Self sabotage help!!

I was hoping for some advice. I started an eat clean in April challenge and made it the first 20 days. I felt awesome. Tons of energy, dropping a couple pounds, running almost everyday, and I could turn down just about anything. All at once it got harder and harder until now I wake up feeling sad and hopeless. I ate crappy foods and could barely chug water. (I was drinking a gallon) this is textbook for me and seems to last a week or two every menstrual cycle. I'm like two different people eating clean and running my but off Chrissy and lazy foodaholic Chrissy. I plan to challenge myself again this May. I refuse to give up and I am desperate to find the old self confident me. I know she is inside of this 200 pound body. Do you have any advice for me on how to push through this hurdle without undoing my efforts each month. Thank you for listening. ????


  • I borrow a phrase from 12-step programs- "Just for today." Don't worry about tomorrow, the next 2 weeks, the next month, year, rest of your life- etc. Just for today, drink the water, resist the junk food, do your exercise. Just make it through this one day, and then you can deal with tomorrow when it gets here.

    When I have a setback, I don't think about getting back on track tomorrow, or next Monday, or the first of next month. I think about getting back on track right now. Yes, I ate that brownie... and now it's done and I have to move on and not beat myself up. One slip up doesn't negate all the work you've done! One bad day doesn't have to turn into a bad week, month, year. This is what helps me, make it through until bedtime, and start new in the morning. Don't beat yourself up!!
  • octleigh
    octleigh Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks. Great advice. I don't have to wait until morning. I am going to get it right.. Right now:) *pouring another glass of water.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    You need to find a balance. Extremes aren't the answer here.

    I eat mainly whole foods but every night when I get home I have a bowl of ice cream or a beer.

    Mental health is important too.
  • becka9266
    becka9266 Posts: 16 Member
    When I was on WW I would get really pumped for my weigh-in days, and if I didn't lose what I thought I was going to, I'd immediately want to give up. It's so much easier to eat four candy bars and a bag of cheetos while watching reruns of Jersey Shore. Especially around PMS time.

    But it's more about Persistance than Perfection.

    Which is what I say to myself when I have to eat some chocolate or someone will die.
  • liftreadphilosophize
    liftreadphilosophize Posts: 180 Member
    But it's more about Persistence than Perfection.

    Which is what I say to myself when I have to eat some chocolate or someone will die.

    Love this both for the "Persistence not Perfection" idea and the laugh I got out of the "when I have to eat some chocolate or someone will die" line. Fantastic.
  • Toadlily
    Toadlily Posts: 17
    hi - i like this book called The Beck Diet Solution - by judith beck which really helps with some of the self-sabotage i do to myself. you can check it out of the library if you are interested in learning some new skills to get you through the rough patches. sometimes all you need is a new tip - i am sure you will become who you want to be. good luck!
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    LOL Beachbody nut!!! I agree!!! My mom has not smoked in 18 years, after smoking for 30 years!!! If you ask her about it, she will tell you to this day that she did not quit smoking. She just got up today and chose not to smoke!! It's a daily choice, just like food choices. We can't quit cold turkey and never touch food again. I WISH!! But we can choose each day to choose more wisely. When slip ups occur, choose more wisely at the next meal. I would even say be strict at that time of the month and use cheats at other times.

    I am strict about my water. I may slip up big time, but I am drinking a gallon of water each and every day! Now, it is second nature and I can get strict about something else.

    Kepp going! Persistence is the key. Wake up today and choose to eat wisely!! NO DIETS!! :bigsmile:
  • krb974
    krb974 Posts: 8 Member
    I find myself in a similar pattern at times related to trauma experienced as a child rather than my menstrual cycle. For me it is helpful when I am self sabotaging to recognize that's what I am doing. Sometimes I say 'I'm self sabotaging' out loud, other times I write it down. I find it helpful to acknowledge what I'm doing, which helps me make better choices during my self-sabotage. Instead of inhaling the entire snack section of a grocery store, I try to make choices that I will be okay with the consequences of. Meaning, instead of blowing my day, and then another day, and then all of a sudden a week; I'll try to contain my self-sabotage to one meal, or one day. That doesn't mean that my choices don't always work out that way, nor are the consequences to my choices minimized. But I feel that the more I can offer myself choices, the more power I have to make those choices. If the day before was a 'bad day', then I try to make a least one or two choices today that are a lot healthier than the previous day.

    Good luck! Posting here is a great step to finding solutions to your sabotage. Feel free to add me, as I'm always looking for and to offer support.
  • LadyBerlynn
    LadyBerlynn Posts: 18 Member
    Just put one foot in front of the other (both metaphorically and physically) It is really really hard to keep at something like clean eating especially if you see those foods and want them. Living with people that eat crappy foods all the time make it hard too. What I do whenever I make a healthy food choice is I sort of give myself a mental pat on the back and congratulate myself. Sometimes if it's really hard to say no, but I do I sort of do a mental victory dance (I know it sounds daft, but you'd be surprised how much that lifts you up) and if you do end up snacking, remember that you can always get back on the wagon tomorrow, but you actually have to do it and not just tell yourself that. 1 day of junk food isn't the end of the world, just a minor setback. One you CAN overcome. And I agree, period time makes it the hardest to stay on track. But no matter what KEEP GOING!
    You can do this, Girl!
  • kaylindeschanel
    kaylindeschanel Posts: 105 Member
    give yourself credit for what you've done already. you've made progress before, you can definitely do it again. i have so much faith in you, you just have to find the will to move on and find that faith in yourself. (:

    eating healthy is great!! it's amazing and energizing to have such a lifestyle going for you - but if you're depriving yourself too heavily, that could possibly be the reason why you fell off the bandwagon.
    the more you deprive yourself, the higher risk of failure there tends to be. so make sure you're giving yourself room for INDULGENCE at the occasional party and girls' night out.

    start a scrapbook and cook book.
    get a really delicious buffet going - a long line of YUMMY, healthy foods that you can invite your girlfriends over for brunch/dinner. :)
    go running with your significant other, go grocery shopping with your siblings, get your mom into the healthy lifestyle - if you have more people around you supporting you and joining in, you're going to set yourself up for success.

    it doesn't matter how long it takes.
    fall down seven times, get up eight.

    add me if you want support! i'll be here for you (:
  • turtlepace
    turtlepace Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for sharing! This is the time I sabotage myself too, it gives me an excuse to give into my cravings and once I do it, it becomes a free for all! Never thought of getting back on the wagon right away instead of the same moment after I have sabotaged myself!I have recently read a book called Made to Crave and one of the best sayings I remember is permissible but is it beneficial?