I'm gonna need some friends. I'll accept most anybody.



  • I've committed to logging my food and exercise religiously for a minimum of three months - and I've just recently started - I'll see how it goes from there. My internet is not reliable and I occasionally travel to locations where there is no such beast as internet, so I may miss a day here and there, but will backfill it when I log back on.

    Feel free to add me and that goes for anyone, I'm also grossly non discriminatory, so will be glad to partner with anyone who is willing to try to log on every day.

    Be warned - I've been accused of having a strange sense of humor and often call anyone younger than my oldest son "kid."

    Keep it up!
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    You can add me I am on here every day and i do great logging my food..
  • You can add me I am on here every day and i do great logging my food..

    cool :)
  • jnnfrch
    jnnfrch Posts: 65 Member
    i find logging really helps :)

    im pretty committed to this and on here everyday like a loser :P feel free to add me!
  • Cpt_Kirk_2013
    Cpt_Kirk_2013 Posts: 27 Member
    I actively log everyday. Happy to be friends with anyone that needs more.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Yeah, I'm here. I log food. And drink.

    Add me, anyone who wants a dire warning :)
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    If I bite it, I write it. Pretty much everything goes down in my food diary - even vegetables like cucumber and celery. I'm not so militant about herbal teas though....!

    I'm pretty fastidious about what I eat and will only really eat a meal if it's laid out in front of me in terms of the calorific (and other value) contents on my diary. I also weigh EVERYTHING, and if you are in doubt, overestimate instead of underestimate.
  • Now I just need to start logging. lol
  • Now I just need to start logging. lol

    Will have to use the "bite it write it" way!
  • KristiCastro27
    KristiCastro27 Posts: 31 Member
    I need the accountability also! Feel free to add me!! :)
  • myed2010
    myed2010 Posts: 1
    Hi I am Dianna I need a support group even though I don't have alot to lose I am struggling but, I want to be healthy:bigsmile:
  • I'm new here but really into logging everything, including my drinks and oils I'm gonna cook with .. Logging it all is very important , lets you see everything that has passed through your lips .. I'm here for people who are serious about MFP and ready to try and do something about being healthier.. we all slip and it's good to have someone around who understands and will kick ya in the butt to get motivated again..
  • added
  • hmm
  • :)
  • lizlovestrees
    lizlovestrees Posts: 47 Member
    If I don't log what I eat, I over eat :/ KEEP LOGGING!
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I log EVERYTHING. If you don't you're just deluding yourself. I've been here a little under 3 months, have lost 10 lbs., and have been down at every weigh-in. I keep an open diary, feel free to add me if you like.
  • dawnleitch2016
    dawnleitch2016 Posts: 1 Member
    I think I'm actually addicted to MFP. I HAVE to log in every day now!! I have up and down weeks but I know I'm being honest. Only have 2 friends and they are real friends and we're in this together, but I'd love some new friends too, because I need a reason to use the app more lol
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: i tried to send a friend request your way & it said you had deactivated your account! if you re-activate it you can add me! i am on here several times a day & i answer all of my friends everyday! you must log everything that you put into your mouth, including water! that is the only way to do it & be successful!