Discourage and want to give up!!

I have been on my fitness pal for 25 days and I have been going to the gym 4 days a week and I have been watching what I eat and tracking everything. I am also drink plenty of water but I have only lost 3 pounds and I am getting really discouraged. I did weight watchers last year and in the first month I lost around 15 pounds. I realize 25 days is not a long time but I should be seeing some change! And advice would be appreciated.


  • Are you checking your measurements? You may be loosing inches even if it's not reflecting on the scale.
  • I haven't measured myself but my clothes are still fitting the same and I don't notice any changes. :(
  • fShaw86
    fShaw86 Posts: 878 Member
    Just to make you feel better, I hit the gym 6 days a week... All the good stuff- lifting, cardio, strength training, blah blah. Track every morsel that I stuff into my face, eat clean, healthy and whatnot... I have stagnated at my current weight for close to a month now. :/
    Are you checking your measurements? You may be loosing inches even if it's not reflecting on the scale.
    This is true. Lost about 2-3" almost everywhere :)
  • I am 5'10 223.6 24 years old and Not sure on the BMI!

    My calorie goal set by MFP is 1310 I believe.
  • nnm1976
    nnm1976 Posts: 19 Member
    I know it can be expensive, but maybe you should consider a trainer. I've found that having a trainer to jump start my workouts was a huge help! He put me on the path that I needed to go on, because prior to him I was kind of roaming the gym and doing a little of this and that. Now I go with a purpose/ plan. I know that I'm doing cardio (I'm not the treadmill type so I take classes) M/W/F and that Tues is arms and abs and Thursday is legs and abs. You can also look on line for fitness plans, I'm sure they are there. Also, having a fitness partner was a big help for me as well. I work out with my sister, it's turn into a competition. When I see her working hard...it pushes me to work hard and vice versa. JUST WHATEVER YOU DO ... DON'T GIVE UP...push youself harder...try something new like cycling or swimming, you're bound to see results eventually.
  • Without knowing too much of your details, here are some immediate suggestions of things to consider:

    1. 15 pounds in one month is going to be bunch of water weight but also significant muscle loss. The scale looks great but once you get off the program you immediately gain the weight back in fat, not muscle making it that much harder the next time.

    2. Take measurements. Do this first thing in the morning when you wake up TOMORROW! Before the kids get up, before you have a cup of coffee, before you do anything else. Measure your waist, hips, bust, thighs. Write them down.

    3. How hard are you working out and what are you doing? You need weight training to build muscle mass in order to burn more calories throughout the day. Also suggest bumping up to 5 days per week if you can. You should be working out HARD!

    4. Take a closer look at your nutrition. Are you recording EVERYTHING! If it goes in your mouth it goes in MFP. I'd suggest a split between Carbs/Protein/Fat of 40/30/30 but everyone has a slightly different view on that. What is your calorie goal each day? Are you hitting that? Eating enough?

    5. 3 lbs in 25 days is actually not too far from the pace that you want. In order to lose fat without losing muscle you aren't typically going to lose more than about 2 lbs in a week. Losing faster means muscle loss. STICK WITH IT AND DON'T GET DISCOURAGED!!!!!!!!
  • I also want to add that I feel like I am retaining an unreal amount of water. I drink about 80 oz a day and still feel like I am carrying around all 80 ounces every day all day!
  • 1310 calories sounds too low. You might bump that up to 1600-1700 calories for a few weeks and see how your body responds.
    I am 5'10 223.6 24 years old and Not sure on the BMI!

    My calorie goal set by MFP is 1310 I believe.
  • I actually spoke to a personal trainer at the gym yesterday and I am going to meet with her on Friday. I have been doing cardio (treadmill, elliptical, bike) and I started weights yesterday. I also have been walking in the evenings and I have done a week of insanity and I just get really upset when I don't see any change! I will also increase my calories and see if that helps! Thank you!
  • My mom has been "clean eating" so I have just changed my grocery buying habits and I have buying more real foods so hopefully this will help me! I would love to get to the gym 5 days a week but I am a full time student and I am a stay at home mom. I just had to start paying a daycare so I can get into the gym. This is all good advice!
  • AKHerring
    AKHerring Posts: 22 Member
    I had your same problem last year. Don't give up! I did and I regret it more than you know. Make sure you eat all of your calories, don't let your body keep everything you eat.
  • Erin0164
    Erin0164 Posts: 64 Member
    If it makes you feel any better, it usually takes 6 weeks for me to see any significant change. Just the way my body reacts. Stick with it!!!
  • I changed my goals and it changed my calorie goal for the day to 1490. I have noticed that I have been measuring my food I get full faster. Should I be having lots of small meals? I feel like I am in over my head.

    I was on weight watchers for 8 months (jan-aug) last year and lost 34 pounds and I gained 20 of it back.
  • _Danno_
    _Danno_ Posts: 165
    I actually spoke to a personal trainer at the gym yesterday and I am going to meet with her on Friday. I have been doing cardio (treadmill, elliptical, bike) and I started weights yesterday. I also have been walking in the evenings and I have done a week of insanity and I just get really upset when I don't see any change! I will also increase my calories and see if that helps! Thank you!

    Have you adjusted your kcals to allow for burnt calories through exercise? You will be well under you daily allowance if you haven't
  • Kcals?
  • Erin0164
    Erin0164 Posts: 64 Member
    Eat more veggies and fruits - it's always a good idea! Trying taking a stroll every morning to get your metabolism going for the day. I read even a 10 minutes walk does wonders.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I actually spoke to a personal trainer at the gym yesterday and I am going to meet with her on Friday. I have been doing cardio (treadmill, elliptical, bike) and I started weights yesterday. I also have been walking in the evenings and I have done a week of insanity and I just get really upset when I don't see any change! I will also increase my calories and see if that helps! Thank you!

    A heavy exercise program like Insanity causes our bodies to flood the sore muscles with water to help them heal, which often masks any fat loss happening. Could be part of your problem.
  • _Danno_
    _Danno_ Posts: 165

    Sorry kcals means calories (could be a uk thing)
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Is your goal on MFP set up to lose 1 pound per week? If so, that sounds about right.
  • Maybe you have a slow metabolism, my aunt works out 6 times a week and eats around 1400 cal and cannot lose any weight. Perhaps you should see your doctor and get some blood work done for a slow thyroide.