Its not easy being a loser!

Okay so here is another topic about not being able to lose weight.

I think I know what my problem is though, only thing I cant figure out is how to fix it!

First of all, I'm on weight watchers. So I have not been counting calories. In the first 2 weeks I lost about 4 lbs, or so I think (from tracking my weight). Its been 4 weeks now since i have started, and sometimes I weigh in around 187, sometimes its 185. I figure its water weight doing that. I am 5'5" by the way. The past 2 weeks I have lost nothing. I started at about 190, but I didnt own a scale when I started.

I have 30 points per day in weight watchers and 49 points per week. Almost every day I eat all my 30 points, sometimes maybe 1-2 points off, either more or less. I usually eat around 10-20 of my weekly points. I exercise 5 times a week on the elliptical, this week just started trying HIIT on the elliptical, I thought maybe I am not exercising hard enough. I do that for 30 minutes. I suspect I burn around 300 calories, I try to keep my heart rate around 160. I also lift 5 lbs weights for 10 minutes after my workout on some days, for my arms.

Well, today I took everything out of the fridge/freezer and wrote down the calories. I added up a weeks amount of calories I had per day. I am eating around 1100-1200 per day. Today was less, around 900! Thats where I think I am making a mistake. Although, I am using all my WW points for a day (well today I had 6 left), but I am full! I do not feel like eating any more. I am drinking tons of water. I cut out sodas since a month now. I eat a lot of chicken, I try to get protein in with every meal, and try to get a vegetable with every meal. I take multivitamins. and most importantly, I'm hypothyroid, but I am on medication for it.

So, if I am not eating enough calories, what am I supposed to eat if I am not hungry? I mean sure I could snack on chips or chocolate but I know that would be a bad decision. Or even if I ate fruit, that could be bad .. especially if I ate a large enough amount to fill in all those calories? and probably not enough calories anyways. I think I eat enough carbs for the day so I wouldnt really want to add anymore in that area, same goes for sodium. I am kinda picky eater, I hate most vegetables, and i avoid very fattening things because they make me sick. carrots, potatoes, corn are fine, but the last 2 are starchy so I only eat 1 serving of those when I have them. Any suggestions on calorie-filling snacks?


  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    Any nuts would be great, high incalories and good fats. Avocado, peanut butter,cheese, olive oil... Those are good for you and high in calories, make sure to check your portion sizes:smile:
  • aronao
    aronao Posts: 112 Member
    For higher-calorie snacks, try dry roasted nuts, bananas, peanut butter, protein bars. Also, have you had your thyroid levels checked recently?
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    hiya, thanks for your answers! ill try nuts.

    I had my thyroid checked by my regular doctor at the beginning of April. she said it is all fine and continue taking my current dose. only 50 mcg of levothyroxine. i feel that it might be low, so in a few days i have an appointment for a thyroid specialist, just to be sure.

    also, if i am exercising 5 times a week and estimate i burn 300 calories each time, thats 1500 calories a week. would it be better to eat 1500 calories on exercise days (net 1200 cal) and 1200 cals on days off, or should i just estimate to eat about 1414 calories every day?
  • aronao
    aronao Posts: 112 Member
    Hi again

    I've read that even though your TSH can be in the normal range, it's better to be in the lower end of normal as some people still have symptoms when their level is in the upper end of normal. Maybe ask the thyroid specialist about that.

    I eat the same calories per day regardless of whether it's an exercise day or not. Exercise is already factored in to that.
  • mudflatmabel
    mudflatmabel Posts: 138 Member
    I would track the foods you do eat on MFP, then you can see where you are coming up short. If you eat nuts, don't eat them before a meal, if you are already having a tough time getting in all the points you need to eat. Also, you should really try to find more veggies that you can eat, and like. Also, fruit is really good. I always eat an apple after my workout, it helps up my blood sugar levels and satiates me until I can get home for lunch.

    Good luck!

    PS By the way, dark chocolate is not bad for you - in moderation, of course. I have that for an evening snack when I want sweets - mostly in the form of chocolate chips!

  • PS By the way, dark chocolate is not bad for you - in moderation, of course. I have that for an evening snack when I want sweets - mostly in the form of chocolate chips!

    Yes - I'm with you!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    hiya, thanks for your answers! ill try nuts.

    I had my thyroid checked by my regular doctor at the beginning of April. she said it is all fine and continue taking my current dose. only 50 mcg of levothyroxine. i feel that it might be low, so in a few days i have an appointment for a thyroid specialist, just to be sure.

    also, if i am exercising 5 times a week and estimate i burn 300 calories each time, thats 1500 calories a week. would it be better to eat 1500 calories on exercise days (net 1200 cal) and 1200 cals on days off, or should i just estimate to eat about 1414 calories every day?

    Make sure you're estimating correctly when it comes to exercise. In answer to your specific question, daily intake doesn't matter a ton. A lot of people will go with a weekly intake. If you get 1200 two days a week and 1500 calories five days a week, then you can actually do 9,900 and divide it up however you want through the seven day period, plus whatever your exercise calories are.

    Most people would recommend netting above 1200 calories a day, though. Try 1350-1400?
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    thanks for the more answers! yea i know i should get more vegge's in, i try new ones every now and then to find one in that i wouldnt mind eating. dark chocolate eh... ill look into that for my common sweet tooth :P lol. Fruits have been more plentiful in my diet the past couple weeks... watermelons, cantaloupe, apples, clementines. i dont eat fruit every day though, should I?

    ive been studying more into the BMR and TDEE. BMR about 1600, TDEE about 1900. so, -20% would be about 1500 (without including eating exercise cals)... still seems a little high though, i mean its only 100 less than the BMR, and im pretty sedentary throughout the day, but im still not, eh totally educated on those matters yet, lol. i will just try to get as many cals in as i can. at the least net 1200 and if i can get a lil more. today i netted about 1600 though cause it was my cheat day XD

    and to me it seems it would be easier keeping the net cal the same every day anyways, so then on some days i am not going hungry compared to others. or if i go so much over one day then i guess i can adjust the intake the next day.