Hi, from the middle of nowhere!

I've been using this site for a few weeks now and am just now becoming more successful with watching my intake! Right now my biggest hardship is exercise. Today it is 10 degrees outside and that sure does make it hard to go for a walk/run! Our cabin is really small (16 x 18) so it's tough to work out inside... Any suggestions on how to motivate to get my butt outside in the freezing cold would be greatly appreciated!


  • daniale
    I've been using this site for a few weeks now and am just now becoming more successful with watching my intake! Right now my biggest hardship is exercise. Today it is 10 degrees outside and that sure does make it hard to go for a walk/run! Our cabin is really small (16 x 18) so it's tough to work out inside... Any suggestions on how to motivate to get my butt outside in the freezing cold would be greatly appreciated!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member

    This summer I took a train trip. I walked in place on a train. Lot harder than it sounds because you are lifting your legs up higher than when you are walking and the train moves back and forth. My "room's" walking space was about 3 feet long by 1.5 feet wide. It can be done. It really helps to watch something while walking/marching in place (movies?). Imaginary jump ropes are good too.
  • webebeer
    walking in place...using hand weights will boost your work out up a bit...this is what I do on rainy cold days......there are some good videos with walking....I get cable here that offers excercis videos free....
  • fromomma3
    Try Leslie Sansone videos. My friend got me started on these and now we "walk" together inside when we can't get out. My whole family (5) "walked" this way in our small family room this weekend. As long as you all move together it can be done. She gets your whole body involved so it ends up being quite a workout. The tapes come in different mile lengths too. Good luck!
  • hallusmc
    hallusmc Posts: 51 Member
    I don't know if you can clear up enough space or not, but jump roping burns a ton of calories. Just as an example, if you weigh 150lbs and jump rope slowly for 15 min. you can burn 142 calories!