Why do I keep gaining!Help please:(

I took a leave from mfp for few months while I was tring to rehab my bad knees and gained a few pounds.I started back up again a month or so ago eating 20% below my tdee (1580)and not logging exercise.I've been doing 30day shred at least 5 days a week except the last 4 days because i'm recovering from an out pt .surgery.I'm ready to start up again today and I went to put on a pair of capris from last summer and they're tight they wern't tight a month ago! My stomach is hanging over even more than when I started and the tape measure said I'm an inch bigger!I'm just so sad right now I thought I was doing so good keeping under on my calories and exercising.I ate out a few times but still kept under my calories.I shouldn't be gaining,what am I doing wrong?I ready to give up again.1580 calories isn't too much is it? anything less and I'm so hungry.


  • divemunkey
    divemunkey Posts: 288 Member
    You don't have enough weight to lose to eat that far under TDEE. Try TDEE minus 10%, and you will prolly get back on track.
  • kattp07
    kattp07 Posts: 40 Member
    Oh my ,thats almost 2000 calories a day.I'm scared i'll gain more than my clothes wont fit at all:(If I start gaining should I stop?
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I can tell this is really tearing you up right now. Injuries really can put us off track. When I became ill, I not only got off track, but gained back everything that I had lost, because I got discouraged and quit.

    Try to be careful with your food and exercise journaling and realize that it may take some time to regain your higher metabolic rate. As you become more able to do your workouts without risking more injury to the area, you will see that gain go away.

    Muscle burns more fat, even when a person is resting. Injuries just zap us. I am dealing with an ulnar injury, which is why I went to swimming vigorous laps, instead of doing weight bearing exercise.

    Soon you will be updating us on how this has turned around for you, I am sure!

  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    If you think you're gaining body fat percentage while eating less calories than you expend, I dunno what to tell you other than you should try the math again.

    I will, however, say that recovering from medical procedures probably leads to your body hoarding water to assist in healing. It's probably mostly all water weight. :)
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    Sorry, wrong thread!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you think you're gaining body fat percentage while eating less calories than you expend, I dunno what to tell you other than you should try the math again.

    I will, however, say that recovering from medical procedures probably leads to your body hoarding water to assist in healing. It's probably mostly all water weight. :)

    This ^^ Exercise after a period of non-exercise = water gains. Just keep at it and be patient.
  • Geni_B
    Geni_B Posts: 64 Member
    I have read online that the same volume in muscle weighs more that the same volume of fat so go by how your clothes fit on you not the scale, You should do the research but I hope this helps. What I did was replace my evening meal with a green smoothie with fruit and flax seed in it mixed in almond milk or cocanut milk or nonfat greek yogart and it helped me shed a lot of weight. Hope this hels.
  • Tabby1216
    Tabby1216 Posts: 56 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? Eating high-sodium foods? It sounds like water weight to me.

    I would just keep at it. Make sure that you aren't going below 1200 cal NET each day and that you are drinking plenty of water.
  • KirstenTheFamilyCoach
    KirstenTheFamilyCoach Posts: 327 Member
    I agree with the post about increasing your calories. The truth is that initially you will probably gain some. It seems clear that if a person is a chronic dieter who's weight increases dramatically when they 'go off their diet' has probably done some damage to their metabolism. You need to work on changing your body's set point and that can only be done S L O W L Y. From what I understand; to change your set-point you need to lose and then maintain that for a while and then try to lose again. If you are worried about increasing your calorie intake try increasing protein intake instead. And go a bit easier on yourself. Your body is trying to recover from an injury.
  • katiethedetermined1
    katiethedetermined1 Posts: 68 Member
    You may be under your calorie intake but what foods are you actually eating? Are they healthy foods or are you just staying under? There is a major difference. Also, you need to know your body. What worked for you before that you were losing weight? You need to relook at your food/exercise diary and see what the differnce is. Maybe you need more then Jillian for 27 minutes a day to lose weight. That is something I noticed was that I needed more then 27 minutes because my metabolism is slow. Good luck!
  • centarix
    centarix Posts: 123 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? Eating high-sodium foods? It sounds like water weight to me.

    I would just keep at it. Make sure that you aren't going below 1200 cal NET each day and that you are drinking plenty of water.

    This^^ Try to limit the times you eat out. I found out I was going WAYY over on my sodium level just by eating out. Start tracking sodium and see how much you are consuming. Remember 1tsp salt = 2300mg sodium

    And yes i think some of that sounds like water weight
  • kattp07
    kattp07 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks for all the replies,:smile: I think i'll tr to watch my sodium and protein intake better and start from there,I do need more exercise also I don't feel like 30 day shred is enough,maybe I could try walking too.if that doesn't help I'll try upping my calories to see what happens.
  • strickland8052
    strickland8052 Posts: 105 Member
    Are you about to start your period?
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    You may be under your calorie intake but what foods are you actually eating? Are they healthy foods or are you just staying under? There is a major difference. Also, you need to know your body. What worked for you before that you were losing weight? You need to relook at your food/exercise diary and see what the differnce is. Maybe you need more then Jillian for 27 minutes a day to lose weight. That is something I noticed was that I needed more then 27 minutes because my metabolism is slow. Good luck!

    This. You may be hitting your macros, but the foods are not nutrient-dense, which could be why you still feel hungry - your body wants the nutrients it isn't getting. Try tracking your sugar, too. You may have a salad a few times a week, but that can't be your only vegetables.

    I can't comment on if that calorie intake is appropriate without knowing your daily activities besides the exercise.

    Every one is different, and what worked before may not work now (I also know this from personal experience). Good luck!