Eat 50% of your daily calories at lunch.

Hi all!!

I just want to share what worked for me this past days. I am eating almost 1/2 my calories, or at least my big meal at LUNCH is when you metabolism is at its pick, so you will burn them easily. At night (dinner) I just do something very light easy to digest, like soup, salads, cereal, vegetables. I heard that with an Ayurvedic medicine specialist. It worked for me.
So if you want to do dessert, bread, cheese, fat, LUNCH is your opportunity to do it :happy: .

I lost 3 pounds so far doing it. :glasses:
Just sharing what worked for me. If you aren't agree with me, it is fine. :wink:

Ayurvedic Fat Fighter
Here it is: Eat 50% of your daily calories at lunch. This is what’s incredibly unique about ayurvedic fat fighting: Instead of cutting calories first, you just have to change when you are eating most of your calories. According to ayurveda, lunch is the most important meal of the day because it is when your digestive fire, agni, is the strongest. You should eat the least number of calories at dinner, which should be before 7 p.m. If it sounds too good to be true, here is an experiment for you to do at home: Measure the number of calories that you are currently consuming on a daily basis. Don’t reduce the total number of calories you are eating, but eat the majority of your calories at lunch (at least 50%). Without any additional effort, you should begin to lose weight. Who doesn’t love that?

A typical day’s meals should look like this:
Breakfast should be easy-to-digest foods like hot oatmeal, hot cereal, or fresh fruit. Don’t eat egg yolks because it’s hard to digest – just egg whites.
Lunch should be your largest meal when you eat the heaviest foods – cheese, eggs, meat and desserts.
Dinnertime is when your digestive fire is the weakest, so this should be your smallest and lightest meal. Dinner should consist of small proportions of easy-to-digest foods such as soups or cooked vegetables. Dinner shouldn’t be eaten after 7 p.m. because your body’s digestion gets weaker at night and cannot process food as well; undigested food is turned into toxins and often stored in your fat cells.

Have a great Sunday !!!


  • readbooks25
    My coach just shared this with me on Saturday - a simple concept, and it makes sense! Going to start implementing. Will require a little more planning, but is do-able. Thanks for posting.
  • kitzi1
    kitzi1 Posts: 2
    I agree!! I was raised that lunch should be the larger meal- more European style of eating. My mother is from Austria and has always been very fit and has a healthy mentality. I believe it is the structure of their lifestyle. When I stray from this, I get bloated and slow down. Especially when my meals get bigger towards the end of the day.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Timing of your meals doesn't affect your weight loss. I'm not sure where the "undigested food turns into toxins and is stored" thing comes from. Your digestion doesn't stop. Food doesn't just sit in your stomach after a certain time. Eating after a certain time won't cause someone to gain weight provided their calorie intake is below their TDEE.

    Ultimately it's all about what works best for you. I personally couldn't do it. I'm not hungry in the earlier part of the day most of the time.
  • luticiaf
    luticiaf Posts: 92 Member
    Ooh, I like!

    Thank you for posting this, and sharing the details!
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Timing doesn't matter. Now some people delay eating until noon or the early afternoon because they find they eat less if they eat within a specific timeframe, that's a principle of Intermittent Fasting.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    If this helps you hit your calorie deficit, that's all well and good.

    However, there is no actual reason in terms of metabolism, fat loss, etc, to do it this way. Personally I like a smaller lunch and bigger dinner.
  • happy0349
    happy0349 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I will try to get all my food eaten by 7PM..
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I will try to get all my food eaten by 7PM..

    That is completely arbitrary and unnecessary.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    If this helps you hit your calorie deficit, that's all well and good.

    However, there is no actual reason in terms of metabolism, fat loss, etc, to do it this way. Personally I like a smaller lunch and bigger dinner.


    Meal timing is about personal preference. There is no scientifically proven time of the day when your metabolism is spiked or working overtime.

    I regularly eat 500-700 calories after 7pm. Hasn't affected my weight loss.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    This has been discussed ad nauseum and it's already been proven that from a weight loss perspective, it doesn't matter when you eat your calories. If calories are equal, weight loss will be the same. Also, it takes 72 hours of not eating at all for your metabolism to show any signs of slowing down, so there is no optimal time for your body to get calories. If you aren't digesting food your metabolism is running the rest of your systems (brain, organs, etc..).

    If this works for you, great, but what you are probably seeing is general water weigh fluctuations in your system. I would suggest not just looking at a weeks worth a data, but rather a few months to see if there is a noticeable difference.

    And since I just googled and saw this is another Dr. Oz thing, I am sure it's worthless like all his other stuff.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    If this helps you hit your calorie deficit, that's all well and good.

    However, there is no actual reason in terms of metabolism, fat loss, etc, to do it this way. Personally I like a smaller lunch and bigger dinner.


    Meal timing is about personal preference. There is no scientifically proven time of the day when your metabolism is spiked or working overtime.

    I regularly eat 500-700 calories after 7pm. Hasn't affected my weight loss.

    Last night I ate almost 800 calories less than 10 minutes before going to bed. This is a regular occurrence and has not affected my loss one bit.
  • StarrySkiesYvaine
    StarrySkiesYvaine Posts: 35 Member
    Eating a huge lunch isn't practical for me at with work so this wouldn't work for me, even if it can help some people to eat this way.

    But I am interested in the eggs comment: Why are yolks harder to digest? I'm making eggs a staple part of breakfast for me; good source of protein (I don't eat meat or fish and also avoid dairy as much as possible)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Eating a huge lunch isn't practical for me at with work so this wouldn't work for me, even if it can help some people to eat this way.

    But I am interested in the eggs comment: Why are yolks harder to digest? I'm making eggs a staple part of breakfast for me; good source of protein (I don't eat meat or fish and also avoid dairy as much as possible)

    There is no evidences that would suggest egg's are hard to digest. I eat 5-7 most days and I lose about 1 lb per week. There are difference digestion rates for difference foods, but that isn't a bad thing.
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    If this helps you hit your calorie deficit, that's all well and good.

    However, there is no actual reason in terms of metabolism, fat loss, etc, to do it this way. Personally I like a smaller lunch and bigger dinner.


    Meal timing is about personal preference. There is no scientifically proven time of the day when your metabolism is spiked or working overtime.

    I regularly eat 500-700 calories after 7pm. Hasn't affected my weight loss.

    i eat the majority around 7-8pm as well.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    meal timing and size of any particular meal is completely irrelevant. I burn roughly 2500 calories in a 24 hour period...why would it matter when I ate those calories? Most of my calories come after 5:00 PM and it didn't hinder me in the least when I was losing.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    What is the "digestive fire"?
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    What is the "digestive fire"?
    Ayurvedic = woo woo
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    If it sounds too good to be true, here is an experiment for you to do at home: Measure the number of calories that you are currently consuming on a daily basis. Don’t reduce the total number of calories you are eating, but eat the majority of your calories at lunch (at least 50%). Without any additional effort, you should begin to lose weight. Who doesn’t love that?

    I'm sorry but calories in/calories out are what matters, not when you eat them. If I did this based on my old diet I would put on weight as I was eating more calories when I was burning.

    Thanks but I think I'll stick with science.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    No thanks.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    What is the "digestive fire"?

    Sounds like a medical issue.