Advice on upping calories

Hey everyone. (I KNOW what you're thinking, great another post of another idiot who starved themselves. WELL that's the point of the community forums isn't it? for those who know nothing to get advice from those who have great supplies of knowledge and perhaps first hand experience?) So if you're sick of these post, might as well not read it. I don't need any insults or crap for this, just support and advice. :)

I've been on MFP for years but just got into it in January, trying to get in better shape and lead a healthier lifestyle overall. I have had a tough time losing weight, I got caught up in the 1200 calories a day crap and have literally been trying variations of that since January. I also was working out 5-6 days a week and usually not eating back any of my exercise calories, so usually netting around 800-900. But honestly, it led to overeating on weekends, being cranky and devastated every time I would step on the scale and haven't lost anything. There were even weeks when I followed it religiously and nothing came of it. It got to the point where the "diet" literally ruled me, it governed everything I did and I got really crazy about it, to the point where it was not healthy for my mind! I've taken the last couple weeks to forget the diet, just eat and not thinking about counting calories and do some research to figure out where to go from here. I would like to get back on the horse next week, as summer is coming soon and that has been my goal since January, to lose weight and tone up for the weeklong trip I take every year to Lake Powell and spend a week in a swimsuit!

So here's my info:

158 lbs
25 years old
lightly active (I work a desk job but exercise 5 times a week, 20 mins of cardio and lifting so I'd say that's pretty accurate for my activity level, since I was saying that I was "sedentary")
My goal weight is around 130, but honestly, the number doesn't matter as much to me as losing the fat around my belly (where I carry ALL of my body fat it seems!) and thighs. (most of my excess fat I have actually toned off of my arms and some off of my legs so there has been SOME progress!)

I calculated my BMR as 1538, TDEE 2115. With a 20% deficit this puts me at 1692 calories a day.

I could really use some advice of people who have gone through similar situations or people who have more knowledge on this. I hate feeling so discouraged and really want to make sure that this time I am making the right decisions. Thanks for the support! :)


  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I'm your height, started a little above the weight you are now, and I'm 20 years older than you are. Activity level is similar to mine. I upped my cals to TDEE minus 20% a little over a year ago (weight was down to around 143lbs by that time, but I was fairly stuck) and have had the absolute best success since then. It put me at 1800 calories, and even going over on a regular basis, I have done well. Didn't gain any weight over the holidays and enjoyed all my favorite goodies.

    I hit goal weight last month, and have upped my cals a bit more, to a 10-15% cut from TDEE - my weight doesn't really matter to me anymore, I am just wanting to lower my body fat percentage a bit more and keep my lean muscle.

    My dairy is open, and my story/progress is pretty much spelled out on the left side of my profile - feel free to check it out. Disclaimer on my diary for the past week - my birthday was Wednesday and I've been enjoying birthday festivities and eating plenty of favorite foods all week! So this week isn't the best example, although maybe it is - scale hasn't been climbing even with all the goodies, and my clothes still fit comfortably.

    Best part about this method is I can eat this way for life. Birthdays, holidays, vacations, dinners out, etc - it all fits into my goals. I'm well-fueled for workouts and daily life, my body is happy, my metabolism is happy - I feel & look better than I have in over 10 years. :smile:
  • kristinhw16
    yep I am in the same boat! I went for the 1200 cals and not eating back workouts, I started gaining weight!! 1200 is jus too low!!! I am now set at 1380....I really need to focus on my workouts and not my weight cause it is consuming me! Maybe if I lost the stress of that I will lose more weight haha! but 1200 is just too low!
  • Hertford86
    Hertford86 Posts: 55 Member
  • danj_64
    danj_64 Posts: 96 Member
    TDEE? What does that mean?
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I haven't gone through what you have, but my advice on upping calories is to add calories to things you are already eating instead of trying to add more meals or snacks. Add peanut butter to oatmeal, avocado to a sandwich, an extra slice of cheese on a sandwich, etc. This way you won't feel like you are overeating.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Here's a link to a really simple easy to understand explanation about TDEE and such.

    As to upping your calories, just remember that it's not always about eating more, but eating smarter. There are foods that are calorie dense that can easily help you get to your goals.
    Foods like peanut butter, olive oil, eggs, butter (not the substitutes), avocado oil, protein powders, granola bars (like Nature Valley), protein bars, oatmeal, potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, breads, pastas, rice, cheese, milk, meats, no low calorie condiments/snacks, etc. Maybe include some ice cream, pizza and poptarts :)
  • littlebudgie
    littlebudgie Posts: 279 Member
    I'm an inch shorter than you and weigh a little less than you, somewhere between lightly and moderately active, and I'm currently maintaining my weight (although losing inches) at net 1900 calories a day.

    From what I've seen in your diary, a couple suggestions -

    - avocado - good! Healthy fats, easy calorie boost

    - quick-add calories, not so good. It can be a pain to work out the calories for everything you cook (or even more if someone else is cooking), but regularly quick-added calories are going to give you an inaccurate idea of how much you're actually eating.

    - nuts are your friends, assuming you're not allergic. They're a quick calorie boost and tasty to boot.

    - you might want to switch from fat-free yogurt. Generally they're loaded up with sugar or other things to make up for not having fat, and fats aren't bad for you. You need them for hormone production and brain function, among other things. Plus, again, easy calorie boost

    - I'm not sure if you're vegetarian (you don't seem to be logging any meat or fish), but your protein consumption seems pretty low (even considering how low MFP sets your protein goal). Obviously part of this is due to the quick-added calories, but there are vegetarian options for protein aside from your eggs and yogurt. You'll probably want to increase your protein consumption, especially since it helps (along with resistance training) to minimize the amount of lean body mass you lose.

    Good luck!
  • RowenaBernice
    Thanks everyone so much for the advice! It all is very helpful. :)
  • Barribomb
    Barribomb Posts: 284 Member
  • BobcatGirl110
    BobcatGirl110 Posts: 364 Member
    I <3 MFP but it calculates your calories too low :( Here is a site I use to determine what I can eat AND still lose weight. Try it, it can't hurt and it's so much more awesome to be able to eat and lose weight!
  • libertychoury
    libertychoury Posts: 57 Member
    In almost the same boat as you although I am shorter and heavier. I just upped my calories from 1200 last week to what my BMR is (TDEE -20%) and already I feel a lot better. Not as tired or cranky, etc. I still havent been able to actually hit my BMR calories on any day because it is a huge adjustment to eat that much for me, so I am just taking it one day at a time and adding a little everyday. What others have said, in terms of food with nut butters and avocados etc. I also started adding in a lot more water a day. I have a 32 oz water bottle I carry with me and I fill and drink a minimum of 4 of those per day. That much water has made a great impact on my bloat and maybe I am crazy, but its helping with how I process what I eat, if you get what I am saying.
    I think for a long time I was sitting on this 1200 a day and netting around 800/900 because of workouts and because I stopped losing, I thought I should eat even less. Made no sense, because I couldn't restrict myself like that forever. I am trying to enjoy every bite of everything I eat and enjoy that I can eat a little more, and sometimes that takes silencing the voice of starvation.