Looking for new friends/ Motivation

Hello, I'm looking for friends I don't care how old or young you are or where you come from or gender! :P I'm new here, well had my account a while but haven't used it til I was really ready to be committed and now I am! I have a long path ahead of me realistically wanting to lose 139 lbs. to get to my goal weight :D so I'm gonna be here for a while! All are welcome to add me!! :) ~Have a nice day folks


  • starfinale
    starfinale Posts: 309 Member
    hey! I have over 100 to lose! I'll add you! I need new active friends :)
  • LynGrahamKemp
    LynGrahamKemp Posts: 32 Member
    Hello all, this is the perfect place to start. I started my journey March 2012, lost some weight with the help of the friends Ive met on here and it was wonderful. I just rejoined and cant wait to continue my journey :bigsmile:
  • Elicur
    Elicur Posts: 78 Member
    always up for new friends. especially if they can give me meal ideas hah
  • lee625
    lee625 Posts: 28 Member
    Just started on this site last week myself. Feel free to add me if you like..
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    New friends always welcome! I eat clean and exercise almost every day :-)
  • shamah84
    shamah84 Posts: 110 Member
    Friend Request sent :)
  • Hi I am looking for some people that I can talk to about my diet, etc and for some advise :)
  • xxmzangel
    xxmzangel Posts: 119 Member
    Adding! I recently lost just under 100 lbs but gained about 20 or so back the last few months. Still have at least 100 more to go, so I should be here a while as well! :)
  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member
    anyone can add meeeeeeeeee!
  • :smile:

    Just sent you a friends request, I am 5'2 , in the past I lost over 50 lbs however the last couple of years it crept back on me and I am looking to loose the 40 lbs I put on. My bro lost 35 lbs on this and has been my inspiration. I too could use motivation and I am hoping we can help each other along with others on this site. Being over 40 my metabolism is sluggish and I get so frustrated when I see the scale on the same weight 3 wks in a row. I know it is a plateau but it makes me want to give up until I read these forums and realize there is always someone to inspire you to keep going

    Don't give up, cause I know I won't!!!!
  • TomTomato
    TomTomato Posts: 223
    Ready to be committed? Hmmmm. Sure I'll be your friend. FR sent.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    I'm not too young or too old :) I've been using MFP for more than 200 straight days. I love the support of this community. Anyone can add me :)
  • brabhams05
    brabhams05 Posts: 3 Member
    I looking for more friends too! I got MFP awhile ago but didn't really get into it until just recently.