Calling all Diabetics

How did you find out you were diabetic...

What were your symptoms leading up to your diagnosis...

Do you have any genetic pre-cursors, or is yours onset from something else?

What is your current treatment plan?


  • grinner30
    grinner30 Posts: 122 Member
    Type 2 or Type 1 Diabetic?
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    I was going to the bathroom several times during the night. When I went to the doctor and he did an AC1 test. I have been diabetic for over 6 years. I take my blood surgars every morning and I take metforman twice a day and my AC1 today was 6.1. I have blood work done every three months. AC1 is the test they do and it will tell if you are diabetic. Anything above 6 for acouple tests in a row says you are. Good luck
  • HoneyPie99

    Well my family history is that I have grandparent, parent and siblings with diabetes. I found out I had it after routine blood test was done. I never really felt much symptoms. I am on oral meds and I try to control my carb intake. I have type 2
  • suttercm
    suttercm Posts: 189 Member
    Type 2. I found out from routine blood work done as an annual exam. Did not have any symptoms, but looking back I did have all the typical symptoms. Had complained to various doctors who attributed it to many things, just not diabetes. I have a very strong family history of diabetes. Current treatment plan: on Metformin 500 mg, two times per day; Victoza 1.2 mg once per day. Current A1C is 5.8, original was 13.6 (two years ago). I eat a low carb diet (less than 70 mg per day, average about 50), exercise daily (walk a minimum of 2 miles per day), have lost 60 lbs and am feeling great.
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
    Yes type 1 or type 2?

    I am a type 1. I was going to the Dr every 2 weeks for "girly" infections for 2 years. They tested me for everything under the sun. STD's, cancer...etc. Also super thirsty all night. Thought because I was drinking water all day that my body wanted it all night. Ended up in the hospital with stomach pains. They had me pee in cup came back and said i was spilling sugars. A week later I was on shots.

    Current treatment is I am on the pump. Prior to that I was on shots for all meals (novalog) and a shot of lantis before bed.

    No family history of type 1. Grandfather had type 2 because he was over weight.
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    I was enjoying my surprise pregnancy when my ob/gyn had me take the test at 6 months and it turned out I had gestational diabetes(Type2). I had no symptoms or warning signs. I do have a history of diabetes in the family but late in life not 37. My doc told me I had one week to get it under control or I would be put on insulin. I knew from family experience once on insulin I wouldn't come off. I went cold turkey on all sugar, bread, rice. I took some ADA classes at the local hospital and learned proper food portions and about the glycemic index. My DOC/NUT put me on a modified south beach diet. Thank the Lord I managed to curve the effects and I did not have to take meds and my last A1c was 5.7. My lifestyle change was the key to maintaining my illness. This September will be 5 years.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Also had no symptoms. Tried so many meds and after diagnosed and was getting UTI's every 4 weeks for over 2 years......

    Finally started walking, uped my protein, no soda (even diet) and keeping away from so many processed foods, dropped calories til I got to 1200 and started lossing and things improved right away!!!!

    Best of luck!!
  • EvilDollee
    EvilDollee Posts: 386 Member
    My sister was diagnosed with type 2 when she was 14 and during one of her visits to her endocrinologist he wanted to test my blood to see if I have it too, the blood test came back and he said I was positive for type 2 also, I was 17 O_o so that was pretty devastating to me and I whispered "really?" and his reaction was basically "DUUUUH!!!"
  • walkingmywaytohealth
    through a blood test, for 6 years.

    I never took charge of the situation and after a ton of money and specialists Im in charge of my life and walked of 28 pounds in 5 months, (i lost 3 before here) I have 107 to go, and I will be there hopefully by July 4th 2014

    After working out sometimes 2 - 4 hours per day, I was able to get off my insulin and go back to a pill 2x a day. I was on Victoza but I worry about the cancer maybe issue, so I stopped taking it. My goal is to get off that pill.

    Its hard work but its worth it. MFP is the best ever tool to help me watch everthing.

    90 percent of my food is from the earth. rare processed foods and nothing fried. Its expensive and I visit the store daily....

    I forgot to mention that I've never felt better, no headaches and I rarely get sick.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    Sorry, I was refering to Type 2, but would take any response.

    You all have had good successes with what you were handed.
  • lovemitch125
    lovemitch125 Posts: 257 Member
    I am glad all of you (the posts i looked through) found out through blood work and tests! :) It's nice to find out early and have a chance to get better. Although I do not have diabetes, my father does and had no idea until one night his blood sugar went crazy in the middle of the night. He began to sleep walk into the kitchen with a fever so high, it was unbelievable. I don't know exactly what happened because I was only 7 and asleep upstairs. My mother says she found him sitting on the ground in sweat, no being able to say any complete words and not knowing who is is or where he was. That, my friend, is a diabetes attack. FORTUNATELY, although it was VERY CLOSE, my father survived the diabetes attack and is 63 y/o. It has been almost 15 years since. His one foot is about twice the size of the other one (which is what happens to older diabetics) and he was in serious pain with it for months. We thought it may have to come off, but he has gotten used to the pain, he just can't walk for long periods of time. He also needs shots in his eyes every few weeks to keep him from going blind (which he hates). My father is not morbidly obese (weighing about 215-220 lbs at 6'2") and although he is retired, he is a fighter and works a physical job which has him in a hot warehouse all day. He likes to be outside, he just doesn't eat correctly.

    Seeing this first hand, and me following in his footsteps, that is why I decided to save myself early. I love my father and all he does for me. He is proud of me and I am proud of him because he can handle a lot. He refuses to let it take over his life, so he only has an insulin pen and continues to walk as much as he can :) He's definitely beaten the odds. Good luck to everyone with Diabetes Type 1 or 2!
  • tubbyelmo
    tubbyelmo Posts: 415 Member
    I have MODY diabetes (Gck), first diagnosed aged 8 but further research over the years (thanks Exeter University) has given loads more detail. Caused by a mutated gene I inherited from my Dad, and he inherited from his Dad. My mum is also diabetic (type 2) but my sister is the healthiest person I know! I simply have higher blood sugar levels ALL the time, I was on Metformin for 16 years but then I was told I didn't really need medication but taking them wouldn't hurt... so I stopped taking them, well, you would wouldn't you? I have the same chance as everyone else of developing type 2 diabetes when I'm older so I need to try to stay healthy and make good choices.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,699 Member
    I was diagnosed in August by routine blood test and had a HA1C of 10.4. Had blurry vision first thing in the morning and bouts of excessive thirst and frequent UTI's. Started MFP shortly afterward diagnosis and lost the first 12 kg within 3 months which improved my glucose levels quite dramatically.

    HA1C was last 5.7 and the GP suggested I start experimenting with reducing my metformin. Originally was prescribed 2000mg daily. Now down to 500mg and my fasting glucose is typically 5.4. Similar for two hours after meals. If it stays in the low fives, will try cutting out the medication altogether soon.
  • ChrisinGA
    ChrisinGA Posts: 116 Member
    having to get up to go pee several times a night, also when got up each time be so so thristy so would go get something to drink, I was never not thristy it seemed, my frd told me she thought I was so I went to Walart and got a tester, it said i was so then I made a Dr apt and went, sure nuff they tested me and said I was I was on meformian for about a yr until couldn't afford to go to Dr. i still try my best to eat right and not drink soda and stuff.
    I'm type 2.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I suspected it when I started getting yeast infections that wouldn't go away. And I had the typical thirst and constant urination. But I wasn't diagnosed until I ended up in the hospital for a totally unrelated illness.
  • descalzada
    descalzada Posts: 5 Member
    I had gestational diabetes, but that was 30 years ago. No family history, so it came as a real surprise when blood-work during annual physical 4 years ago showed A1C of 6.3 and cholesterol of 328!!! I was fit and thin (in size 4 jeans) when I got that news. A few months before, I began to get light-headed during strength training, but not from cardio/endurance exercises. The cause was most likely stress, from a protracted ugly divorce.
    I've been able to manage it with life-style, by adding more strength training. My diet was already pretty decent, but I don't yield to temptation quite so often. Was able to bring cholesterol down to 204, and A1C to 5.9. After another round of stress with the psycho ex, the numbers went back up.
    The key to managing the sugar is by additional strength training, because it munches thru glycogen moreso than cardio. I still get light-headed from it sometimes, so I take glucose when it happens. Because of the exercise, my HDL is so high at even at 358 cholesterol, I'm not in the "danger zone"; no meds needed. It seems that 130 is the magic weight where the numbers are good, and some as crept on, so I need to get it back there for the good numbers. My MD said that people with this combination of problems tend to do better at the low range of healthy BMI; mine is currently 22.3, but I need to be at 20. She encourages me to do it thru life-style instead of pills.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    How did you find out you were diabetic...

    What were your symptoms leading up to your diagnosis...

    Do you have any genetic pre-cursors, or is yours onset from something else?

    What is your current treatment plan?

    1. High glucose (108) on routine labs. A1C ended up being 6.9 (6.0 in March). Diagnosed May 2012. Type 2.
    2. None.
    3. Just fat. :sad:
    4. Metformin 500 mg x 2
  • StephanieEmpson
    How did you find out you were diabetic...

    What were your symptoms leading up to your diagnosis...

    Do you have any genetic pre-cursors, or is yours onset from something else?

    What is your current treatment plan?

    In the emergency room 4/8/2012

    Felt like I was having a cardiac event ( and not a good one)

    Latest A1C 5.5 did that off any meds, Diet controlled... and exercise too of course!

    Good luck on your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • 911tiff
    911tiff Posts: 14 Member
    March 15th 2013

    Was sent home from work because I was so sick, made a walk in apt and had a BG of 552 and an a1c of 11.3

    no symptoms that I knew then, looking back there were some I just chalked them up to working 12 hour swing shifts

    control by LC/HF diet and Janumet XR 50/1000 twice a day

    in less than a month I came down to under 140 across the board with my BG readings
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Type 2. I had an abcess and had to go into the ER. They did blood work and told me I was diabetic. I was on insulin for a couple weeks then moved to Metformin 3 times a day. I was back on insulin for about a year taking 10 units nightly, but my last A1c was 5. I'm currently off the shot and taking 2-3 pills. My sugars are usually around 4.5-5.5 before meals. Losing weight has really helped.

    Edit to add: Type 2 predisposition on my mothers side of the family.