Good morning all, I am a 30+ year old woman who is 300+ pounds. I know I am capable of doing all things through CHRIST who strenghtens me. The problem here lately is that I don't feel very strong. As many I've been down this path before, losing 70+ pounds only to be sidelined by life, car accidents (which caused injury), and just the guilt of getting my self back to this place....the place of almost defeat. Well no more do I want to feel like I can't do this, watch life from the sidelines, or giving up! I want to stay in this fight so any support, advice, or encouragement u can give will be warmly and graciously recieved. Have a good day! Tomara


  • GO GIRL!! You CAN do it, dont put too much pressure on yourself as this always makes me down, going for little walks when you feel like giving in and drinking lots of water helps too. good luck x
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    You totally can do this! the first thing is taking a stand against yourself and wanting the change...thats the hardest part.

  • awetherell
    awetherell Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Tomara! The fact that you're motivated takes you halfway there already. Also, you know you can do it as you have lost over 70lbs already before, which is a pretty amazing feat! Good luck. Stay strong and remember why you want this, even if/when you feel it's not worth it. You are ALWAYS worth it, just push through. I'm happy to provide support and encouragement if you want it - just send me a request! xx
  • FerryfieldLad
    FerryfieldLad Posts: 185 Member
    Feel free to add me - and you'll do well so long as you don't put lots of pressure on yourself!
  • I would suggest reading the book Eat to Live. It is really good and that is what I reflect back on each day. You can do this, you have already made the first step. Once I knew what was REALLY in the foods on the shelf and how it is made, that is what keeps me going. I want to be the one to make the choice of what goes in my body not what others decide to put in foods to make them look and taste better. And addict you too!
    Good luck, we are here for you!:wink:
  • Jennvandemark
    Jennvandemark Posts: 179 Member
    Welcome to MFP, you are going to get that weight off this time I can see your dedication in your post. Exercise and log and those pounds will start to fall off. Good luck to you and remember one day at a time. If you screw up and eat some junk no worries tomorrow is a new day. It took us years to put the weight on so it's not going to come off over night. Also one little tip, take a before picture and take your measurements now. Those pictures and numbers are going to come in handy in a few months. :)
  • docturtle
    docturtle Posts: 156 Member
    Joining my fitness pal is a great first step! It works if you can stick with it and abide by it! Welcome! =)
  • Judi29
    Judi29 Posts: 10
    You can do this! Commit each day to getting better. Make exercise a part of your daily life. Feel free to add me as a friend so I can be encouraging to you! Good luck!
  • keeperofthezoo
    keeperofthezoo Posts: 11 Member
    You can most definitely do this!
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    You can do this. Stay strong. Work out and eat healthy. Be committed and this is breeze. A long and sometimes lonely breeze but a rewarding one nonetheless.

    Weight loss is nothing compared to recovering from a heart attack or stroke. Not that you have had those issues but being overweight helps cause those problems

    Add me if you are looking for encouraging friends.
  • I just joined yesterday, I can't believe the amount of support I have received so far. It will be a long road but stay committed, start off small and keep adding to your goals. My biggest weakness is eating from emotions/stress. I LOVE fast food and happen to have Wendys, Boston Pizza, Tim Hortons and Little Caesars in my back yard. Quite the temptation however I am noticing changes in my health as I keep adding on to my weight as I get closer to the 30 mark.

    We can do this together!!
  • nicoleashley_24
    nicoleashley_24 Posts: 144 Member
    Welcome! I have found MFP to be a very positive, encouraging environment. Plus, reading everyone's success stories is huge motivation. So good luck on your journey, you can do this!
  • sara0ann
    sara0ann Posts: 57 Member
    CONGRATS for taking the first step back into the game!! You're going to rock this journey so well! One day at a time and success will be yours!!
  • If you would like inspiration, look around on the blogs section for before and after pics -- there are some truly amazing changes by people who had as much or more to lose than you do who did it slowly and steadily. Make sure to take all your measurements now (and some before pictures), and keep repeating measurements and pictures as you go -- you will be shocked at the difference when you compare later on!

    PLEASE, RIGHT NOW -- do the calculations yourself to determine what your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) is, and then base your daily calorie amounts on a reasonable reduction from that, rather than on a one-size-fits-all calorie count that is too low and will cause you to starve yourself, burn out, and stall in your weight loss. Starving does not lead to weight loss; reasonable, sustainable, consistent calorie reduction while eating enough healthy food to fuel your body is what leads to weight loss. God bless you as you make the journey to a more healthy self.
  • Congrats on making the first step to a healthier you!!! I know we all need motivation so feel free to add me!

    You can do this!!!!
  • takeisha74
    takeisha74 Posts: 9 Member
    This is day 8 for me, and im enjoying that i have been able to stick to it, YOU CAN DO IT.......WE ALL CAN DO IT, :bigsmile:
  • Good afternoon,

    I have made the decision that I want to honor God in EVERYTHING I do and that includes honoring the body he gave me. I am starting a diet again but hopefully with a different outcome! I am getting married in December. I can't stand the idea of being a FAT BRIDE! Good luck and prayers!

  • 5erious
    5erious Posts: 469
    Find ur TDEE. Decrease ur calories by 500 and stay consistent.
  • crt1128
    crt1128 Posts: 8 Member
    To echo the others, you absolutely can do this! Just take it day by day. Don't set a goal too far, or punish youself if you don't meet it in the time you want. Every day is a new day. Feel free to add me if you like! I started at 299 and have lost 8lbs in just about a month. Good luck!