overweight and jogging - question

Hello all!

I've been exercising regularly for the past several months, mainly either walking my dog or heading to the gym and doing sessions on the arc trainer and treadmill. However, last week I started the C25K program, and just did the week 1 workouts, which is jogging for a minute and walking for a minute and a half, for twenty minutes (with a warm up and cool down walk at the beginning and end.)

It definitely feels good to jog, and I know its helping my fitness, but when I get done, my knees feel like they are swollen. They don't hurt, the just feel strange when I bend them, like there is fluid around them. I am considered obese, and I don't want to stop jogging, but I wondered if anyone else had experienced this and if anyone had suggestions on how to fix it, or just advice on if I can keep jogging.

Thanks for any advice/ideas!


  • DemonicWombat
    DemonicWombat Posts: 48 Member
    Hi There,

    It's the stress on your knees that they are not used to. Make sure you do an increased amount of stretching before and after, and ice your knees. I had the same issue when I first started jogging. (That and shin splints, God I hate shin splints). It will ease up after a week or two as your body gets used to it. if it doesn't talk to your doctor he/she might recommend some knee braces or compression sleeves.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    My tips:

    1. Get fitted for running shoes. You need the right shoes for you - it will help your knees a lot. Go to a running specialty store.
    2. After your run, do a short cool down walk and then stretch.
    3. Drink lots of water.
    4. Get a foam roller.
    5. Do a couple of short yoga sessions every week (20-30 minutes). It will help a lot.
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    Congrats on starting the C25k program! That's how I started and using that app made ALL the difference! I love running now :)

    I find that after a run my fingers really swell up. Not sure why but it goes away quite quickly. If you're not in pain, then it shouldn't be a worry. Google proper running form and pay attention to your foot placement, posture, etc. It has really helped me stay injury free.

    Also remember to have a good stretch after your run....especially your hip flexors! Happy running!! :)
  • benne070
    benne070 Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you both! I wanted to make sure it would go away! I was fitted for running shoes before and they ended up being extremely uncomfortable. The shoes I have now are fantastic. I do the warm up and cool down walks, and do a lot of stretching before but haven't done any after, so I will definitely try that and ice!
  • boggsmroz
    boggsmroz Posts: 20
    Get a good pair of running shoes!
    Whenever my knees start to bother me I know it's time for a new pair.
  • cynthiatwayne
    The most basic thing you need to run/jog is appropriate shoes. I'd strongly suggest that you go to a good running store (not a big box sports store) in your area and ask for a fit. Many will have your run/jog on a treadmill to see your gait. This will help them guide you to shoes that are appropriate for your biomechanics. Even if your old shoes seem to appear and look fine, they may be causing you to roll or pitch and placing undo stress on your knees. Best case is they say the shoes you're in are ok, worse is they suggest a new pair. Well worth the investment in my opinion.

    Run strong and healthy!
  • benne070
    benne070 Posts: 51 Member
    I will also Google proper running form, I hadn't thought of that :-) Thank you!
  • schrammalama
    I'm about 60 lb overweight and have run two half-marathons. I KNOW what you are feeling. I agree with the two posts above. Stretching properly is key and having good, quality running shoes is very important. I also take glucosamine daily which has also helped a lot; it helps lubricate and repair your joints. If you are currently taking other medications, I would highly recommend talking with a doctor since I'm not sure if it counteracts with anything.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I've read a lot of studies that say you shouldn't stretch before running, just do a warm-up walk (which I know is included in the c25k program), but you should DEFINITELY stretch after.
  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    Posture was my problem; heel striking instead of midfoot. Once I corrected that my knees stopped complaining. I agree with the warm up & cool down walking and stretching as that has also helped my overall "feeling good" after jogging/running. Good luck and I hope you continue to enjoy the hobby!

    *Edit: dynamic stretches before and static stretches after.
  • benne070
    benne070 Posts: 51 Member
    I don'tthink my shoes are tthe problem, they are brand new and feel fantastic! I will definitely look into the posture and stretching!
  • mlthoma1
    mlthoma1 Posts: 6
    I did something very similar and my knees also started to hurt. I am taking glucosamine (sp?) and that seemed to help my knees.
  • Rhonda21km
    Rhonda21km Posts: 90 Member
    All great suggestions already - be sure to have proper shoes, and take it easy at first.
    Icing the knee will help - it will get better - you're off to a good start!

    Check to see if there is a beginning runner's group in your area. When I first started running I joined one, and it
    was a tremendous source of information and support. They all use the walk/run approach.

    The Jeff Galloway program is also very good.
  • dellis83
    dellis83 Posts: 20 Member
    I've been there, I would definitely confirm what others have said about proper shoes (make sure that you go to a place that videos your running form - I had gotten speciality shoes based on my size/weight/etc and they turned out being a horrible match for my actual running style) , and also supplementing with glucosamine and also fish oil.

    Also, you might want to check out pose technique. It's a lot less stressful on the knees (its more ankle/calf intensive, so keep that in mind if you have issues there). I can go about 1:30 faster per mile at the same perceived effort using pose running, and I am still new to the technique. YMMV.

    Hope this helps!
  • edack72
    edack72 Posts: 173 Member
    Add exercises that strengthen all the muscles and ligaments that support your knees. And ditto to what everyone else is saying about shoes
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    Hello all!

    I've been exercising regularly for the past several months, mainly either walking my dog or heading to the gym and doing sessions on the arc trainer and treadmill. However, last week I started the C25K program, and just did the week 1 workouts, which is jogging for a minute and walking for a minute and a half, for twenty minutes (with a warm up and cool down walk at the beginning and end.)

    It definitely feels good to jog, and I know its helping my fitness, but when I get done, my knees feel like they are swollen. They don't hurt, the just feel strange when I bend them, like there is fluid around them. I am considered obese, and I don't want to stop jogging, but I wondered if anyone else had experienced this and if anyone had suggestions on how to fix it, or just advice on if I can keep jogging.

    Thanks for any advice/ideas!

    It's stress. At my fattiest (265#) I ran a 5k in 42 minutes. So, you can run/jog, whatever you want to call it. What you'll need to do is make sure you condition yourself for it properly. Doing too much too fast is going to wreck your knees.

    Do squats, and do wall squats with a yoga ball. Ice them and keep inflammation down, I used an aleve regimen. Allow them ample rest. Stretch very well, especially stretches that target your mcl/ acl/ lcl.

    Finally, one of the best things I did for myself was stop using my running shoes and started using vibram five fingers. I went from getting hurt relatively often to only getting hurt due to mistakes while running. (Like that one time, running through mud, I got my foot caught under a root...)

    I went from having consistent trips to the physical therapist, to not having needed one in a couple years. YMMV, but there's some food for thought.
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Everyone above has great tips ! This is just my 2¢ and personal experience, but if you do stretch before the jog, make sure your muscles aren't cold, meaning I would do it between the warm up walk and first run sequence. Stretching on cold, or un-warmed up muscles, can lead to stressed and torn muscles (which I have done) Defiantly stretch after as others have said, but be careful on stretching before hand.
  • MariaChele85
    MariaChele85 Posts: 267 Member
    I am 80 lbs overweight and considered obese, but I too love to run. Ok I dont love it, but I do enjoy it. Yes the first several months were really tough on my knees, shins, & calfs. I would have to take a week in between to recover. But, it does get better.
    My biggest advice would be,
    * invest in a good pair of running shoes ( go to a specialty running shoes store)
    * do a fast walk, high knees, butt touches, then stretch ( I dont like to stretch cold muscles)
    * use a foam roller , ice your legs and stretch after each run
    * take 2-3 days in between runs to recover ( once you get more advanced, just 1-2 day in between)

    Make sure you consult your doctor if you are having real pain. Sometimes it hard to distinguish soreness from pain.
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    Everyone has fantastic advice above!

    I tried to start c25k last week but couldn't continue - shin splints kept me awake all night and impacted other activities (gym, I could barely walk!) - I've been going to the gym for a month now and running on the treadmill fine, but I think a combination of poor roads (I live in a rural area) and high wind meant it was a no go.

    I'm also obese, so I am going to drop a bit more weight, strengthen my muscles with weight training and then go and do it again! Have you done any strengthening exercises or workouts for calf/legs?
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    My tips:

    1. Get fitted for running shoes. You need the right shoes for you - it will help your knees a lot. Go to a running specialty store.
    2. After your run, do a short cool down walk and then stretch.
    3. Drink lots of water.
    4. Get a foam roller.
    5. Do a couple of short yoga sessions every week (20-30 minutes). It will help a lot.

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