Bye Bye Belly?!?!

OK folks... I've got an issue that I can't seem to get over. It's obvious that I'm somewhat on the right track because I'm losing weight and in general, feeling better. My deal is this, I can't seem to lose my stomach. Any of you have any tips or suggestions that I might do to help it get gone faster. I tried chalking it up to the fact I had a vertical c-section incision(didn't know they were still doing these) with 28 staples(YES 28!!). I then had to get that incision reopened twice and had to keep changing the dressing because it wasn't healing properly. After roughly 5 months of having an open wound, it now looks like I have 3 belly buttons. As far as the scar itself, I'm not ashamed of it at all because I got something pretty spectacular from it. I just want my stomach to get a bit firmer and flatter than it is now. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    You can't spot reduce fat. We are all genetically programmed to carry extra fat in certain areas. Some women carry it on their hips, some in their midsection.

    All you can do is keep losing weight.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Yep, agree with above. What makes it worse is that frequently the belly fat is the last to go.
  • Kaypix
    Kaypix Posts: 72 Member
    Unfortunately we all hold it where we fold, sort of. Each person has a genetic predisposition to where he or she will store body fat. For me, it's my thighs, love handles and lower portion of my waist primarily. Unfortunately that is the LAST bit of reserve the body will have for fat, and holds onto it the most.

    With that being said, you said you wanted a firmer stomach area, so you could definitely start working on some core strength to help tighten the abs (they do hold our guts in and make our stomachs look flatter in general).

    A good friend of mine had a c-section a little over a year ago, and due to complications, got a tummy tuck basically for free. Still don' think that one was fair! LoL.
  • christywolfe
    Thanks y'all. I've thought about using some plastic wrap or something similar just to help hold it in while I'm working out. But when I looked in my cabinets all I could find was bubble wrap. I didn't think that would be a very good idea. Lol
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    A small deficit (fat loss), a good weight training program and about 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass (muscle retention) and time. Inevitably, you will lose in the stomach but it takes time.
  • TLHarwick
    TLHarwick Posts: 44 Member
    In addition (or not helping) your overall situation may be that you could be suffering from diastsis recti. Basically, being pregnant seperates the two halves or your ab muscle... making everything bulge out. Goggle it - there is a lot of information and exercises. They claim that traditional ab workouts might actually make it worse...

    I almost would have rather had a vertical section! I have had 4 C-Sections with the bikini line incision and now I have what I call the "mommy flap" which equates to a fair amount of scar tissue hanging off the end of my stomach... Dr. says that I can make it appear better by strengthening the girdle muscles (thus lifting it up and making it appear smaller), but other than that I would need to have it surgically removed.. and I am deathly afraid of surgery.. maybe one day?

    Best of luck!
  • christywolfe
    I would have much rather had the bikini cut. Any wrong movement with the one I had was so painful. Also, in certain pants, it looks like I have a front butt. So not cool. But I've never heard of that diastis recti. I will def be googling it. Thanks.