Off the dating?



  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    Oh I also say go for it!!!!

    I hope you meet some one wonderful....just like you!:heart:
    Ali :flowerforyou:
  • IndigoElectron
    IndigoElectron Posts: 143 Member
    I am a BIG fan of online dating. I have a couple of friends who met their partners online, and I also met my last partner on a dating site. It didn't work out long term, but we were together for 2 years. I've now joined another site, I've only been on it for 3 weeks but I've already been asked out on 2 dates and am meeting someone tomorrow for the first time (wish me luck!)

    I actually think you have a better chance of meeting someone suitable online than in real life. You can specify what you're looking for and make sure you find someone who fits that criteria. For example, one big reason myself and my last partner broke up was because I wanted children and he didn't (it did say this on his profile but I chose to ignore it and hope he'd come round - I certainly learned a lesson there!), so now I just look for men who do want them. You can also see what people have written, and get an idea if you'd have things in common. While in real life, you may see someone in a bar or something, and not know anything about them, whether they're married, gay, whatever!

    Ok, it all sounds a bit scientific and some people might think it's not very romantic, but in my opinion that's rather an old fashioned attitude and simply not true. Reading the testimonials from people on the site I belong to, show that it CAN be just as romantic as meeting someone in everyday life, maybe even more so, since a lot of people don't necessarily expect to find true love online and are amazed when they do!

    Anyway, you have my wholehearted encouragement! Let us know how it goes (I will do the same), and it would be great to hear from anyone else who is currently looking for love, whether online or in everyday life!
  • BlazinEmerald
    My hubby and I met online in a Lycos chatroom 10 years ago. I never did an online dating "program" per say, we just found each other randomly. I have never regretted it for a moment. We talked for 2 years online and by phone, when he came to visit (8 yrs ago on July 15th) I moved to Canada to be with him 2 weeks later. It can work :flowerforyou:
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    Here's the thing...what makes meeting someone on the street, in a bar, or the mall, or ANYWHER any less dangerous than meeting someone online?

    I met my first boyfriend online and he we were together 3 yrs though and I leaned how to NOT let a man treat me!
    I also learned that from people I met in person for the first time....through friends, etc

    Then I met my now husband online and what worked for us was talking a lot over the chat services, then we talked on the phone a bit, then we decided to meet at a public place. =o)
    Now wer'e married, two kids, two cats, one weiner
    Good luck!!

    Just want to add, we never met on a dating service either, just in a general chat area. And TRUST me you'll be able to weed out the real freaks..I avoided quite a few!!
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    I think everything has its advantages and disadvantages, one advantage I think of is now you almost have the WORLD to look through for a partner! I think thats awesome! You dont have to just stick to your town or area... You could find someone anywhere! I love my husband, I met him in a neighboring town but I think it would be cool to be with someone from another country. Go for Germany! hahaha :tongue:
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Tee-hee!!! :laugh:

  • IndigoElectron
    IndigoElectron Posts: 143 Member
    I had my first date last night with someone I met online :smile:

    Unfortunately I knew as soon as I saw him and spoke to him that there was no spark. But it was a pleasant enough evening and it was good to be dating again.

    I feel a bit demoralised today because someone I'd been chatting to online has stopped messaging me, which is a pity because I thought there was potential there. But I guess that's the main disadvantage of online dating - there's lots of competition and people are often chatting to a lot of other people, so you're kind of 'disposable'. But I'm not going to give up hope yet - I HAVE to believe there is someone out there that is right for me!
  • Sarandipity
    Sarandipity Posts: 1,560
    I think it can be a valid way to meet new people. I met my boyfriend of 3 years on an online dating site. The funny thing was at the time we both worked in the same shopping mall, 3 stores away from each other, but our paths had never crossed.

    You can meet some real creeps online, but I have met those at the bar as well. Online gives you the chance to show more of yourself if you are shy, but it can give ou a false sense of security. You still have to be careful, make sure any in person meetings are in public areas, let someone know who and where you are meeting.

    Good Luck! :heart:

  • IndigoElectron
    IndigoElectron Posts: 143 Member
    I think another problem is you can't help but build up an idea of what a person is like, and when you meet them, sometimes they are completely different! For example, I think I was a bit taken aback by my date last night because he wasn't really what I had expected and it probably showed - I kind of wanted to go home straight away and was a bit quieter than usual.

    So yes, it's a good way to meet people but you need to keep an open mind and be prepared to meet up sooner rather than later, otherwise you can end up having a 'virtual' relationship rather than a real one! :laugh:
  • donna0003
    donna0003 Posts: 18 Member
    If you do meet someone online, meet in a public place and don't let them know your number or address. After you meet, and feel like there may be a connection, or at least a possiblity of future conversation, then give your number, but only if it's unlisted or a cell number. Give it a few dates/meetings before actually meeting at his house or yours. Even then, wait a while before inviting him in. If anyone you talk to online has a problem with you waiting to give your number or address then don't talk to them.