Here I go again...

How many times have I lost these same 25 lbs?!?

I am 43 years young, and I have decided that I am going to get this extra weight off once and for all. I tried to start walking two weeks ago, and sprained my ankle pretty badly. It is still swollen and painful, but I can walk on it now. I am planning to lose 34 pounds this year, 33 pounds in 2011, and 33 pounds in 2012. I am taking this slow and easy, because I want to do this healthfully and change my life so that the weight stays off. I have a bad habit of going gung ho and burning out... so hopefully this new plan will be more successful. I have a terrific, supportive husband and two beautiful teenage daughters. I work in a high school, helping a young man in a wheelchair get through his day. I love all animals, and being outside is my very favorite thing. We have 2 dogs, 3 cats, 2 birds, 2 tortoises, and a toad. I am an excellent house cleaner, but not a very good housekeeper. Basically, I am down to earth, and tend to take care of everyone but myself. Also I HATE to cook. Especially in the summer. We don't have air-conditioning...and it is too HOT!



  • jasonweinberg
    not that i am any kind of an expert but if you want to go slow and steady:

    don't pick too low of a calorie goal.

    focus on getting lots of protein and fiber.

    watch your carbs and sugars very carefully.

    get consistent exercise.

    use myfitnesspal religiously.

    don't weigh in too frequently.

    good luck!
  • mdecarie
    mdecarie Posts: 12
    slow and steady...

    it's all about lifestyle changes.

    While your ankle is sprained try doing sitting cardio (lots of arm work)

    by the time you can go run around with your dogs again your metabolism will already have a kick start ;)
  • Petraluna123
    Petraluna123 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks guys!

    I think I have some weights around here somewhere....arm exercises are a great idea...and I'm watching those starchies. No white anything!
