
I have a real problem with bingeing on sweets.....I will try to follow my 1200 cal a day diet and give up sugar....but then I buy cookies and eat the whole makes me feel awful ...and all my hard work for the week seems like a failure...:brokenheart:


  • QuestToLose
    QuestToLose Posts: 124 Member
    If i don't have it, i wouldn't wanna eat it so I avoid buying sweets. If u have it, there is nothing that is going to stop you from eating it. Next time you go to the supermarket or grocery, just pass by it. It's not worth you money anyways.
  • kaylindeschanel
    kaylindeschanel Posts: 105 Member
    eat healthier versions of whatever it is that you're craving.
    here's a recipe for you:

    Healthiest Batch of Cookies on Earth


    2 tablespoon coconut flour
    2 tablespoon mashed banana or applesauce
    pinch of salt
    stevia or other sweetener, to taste
    1/8 teaspoon baking powder
    3 tablespoon almond milk, or milk of choice
    Chocolate chips

    Preheat oven to 350F.
    In a small bowl, mix coconut flour, baking powder, and salt.
    Add in masked banana or applesauce and stir.
    Add in almond milk, one tablespoon at a time until fully incorporated.
    Stir in chocolate chips.
    Drop dough by tablespoon or teaspoon, depending on how big you want them, on a parchment lined baking sheet.
    Flatten the dough into cookie shapes.
    Bake in the oven at 350F for 10 minutes.
    Let cool.

  • VJKitz
    VJKitz Posts: 3 Member
    It won't help much, but you have a ton of company. Most of us have binged at one time or another, but I have learned that you just trudge on. If you were a failure, you wouldn't be on this site. Good luck.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Don't buy the sweets. Wait until you can get your binging under control, and then that way when you crave a cookie or a piece of chocolate you can allow yourself to have it and enjoy it without devouring the whole bag. Portion control and Moderation is key!

    Good luck!:tongue:
  • I have that problem too but when I increase my daily calorie intake, it is much easier to resist temptation. When I tried sticking to 1200 cals I was having a hard time resisting so I eat at least 1600 per day. It helps.
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    My strategy is to control my environment relative to sweets. What this means is that I do not buy cookies thinking that I will eat one and put the bag away. I have learned that this does not work for me. I cannot even enjoy the first cookie because I am thinking about the next one. And the one after that. Without simple carbohydrate snacks available to me, I can resist them better. The more time that goes by without eating any, the more I can live without them. They really serve no nutritional benefit -- and I know what they taste like, right? With exercise (and MFP and Fitbit) in my life, I have made a mind-connection to how much I have to work to burn calories. And to eat a cookie and waste that effort? No way. If I eat back my exercise calories, it's going to be something that is not only nutritious but satiating, like a nonfat/sugar-free yogurt, as an example.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    1200 isn't enough. I try to eat above my BMR so I have my cals set at 1559 and then eat back some exercise cals. It really helps to prevent binging (except on alcohol) lol But with sweets it really helps. You don't feel deprived so it feels ok to just have a little bit.
  • NadineSabbagh
    NadineSabbagh Posts: 142 Member
    Haha, we all know that feeling very well!!

    You just have to try to not buy the sweets... I find that if the food isn't there, I won't eat it. But the minute it is in front of me I'll just lose all will power and eat it :/ so the best thing is to get rid of the temptation.

    You can also substitute sweets for healthier options. I made a chocolate mousse the other day using avocado, banana, organic cocoa powder and honey and despite it sounding weird it was really nice! It got rid of my cravings too. You can also make little chocolate truffles by blending dates, almonds, shredded coconut and a little bit of cocoa powder.. they taste amazing! Sugar free jelly was always my go-to food if I needed something 'unhealthy'.
  • kerricus
    kerricus Posts: 165 Member
    Unless you are very petite, you should be eating more calories.

    Also, don't buy the cookies! Avoid that aisle in the grocery store. If you buy them you will eat them. Don't go there. (I speak from experience.)

    Read a book like "The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite" or "Salt Sugar Fat". They should be at your library or cheap on Amazon. They explain why you eat too much. For some reason, understanding the "why" makes it so much easier to change habits.
  • You all have been so wonderful in helping me ...tomorrow is another day and I have all your help to get me there....thank you...:smile:
  • The other day I couldn't get a cookie out of my mind so I bought ONE. And I ate three bites and threw it out the window of my truck. It was the only way to not eat the whole thing. Learn the three bite rule. It will satiate your palette and you won't crave anymore.... but you must throw the rest of the item away! lol! I know myself and I can't be trusted.
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I have that problem too but when I increase my daily calorie intake, it is much easier to resist temptation. When I tried sticking to 1200 cals I was having a hard time resisting so I eat at least 1600 per day. It helps.

    I was just going to write this. I've upped my calories to about 2000/day and haven't had any cravings...yet. I think it's because I'm not letting myself get hungry. I'm still working out and such about 4-5x/wk, so I know I won't gain weight...but will most likely lose a bit more slower, which is fine as long as I lose.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I'd say if you have them on hand, log in one or two cookies and tell yourself you will eat that one or two, but no more, as you didn't log it. Tell yourself you'll be lying to eat more than you logged and you're not going to lie to yourself. If you don't have them on hand, don't buy them.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Yes--I agree with the poster who said you should be eating more. Eating more nutrient-dense food should go a long way toward helping you to avoid bingeing.
  • Mavrick_RN
    Mavrick_RN Posts: 439 Member
    The other day I couldn't get a cookie out of my mind so I bought ONE. And I ate three bites and threw it out the window of my truck. It was the only way to not eat the whole thing. Learn the three bite rule. It will satiate your palette and you won't crave anymore.... but you must throw the rest of the item away! lol! I know myself and I can't be trusted.

    Oh yeah, now some rodent is hooked on sugar. LOL

    Seriously though the three bite rule is a very helpful strategy.. Enjoy, really ENJOY those three bites. Savor, smack your lips, turn to that imaginary sibling and and make 'em green with envy (remember doing that to my brother when he had already eaten HIS chocolate easter bunny) The moment of truth is getting rid of the rest of the temptation. Gotta be strong for a few seconds. Then you're golden!

    Sorry the medical person in me has to say you probably meant to say palate.
  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    I have this same problem. Most of the tips have been said. If you don't have these trigger foods in your home it is easier to not fall into temptation. If you live with family members that have a drawer full of them and you can't help it like I do. Maybe allow yourself one nuttybar, or 2 oatmeal cookies as a treat but once every two weeks and schedule it in so you can have something to look forward to and not just be cutting out of your life forever. These foods that will be around in day to day life. It is unrealistic to say I will never ever eat a cookie or another slice of pumpkin pie. Also try to make healthy alternatives to something. I love brownies so now after reasearching I can make healthy brownies and imitation pumpkin pie with less calories. Sure sometimes we will relapse even with all the new tools and habits we build are old habit of binging will be something we just have to work on and try our best to control. I hope one of these tips helped. Best of luck. Keep strong and going. Don't give up on this journey.
  • vdurnell
    vdurnell Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a binge eater also. If I don't have any sweets in house, I'll mix peanut butter and honey and toast!..........guess I should get rid of them, too! I need to lose 40 lbs. and am starting over again today! I know I have a problem with sweets/carbs cravings....and one bite is never enough. It just calls me back for more and more. I wish I could get over these binges, too. I hope you have a great day today and keep it up one day at a time.