I need to lose 35 pounds by August.



  • TheRealJigsaw
    TheRealJigsaw Posts: 295 Member
    Did you want someone to spoon feed you as well?

    I know right
  • Thanks to the people who tried to help. By the way I am not too young. I'm 18.
  • thintania
    thintania Posts: 1 Member
    wow can't believe how mean people can be. sweetheart, take ur time, start using the food calorie counter to log your food and work out at least 6 days a week. do 1 week or 2 of zumba, then the 30 day shred, then maybe u can try insanity. good luck
  • PosterPens
    PosterPens Posts: 172 Member
    mistake #1. not eating a proper protein filled lunch. ditch the pretzels and instead have a great filling lunch. maybe a turkey wrap with avocado? its important. that and a healthy protein filled breakfast. its completely possible to lose the 35 by august, but weight loss does slow down tremendously around the 10-15lb point.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    If you click on her profile you would see how old she is. That said, I agree that 35 pounds is a lot ( although i have totally been there in the desire to loose all the weight by x day). If you want to loose a significant amount of weight you need to talk to a doctor and I agree about a personal trainer and or nutritionist. Also I am assuming you are living at home and either have to share a fridge with your own purchases or are at the will of your parents. Talk to them about what they are willing to purchase and how you can make it work.

    Also don't worry about the numbers on the scale. Instead take body measurements with a measuring tape. Those numbers are more indicative of what your fat % is at. Muscle weighs more than fat, so you might loose inches and not so much weight but look fantastic!

    If you have insanity, then you might want to try their meal plan. It was pretty good. I tried Insanity last summer, but i stopped because it hurt my knees too much. Furthermore, if you are trying to loose a a bunch, you need to fuel your body, so maybe try 1600 cals and see how that works?

    I am assuming that in August you are going to start college and want to look fabulous? If so, your campus might be large, so I suggest a bike and helmet. I went to PSU Main and that campus is friggin huge! and you only have 10 mins between classes!

    Also, Insanity will make you sore. Period. And you really need to talk to your doc before starting. Oh and I substituted a Slim Fast for their protein shake. I compared the nutrients and they were comparable and way cheaper!
  • muddynicola
    muddynicola Posts: 41 Member
    Add me as a friend. I do 1200 calories a day and it's not that hard if you eat things with high mass low calorie - look at my diary for ideas (if you can figure out what I'm making from the ingredients).

    In terms of exercise I am a Jillian Micheals fan, she crams a lot in to 30 minutes and you can think to yourself 'she can throw her worst at me it will only last 30 mins'. I have loads of her dvds and do a different workout every day. I usually take a day off every week just so I have some freedom to actually get other stuff done but I try to make sure I am active on my days off with lots of walking.

    I wanted to lost about 30 pounds by June, I've been doing this 30 days now and I've lost a few inches from various places (mostly legs), I'm not sure about my weight loss but inches are most important.
  • MissJJ74
    MissJJ74 Posts: 111 Member
    35 lbs by August is a bit ambitious but not impossible, I've lost 33 lbs in 5 months, and mind you the 1st month I wasn't even really consciously trying to lose.

    I agree with the others, don't try to do everything at once. You will end up exhausted, sore, or even worse, with an injury. Your body also needs fuel to survive. I started on a 1200 calorie diet on here and found myself starving all the time. However I also didn't start working out until later, so I was able to eat more as I had to eat back the calories.

    Aim for about 30-60 mins of exercise a day, even if it's just walking or Zumba. As the weight comes off, you'll find you'll be able to handle more and then maybe after a month or so start Insanity or 30 Day Shred. There's been stories of some people almost injuring themselves using these videos to start off with cold, that's why I say get some weight off first and exercise going for a bit before starting them.

    I started out at 5'3" and 186 at Thanksgiving. By the time I joined this site in January I was down to about 172. I'm at 153 now with a goal of 140, so I'm the same as you.

    Your best bet is don't set a date or deadline for the weight loss. Aim to be healthy first and foremost. That should be your main goal. If you do that, the inches and weight will come off naturally. People who give themselves deadlines but mention nothing about maintaining or getting healthy fail for that very reason. Also you will want to think healthy instead of diet if your goal is to lose before going to college, because the last thing you will want to do is manage to lose some weight and then gain back the dreaded Freshman 15.