Military diet?????



  • OmegaAlpha007
    OmegaAlpha007 Posts: 70 Member
    I must have been either dead tired through my whole time in the Corps because I never heard of such thing? I don't know if this might be from another branch but it's plain stupid sorry for the word... stop kidding yourself there's no diet plan, just change the way you eat to achieve your goals!

    I feel like I should keep going but I shall hold back...
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    I've been on the weight control program in the military before and sure as heck never heard of any "military diet."

    I'm still in and have lost 25 lbs with MFP.

    This is an unhealthy crash diet.

    Calories in, calories out. Use MFP.
  • marieskee
    marieskee Posts: 120 Member
    Military diet---> my guess is they named it the military diet because most people in the military are fit. The best way for permanent weight loss is through proper diet and exercise. Please refrain from trying such because it does not break bad eating habits. Try to focus on a lifestyle change versus a quick fix.
  • stephm112
    stephm112 Posts: 297 Member
    My fiance is in the Royal Marines and sure as hell doesn't eat like that! If he needs to lose 10lb quick he does about 5 hours of hardcore working out while still eating about 4000 cals a day!!! He lost about 8lbs in a week by going on crazy runs with weight and going mental in the gym! I think this is just another fad diet, will come off I'm sure as it's low caolries, but will probably just go back on!
  • sandi117
    sandi117 Posts: 445 Member
    I'd rather do the GM diet over that...

    And even then, the only true way you are going to lose weight and keep it off is to exercise, eat under your calories and try to fit your macros, and be patient. I've heard it said, and have said it myself many times, if it has the word "diet" in it, it's probably not good for you in the long run.
  • neesono
    neesono Posts: 61
    Ok so after trying this for 3 days here are the results.......

    Day 1: 206
    Final weight....204

    Yep 2lbs. Not worth the effort at all.

    I followed this ridiculous "diet" to the letter with nothing to show for it but a 2lb loss. Hell, you can lose 2lbs after a good visit to the bathroom.

    The only thing this "diet" really did for me was make me crave EVERYTHING! Things I normally don't eat I wanted in abundance.

    So my little friends and freaks, in my amateur opinion I would say run away from this "diet". As far and as fast as you can. You want fast results? Get liposuction. Aside from that just put in the work.

    I hope this helps.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    its garbage.