Alcohol question



  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I honestly have no idea how you can get enough nutrition while drinking on 1200 calories a day. I drink, but my calorie allotment is much higher. Moderate alcohol consumption should be fine, but at 21 I didn't know anyone my age that actually drank moderately.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Alcohol is great banter

    Get you rparty on
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    You can lose while consuming alkyhall, just not as fast as you want, and it does have "side effects" on the way your body handles other things such as: fat, calories, sugar, sleep cycles, hormones, etc, all of which can have an effect on your weight loss.. How much effect? That depends on your alcohol to wt ratio to begin with. Your overall body composition. Age. Sex. The intake of other foods, and/or medications. What is moderate drinking for one, can be heavy or light for another.

    Not even going to address the 1200 Cal a day, or whether your "munchies" are being counted in that, etc. etc.

    Exactly this. I have lost weight whilst factoring alcohol into my calorie allowance but it is true that I lose weight faster, sleep much better etc when I don't drink. I am now trying to restrict alcohol to weekends only. This worked during Lent when I had wine on Sundays but not other times. I am trying to do this again, at least for the next six weeks to see how it goes.
  • TedStout
    TedStout Posts: 241
    Okay just my two cents. If you are looking to lose weight, nix the alcohol. However, if you like to drink and can't see it out of your life forever (like me), then you have to find a way to MODERATE your drinking. Lots of folks had good advice on here...what to drink to limit calories, how it affects the body...but its YOUR LIFE. No question that alcohol makes it harder to lose weight for various reasons. That doesn't mean you can't drink from time to time...just find that balance. I started by using the 17 day diet, which is nothing more than a technique to lose weight. 1st 17 days, no alcohol, limited carbs, high protein etc. Really gets your body going in the right direction. Then the next 17 days you introduce other get the picture. Bottom line is that weight loss is about becoming healthy (IMO) not about a number. Moderation, hard work, perserverance. Best of luck!
  • paulcer
    paulcer Posts: 167 Member
    I hate that my first post on MFP is a bummer, but here it is. I have for the last 6 years drank 2 glasses (large) of Wine a night. Three weeks ago I went to Dr. for a regular check up. CBC came back with high (slightly elevated) liver enzymes, high cholestoral and my hypo-thyroid was triple the normal range. The Doctor then sent me for an ultra sound of my right quadrant. I have been diagnosed with a FATTY LIVER from ALCOHOL.

    I am 5' and 125 lbs. In order to get healthy again and reverse the damage I inflicted upon myself due to alcohol consumption, I have to eat a healthy, low fat, low carb diet with plenty of fresh food - not processed. Thank GOD what I have is reversable if I make those changes. If I do not I am slowly killing my liver / body.

    Needless to say I have chosen the healthy life and completely given up alcohol. I was so amazed when I read about Fatty Liver Disease that Obesity, Insulin Resistance, Alcohol and Cholesterol all play a major part in it. Even social drinkers can get FLD.

    Sorry to be a downer - but drop the alcohol and enjoy losing weight the healthy way. FLD is usually a silent disease until it progresses in the more dangerous zones.

    I find it incredibly difficult to believe 2 glasses of wine a night over 6 years caused any damage to your liver.

    Ofocurse it would, any amount of alcohol causes damage to your liver duh.

    The liver also repairs itself. So, yes, you're correct, it would cause some damage, though in a healthy individual, the damage should be offset by the fact the liver heals faster than the damage being done by moderate alcohol intake. Which was my point! DUH!

    I dont think 2 glasses every single night is moderation. 1 glass a few nights a week is moderation so the liver probably woodnt have time to repair itsself when more alcohol is being added every single night. I think if her doctor says her liver is damaged he knows a tad more than you. .

    Actually he makes great sense.
  • wanthealthylife
    wanthealthylife Posts: 9 Member
    I hate that my first post on MFP is a bummer, but here it is. I have for the last 6 years drank 2 glasses (large) of Wine a night. Three weeks ago I went to Dr. for a regular check up. CBC came back with high (slightly elevated) liver enzymes, high cholestoral and my hypo-thyroid was triple the normal range. The Doctor then sent me for an ultra sound of my right quadrant. I have been diagnosed with a FATTY LIVER from ALCOHOL.

    I am 5' and 125 lbs. In order to get healthy again and reverse the damage I inflicted upon myself due to alcohol consumption, I have to eat a healthy, low fat, low carb diet with plenty of fresh food - not processed. Thank GOD what I have is reversable if I make those changes. If I do not I am slowly killing my liver / body.

    Needless to say I have chosen the healthy life and completely given up alcohol. I was so amazed when I read about Fatty Liver Disease that Obesity, Insulin Resistance, Alcohol and Cholesterol all play a major part in it. Even social drinkers can get FLD.

    Sorry to be a downer - but drop the alcohol and enjoy losing weight the healthy way. FLD is usually a silent disease until it progresses in the more dangerous zones.

    I find it incredibly difficult to believe 2 glasses of wine a night over 6 years caused any damage to your liver.

    Ofocurse it would, any amount of alcohol causes damage to your liver duh.

    The liver also repairs itself. So, yes, you're correct, it would cause some damage, though in a healthy individual, the damage should be offset by the fact the liver heals faster than the damage being done by moderate alcohol intake. Which was my point! DUH!

    I dont think 2 glasses every single night is moderation. 1 glass a few nights a week is moderation so the liver probably woodnt have time to repair itsself when more alcohol is being added every single night. I think if her doctor says her liver is damaged he knows a tad more than you.
  • jran3
    jran3 Posts: 105 Member
    I hate that my first post on MFP is a bummer, but here it is. I have for the last 6 years drank 2 glasses (large) of Wine a night. Three weeks ago I went to Dr. for a regular check up. CBC came back with high (slightly elevated) liver enzymes, high cholestoral and my hypo-thyroid was triple the normal range. The Doctor then sent me for an ultra sound of my right quadrant. I have been diagnosed with a FATTY LIVER from ALCOHOL.

    I am 5' and 125 lbs. In order to get healthy again and reverse the damage I inflicted upon myself due to alcohol consumption, I have to eat a healthy, low fat, low carb diet with plenty of fresh food - not processed. Thank GOD what I have is reversable if I make those changes. If I do not I am slowly killing my liver / body.

    Needless to say I have chosen the healthy life and completely given up alcohol. I was so amazed when I read about Fatty Liver Disease that Obesity, Insulin Resistance, Alcohol and Cholesterol all play a major part in it. Even social drinkers can get FLD.

    Sorry to be a downer - but drop the alcohol and enjoy losing weight the healthy way. FLD is usually a silent disease until it progresses in the more dangerous zones.

    I find it incredibly difficult to believe 2 glasses of wine a night over 6 years caused any damage to your liver.

    Ofocurse it would, any amount of alcohol causes damage to your liver duh.

    The liver also repairs itself. So, yes, you're correct, it would cause some damage, though in a healthy individual, the damage should be offset by the fact the liver heals faster than the damage being done by moderate alcohol intake. Which was my point! DUH!

    I dont think 2 glasses every single night is moderation. 1 glass a few nights a week is moderation so the liver probably woodnt have time to repair itsself when more alcohol is being added every single night. I think if her doctor says her liver is damaged he knows a tad more than you.

    Actually he makes great sense.

  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    I find anything in moderation in fine, apart from drinking

    Drinking is much much much more fun if its consumed in vast binge amounts
  • jran3
    jran3 Posts: 105 Member
    I find anything in moderation in fine, apart from drinking

    Drinking is much much much more fun if its consumed in vast binge amounts

  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    First, you may be doing too few calories (I recommend to estimate your TDEE, it is more user friendly than any of the others I have tried).

    As far as alcohol is considered... if it is a treat, there is no problem. If it is an every day thing, you may want to re-think it. Alcohol does in fact cause a couple different issues. First it dehydrates you, second it slows your metabolism, and finally is full of lots of empty calories.

    All that being said, every Wednesday I have a couple drinks while shooting pool with a team. I make sure that before I go, I eat a sensible dinner, and have found that a light rum with diet coke doesn't hurt. That is just me, you may find that it doesn't work for you.... you may need to make some adjustments to find a way to have it work for you.
  • wanthealthylife
    wanthealthylife Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you so much for your reply. Yes, my doctor - a Liver Specialist, diagnosed me by bloodwork and an ultrasound with Fatty Liver Disease. He took great pains to show me literature and a video about it. OBESITY is the number one cause of silent Fatty Liver Disease. I am 15 lbs. overweight and my liver is not functioning at a proper level.

    ALCOHOL only adds to the stress on the liver and can/will eventually turn to scarring and liver failure. My two large glasses a night without eating dinner caused this. Looking back now, I do not think I drank in moderation, I drank my calories and increased my fat stored, insulin resistant, liver into a swollen unhappy organ. I am an alcoholic - period.

    It is everyone's right to make the decision to drink, it doesn't effect me personally. I just enjoy life too much to poison myself with ethanol. If I hadn't been diagnosed, I would not be eating a healthy diet, exercising and feeling great today.

    I hope and pray that if you ever feel pain and pressure on your right side near your ribs, you get to the doctor. MODERATION is the key when it comes to drinking. I had a choice to make and am completely happy with my choice.:smile:
  • donna1432
    donna1432 Posts: 87 Member
    nOOOO this is what is called empty calories, its the sugars that are in the drinks, cut out all together or just limit your drink to one
  • WhaddoWino
    WhaddoWino Posts: 146 Member
    Alcohol has a triple whammy effect even if you only drink say once a week and stay within your calorie targets -

    1) It's empty calories with no nutritional value and wont fit in your macro targets
    2) It increases your appetite causing you to eat more or make unwise choices
    3) Most importantly it STOPS YOU BURNING FAT - The liver sees alcohol as a poison and prioritizes getting rid of it first and fat burning is put on hold, therefore even if you are within your kcal limits and/or exercise a lot, you won't lose weight.

    So I'm afraid alcohol is off the menu

    Good article here

    YES, THIS. Excellent article link, thanks!
  • icmuse
    icmuse Posts: 263 Member
    Alcohol hinders fat loss but it doesn't STOP fat loss. Your metabolism doesn't have on/off switches, it has dimmer switches,. Alcohol is a major dimmer though. My personal concern with alcohol is its effect on sleep and hormonal changes. Moderation is key.

    ^^^ exactly!

    Personally, when I cut out my beloved wine completely for a while, I lose weight so much easier and my midsection deflates and gets super tight. I would never give it up my wine for good or long periods of time, life is better with beverages in it. Moderation IS the key - still working on that one :glasses:
  • wanthealthylife
    wanthealthylife Posts: 9 Member
    I hate that my first post on MFP is a bummer, but here it is. I have for the last 6 years drank 2 glasses (large) of Wine a night. Three weeks ago I went to Dr. for a regular check up. CBC came back with high (slightly elevated) liver enzymes, high cholestoral and my hypo-thyroid was triple the normal range. The Doctor then sent me for an ultra sound of my right quadrant. I have been diagnosed with a FATTY LIVER from ALCOHOL.

    I am 5' and 125 lbs. In order to get healthy again and reverse the damage I inflicted upon myself due to alcohol consumption, I have to eat a healthy, low fat, low carb diet with plenty of fresh food - not processed. Thank GOD what I have is reversable if I make those changes. If I do not I am slowly killing my liver / body.

    Needless to say I have chosen the healthy life and completely given up alcohol. I was so amazed when I read about Fatty Liver Disease that Obesity, Insulin Resistance, Alcohol and Cholesterol all play a major part in it. Even social drinkers can get FLD.

    Sorry to be a downer - but drop the alcohol and enjoy losing weight the healthy way. FLD is usually a silent disease until it progresses in the more dangerous zones.

    I find it incredibly difficult to believe 2 glasses of wine a night over 6 years caused any damage to your liver.

    Loosing weight can cause FLD without any alcohol consumption.

    Not absolutely true. Losing weight too fast can contribute to FLD due the fact that the body is storing the fat because it thinks it is going in to starvation mode. Losing weight at a healthy rate can reverse FLD. If you have FLD, then Alcohol is not a good choice.
  • jran3
    jran3 Posts: 105 Member
    I hate that my first post on MFP is a bummer, but here it is. I have for the last 6 years drank 2 glasses (large) of Wine a night. Three weeks ago I went to Dr. for a regular check up. CBC came back with high (slightly elevated) liver enzymes, high cholestoral and my hypo-thyroid was triple the normal range. The Doctor then sent me for an ultra sound of my right quadrant. I have been diagnosed with a FATTY LIVER from ALCOHOL.

    I am 5' and 125 lbs. In order to get healthy again and reverse the damage I inflicted upon myself due to alcohol consumption, I have to eat a healthy, low fat, low carb diet with plenty of fresh food - not processed. Thank GOD what I have is reversable if I make those changes. If I do not I am slowly killing my liver / body.

    Needless to say I have chosen the healthy life and completely given up alcohol. I was so amazed when I read about Fatty Liver Disease that Obesity, Insulin Resistance, Alcohol and Cholesterol all play a major part in it. Even social drinkers can get FLD.

    Sorry to be a downer - but drop the alcohol and enjoy losing weight the healthy way. FLD is usually a silent disease until it progresses in the more dangerous zones.

    I find it incredibly difficult to believe 2 glasses of wine a night over 6 years caused any damage to your liver.

    Ofocurse it would, any amount of alcohol causes damage to your liver duh.

    The liver also repairs itself. So, yes, you're correct, it would cause some damage, though in a healthy individual, the damage should be offset by the fact the liver heals faster than the damage being done by moderate alcohol intake. Which was my point! DUH!

    I dont think 2 glasses every single night is moderation. 1 glass a few nights a week is moderation so the liver probably woodnt have time to repair itsself when more alcohol is being added every single night. I think if her doctor says her liver is damaged he knows a tad more than you. Idiot.

    Actually he makes great sense. I'm not sure the name calling is necessary.

    Thanks! But she's a 23yo female that uses "Duh" to hammer her point home, but can't take it when someone "duh's" back at her. She also thinks what she thinks is what is, ie "I don't think 2 glasses of wine a night is moderation...". So....

    Anyway. Thanks again.

    Duh back if you want i dont care lmao! You're the one whos questioning a doctor so its nothing to do with what you said to me, it was the statement you made in the first place. So doctor, or middle aged man who thinks he knows everything hmmm think i'll go with what the doctor says!

  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    this is simple.

    if you choose to eat 1200 calories and use alcohol to fill up those calories rather than food with actual nutrition, then being healthy really isn't a priority to you. Yeah, you'll lose weight - but you probably won't feel very good.

    But if you want to actually feed your body nutritious food, nix the alcohol and eat more food.
  • wanthealthylife
    wanthealthylife Posts: 9 Member
    I hate that my first post on MFP is a bummer, but here it is. I have for the last 6 years drank 2 glasses (large) of Wine a night. Three weeks ago I went to Dr. for a regular check up. CBC came back with high (slightly elevated) liver enzymes, high cholestoral and my hypo-thyroid was triple the normal range. The Doctor then sent me for an ultra sound of my right quadrant. I have been diagnosed with a FATTY LIVER from ALCOHOL.

    I am 5' and 125 lbs. In order to get healthy again and reverse the damage I inflicted upon myself due to alcohol consumption, I have to eat a healthy, low fat, low carb diet with plenty of fresh food - not processed. Thank GOD what I have is reversable if I make those changes. If I do not I am slowly killing my liver / body.

    Needless to say I have chosen the healthy life and completely given up alcohol. I was so amazed when I read about Fatty Liver Disease that Obesity, Insulin Resistance, Alcohol and Cholesterol all play a major part in it. Even social drinkers can get FLD.

    Sorry to be a downer - but drop the alcohol and enjoy losing weight the healthy way. FLD is usually a silent disease until it progresses in the more dangerous zones.

    I find it incredibly difficult to believe 2 glasses of wine a night over 6 years caused any damage to your liver.

    Ofocurse it would, any amount of alcohol causes damage to your liver duh.

    The liver also repairs itself. So, yes, you're correct, it would cause some damage, though in a healthy individual, the damage should be offset by the fact the liver heals faster than the damage being done by moderate alcohol intake. Which was my point! DUH!

    I dont think 2 glasses every single night is moderation. 1 glass a few nights a week is moderation so the liver probably woodnt have time to repair itsself when more alcohol is being added every single night. I think if her doctor says her liver is damaged he knows a tad more than you. Idiot.

    Actually he makes great sense. I'm not sure the name calling is necessary.

    Thanks! But she's a 23yo female that uses "Duh" to hammer her point home, but can't take it when someone "duh's" back at her. She also thinks what she thinks is what is, ie "I don't think 2 glasses of wine a night is moderation...". So....

    Anyway. Thanks again.

    Duh back if you want i dont care lmao! You're the one whos questioning a doctor so its nothing to do with what you said to me, it was the statement you made in the first place. So doctor, or middle aged man who thinks he knows everything hmmm think i'll go with what the doctor says!

    Thank you. I am not an expert on alcohol or FLD, just a person who drank too much and paid the price. The pudgy man might be surprised if he had a liver ultrasound and saw all the fatty distribution in his own. LOL
    ELCABRA Posts: 50 Member
    Pretty damn smart for a "rockin dumb blonde" great advice!
  • aceof89
    aceof89 Posts: 15 Member