Facebook: Worlds Colliding

Anyone have any experience sharing MFP with Facebook? I'm afraid that worlds will collide - the stuff I share here is more personal than my FB Stuff - but I have some anonymity here as I've never met any of my MFP friends. Just curious......


  • asteppaway
    asteppaway Posts: 54 Member
    I thought about it, but didn't see the point...I like keeping things seperate...always better to be in the cautious side!
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    I share :) I have some friends on FB who I walk with, as well as some others that have been losing weight like crazy and I have even managed to inspire a few of them to start walking and working on better health just by my stuff that pops up. I don't KNOW all of my FB friends but even the ones I'm not personal with have nothing but encouraging words to say. I think that being "FAT" is such a taboo topic that for me to share my progress/journey helps others feel more open about it.

    Its definitely a personal choice, but anyone who knows me, knows I need to lose the weight, so I have no shame/embarrassment in sharing what I'm doing and accomplishing by being more active and eating better!
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Anyone have any experience sharing MFP with Facebook? I'm afraid that worlds will collide - the stuff I share here is more personal than my FB Stuff - but I have some anonymity here as I've never met any of my MFP friends. Just curious......

    Almost all of my stuff posts to FB, I wanted that for additional account ability, but note i said almost. the comments I post (whats on your mind) but my food diary and my work out that all posts to FB. I have some common friends on both. This is part of my life now, and I don't really care who knows it. But everyone has to make those choices on their own.
  • travelgirl09
    travelgirl09 Posts: 151 Member
    I only allow posts about my exercise for the day and when I've completed my daily entry to be posted on FB. It has helped me stay accountable on my workouts and daily logging. All my fb friends are so supportive, it really helps. You don't have to let everything be posted, just what you want. Good luck.
  • nomoremuffintop2010
    I don't mind my two worlds coming together. Now that all of my friends are aware of my life change they are so encouraging ! I love that my progress gets updated of Face-book. I want to fear the guilt of falling of track. I'm not going to fail this time and I want everyone to know it !
  • alphaip
    alphaip Posts: 86
    You don't have to let everything be posted, just what you want. Good luck.

    This is helpful - thanks.