Exercise for someone over 300 lbs



  • firecopfl
    firecopfl Posts: 19 Member
    I agree with some of the comments made before me. You do not have to do traditional exercise for cardio. Anything that gets your heart rate into the fat burn or into the aerobic zone will work. While I do run it is for aerobic endurance as I am a firefighter. I started at 354lbs and am currently 243. I would highly recommend doing resistance band training or circuit style weight training. My strength training consists of circuit style weight training. I do it on machines, not free weights. I do high reps(20) and five sets. I do anywhere between 15-18 machines in a circuit and I break it down into three zones. You go from machine to machine with no rest. for five sets. Then on to the next zone. You will get your cardio pumping and you will work your muscles. It usually takes an hour for me to complete and it's an hour of great cardio. You can do some google searches on circuit training but they will be focused more on free weight style. I just adapted it to machines. You will also find that as you strengthen your core your hip and lefg issues will start to resolve themselves. The combination of losing weight, and strengthing the muscles will be very beneficial. good luck on your endeavours!
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    sounds corny, but Richard simmons videos....he has women that are 300+ pounds on there
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I'm amazed no one's mentioned the obvious swimming. Great aerobic exercise you also get the resistance of the water and also the support of it.
  • ash_mason
    ash_mason Posts: 13 Member
    You could begin with an exercise ball, a bosu ball, a small set of dumb bells, and resistance bands. I would also check You Tube for low impact workouts that you could do at home or while seated until it gets easier for you.

    May I just say, that your willingness for wanting to be physical makes me realize that as an able bodied person who is also over 300 pounds, I have absolutely no excuse not to be more active.
  • Another vote for walking in the pool. You can also get 'water dumbbells' to provide some extra resistance or even use a pool noodle. I started at 388 with the YMCA's silver sneakers aqua exercise program which was basically just walking back and forth in the water, sometimes adding arms. You can do this, I know you can.
  • TrracyGirl
    TrracyGirl Posts: 32 Member
    Fantastic suggestions on here. I hope I don't repeat them ;)

    I would agree with some about the sitting down exercises. You can always start with moderate weights for your arms, back and chest. All those sitting. Youtube has a LOT of good things. Believe it or not, I would bet you could do some HIIT things. High intensity interval training. That doesn't mean you jump-up-and-down-intense.. its what is YOUR intense. Is it just standing and sittting over and over for 20 seconds? The resting for 10 seconds? Its whatever gets your heart rate up. Maybe its laying in bed on your back, one leg bent to support your back, the other lifting it and working your apps.

    My high was 276. This will get better. You will lose the weight. For me, its about changing my mind. Digging into me and pulling "me" out. Not the me that ate myself to 276, not the me that smiles and nods at everyone because I need you to like me. The strong person that we all have. Good luck! You CAN do this :)
  • Sandy3313
    Sandy3313 Posts: 140 Member
    Hi I know you said that walking is out of the question but there is a different kind of walking you can do....look up Leslie Sansone she does a at home walking video....someone on here recommended it to me and it has helped with my weight loss...I too suffer from bad knees and hip and lower back pain all the time and I 1st tried the 30 day shred and OMG!!! it killed my knees....then I tried Leslie Sansone and if you love to walk but can't I highly recommended her!!! my knees feel so much better and you can go at a pace that suits your needs and besides the walking you are also doing a light aerobic workout at the same time...also there are a lot of exercises that you can do in a sitting position....Good Luck to you on your journey!!! If you like feel free to add me and we can do some workouts together!!! : )
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    I was around 250 at my heaviest (5' 11"), but I used the elliptical because it didnt hurt my knees or hips. I still use the elliptical today, because I think it burns the most calories in a given ammount of time.