back to normal eating habits without totally freaking myself out again lol

    my story ^^

    The good news is that you are looking to be helped, and that is a great start~

    I would print out what you just posted here, and bring it into your doctor or registered dietitian as soon as you can, so they understand what you have been going through with your eating patterns of weight loss and/or gain. With having this background information, they can help you get your eating habits back to a normal balance. The body is an amazing system, and can bounce back, but you just need the guidance to get there :) Please seek professional help as soon as you can! You can do this!

    Wishing you the best!!!
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Not sure how long you've been under eating (looks like just a month?) if it's been a long time, you should see a doctor first (like, today) as you could put your system into shock. If it's just been a month, you should still see a doctor but you are likely at less risk (I'm not a doctor so I couldn't be sure and like I said, you should still see a doctor).

    Normally, getting your calories from beverages/supplements is not recommended (less filling, etc...) but you may want to consider adding a protein shake at first. One protein shake can easily run you a couple hundred calories, you continue eating as normal and get the benefit of added protein and possibly other vitamins or nutrients. It might help you feel less like you're stuffing yourself and allow your system to adjust to the added calories. Just a thought, I don't have any experience personally with this but have watched some friends suffer through ED ending in hospitalizations and rehab.The anxiety associated with eating seemed to be awful, maybe drinking the calories for a bit would be helpful.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    ah no it is all in the eating where my depression was
    i was perfectly happy untill i started a VLCD and starving myself which was to get slim for a holiday
    im feeling loads better in myself now, now that im starting to up my calories

    This happens to a lot of people your age. It happened to friends of mine when I was that age and it unfortunately will continue until girls are finally convinced that a fit and athletic body is better than "skinny." What sports are you playing and what physical activity are you engaged in? Yes, a reasonable calorie goal is huge, but you also need to work on the other side of the equation and start working to change your body composition by adding some muscle.
  • KayteeB07
    KayteeB07 Posts: 341
    your completely right lol

    im currently doing around 30 minuets of walking a day, 30 day shred and 40 mins on a stationary bike. Although i am trying to find an at home weights programme to incorporate aswell
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    your completely right lol

    im currently doing around 30 minuets of walking a day, 30 day shred and 40 mins on a stationary bike. Although i am trying to find an at home weights programme to incorporate aswell

    Definitely get on the weights if you have them. It sounds strange to a lot of girls but it works. Plenty of women on here love programs offered by the book "The New Rules of Lifting for Women." If you don't have weights yet, check out Nerd Fitness for some bodyweight and other alternative ideas to get you moving in the right direction now. http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/
  • KayteeB07
    KayteeB07 Posts: 341
    thankyou :D
    my brothers got 2 3KG weights i can borrow so ill have a look at that
  • Gracie1214
    Gracie1214 Posts: 120 Member
    Good luck xx
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    I really hope that you take our advice seriously and go see a doctor about your problem.

    In previous threads you've made, we have already given you this advice and I think it is great that you are acknowledging the problem and you see what the problem is, but from the threads you are starting, we can tell you cannot do this alone.

    There's bigger problems than not being able to up your calories. Please get help and get healthy!!
  • notenoughspeed
    notenoughspeed Posts: 290 Member
    Yes, you gained weight because the amount of rolling food in your body has weight to it. It's not body weight, but rather just food weight. I did the same thing experimenting with my body, and found when I went from 1600-1800 to 3500-4000 for a short period of time to do heavy strength training, I gained 10 pounds like that. As soon as I brought my daily intake back down, those 10 pounds came back off just like that. Take the time to understand your body, how much food weight it will hold. When you do a calorie change, your weight will change, but it should stabilize.

    I would encourage that you seek professional help as 500 calories a day for extended periods of time could be bad for your mental and physical health.
  • Thepeacedove
    Thepeacedove Posts: 84 Member
    There is something wrong if you are only consuming 700 calories per day! Who told you this is the amount you should be eating? You can't exist on only 700 calories a day & your body is telling you that!
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Have you ever seen the show Food Hospital? Nutritionists and Dieticians may seem like the same thing, but nutritionists do not have to be certified in any particular field. Registered Dietitians have degrees in that area and would be a good point to start talking to a RD with your primary care doctor.